Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Had a quick blast through a HC adventure in EDZ progressing a couple of quest lines, will be on later tonight...after the football.
So im downloading this on steam now, i thoroughly enjoyed forsaken but lost all interest soon after i was done with that.
As a forsaken owner what can i expect in terms of missing content?
Servers came up around 1:30am and were fine all night. Got two chars to soft cap of 900 +4 on artifact and story done on one. Going to need to balance powerful rewards working up to my main for the raid on Saturday but it seems fun. Grindy, but fun. Just hope a lot of the nightmare stuff rotates.
Bloody hell Gamble!

I had a quick half an hour last night (late finish at work, decrypt, install new graphics card, get food etc). My initial impressions are great (spoiler free).

- Opening segment was extremely well done I thought, really set the scene for something a bit epic.
- I felt loading times were a bit quicker, but that might have been placebo.
- The graphical refresh to the enemies you encounter in the opening section was welcome, made it feel much more like something "new" to me.
- Few blues dropped so far. Definitely different to Forsaken, no Edge Transit yet.
So is this game working ok for you guys now?

I am having all sorts of problems, jsut in the opening segment, I keep getting dumped out with server errors. And if I manage to get to the end where you are supposed to find your dropship (I guess) the room is empty and there are no nav points at all, then within about 2 minutes it'll dump me out of the game syaing there is a server error, is this normal???????

EDIT: Sorry the error messages say I am experiencing network issues, when I am pretty sure my internet connection is perfectly fine.
Been looking at Bungie's Twitter and it looks like they are still having a few issues, it will probably take a day or two to settle down.
Ok, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I hope that it is just them having issues that will be sorted.

What I am worried about, is I used to play a game called Warframe, put quite a lot of hours into it solo, and started playing more with other people. However I used to get all sorts of intermittent problems with it, couldn't join games with others, or just didnt connect full stop, wierd stuff, yet soemtimes it worked fine.

Turns out it was something to do with my router settings and universal plug and play. Basically I had to manually open a couple of ports to allow the game to work properly, the problem was, that only worked temporarily, say for like, one session in game, then it would cut the connection again, and I'd have to restart my router/PC or both for it to work, after a while I basically gave up.

I am hoping it isnt a similar thing with this game, or it'll basically kill the game for me off the bat.

Shame because from what I have managed to play so far it seems pretty good.
Guys someone enlighten me, if I get the standard edition of Shadowkeep aside from the deluxe edition, will I be missing out?
Bungie will have had to make a lot of changes for the move to Steam, the release of ShadowKeep and New Light the free to play element so it's inevitable that there will be bugs. The network/connection issue's are hopefully nothing more than Bungie underestimating the popularity of the game and the resources that were required, or if I was being more cynical they didn't want to shell out for additional servers at launch as the surge of connections will settle down over the course of a day or two.
I managed to play it a bit this eve, I got through the prologue anyway.

Keeps booting me out though regularly not managed to finish a single mission yet with getting a disconnect.
So anyone know if really losing out buying standard over deluxe?

You get a season pass for the year with deluxe (there are around 3 seasons over the year) and some bits n bats including a ghost that gives extra glimmer and shows up chests on all planets. With standard you get Shadowkeep and the first season (undying mind).

They will sell the seasons separate according to Bungie later down the line.

If you ave just installed New Light then to have everything released you'd need Forsaken (I think this includes year 2 season pass now) and Shadowkeep. You don't need Forsaken to play Shadowkeep though.
I have forsaken, so the year season pass from shadowkeep I'd not actually utilise until maybe next year or even later?

Just trying to work out if actually even though it'd cost more in long run if it'd be cheaper for the next year or so.
I have forsaken, so the year season pass from shadowkeep I'd not actually utilise until maybe next year or even later?

Just trying to work out if actually even though it'd cost more in long run if it'd be cheaper for the next year or so.

It normally works out cheaper and yes it's the content that starts at the beginning of next year + there's another content drop 3 months after that (you get both of those in the deluxe version).

If you just buy the standard version you get Shadowkeep and 1 season, which is Undying Mind and that starts soon.
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