Destiny 2... It's a coming!

How do you get them?

The currency is legendary shards, but don't worry - you will be swimming in them. Even casual play will net you an abundance of legendary shards, and Xur's rates are very cheap.

I have held back for the PC version but my 2 friends capitulated and have played the PS4 version. I think they said there were into their 3rd play-through with rank 28 and 29.

General summary was 'good' but not 'great' game and similar problems to D1 i.e. grindfest with not enough content however, when human team members are in the mix with you it is a much better experience.

Yes of course two nerds on their third playthrough after just a couple of weeks will complain about a lack of content.
I have held back for the PC version but my 2 friends capitulated and have played the PS4 version. I think they said there were into their 3rd play-through with rank 28 and 29.

General summary was 'good' but not 'great' game and similar problems to D1 i.e. grindfest with not enough content however, when human team members are in the mix with you it is a much better experience.

My take is that Bungie, with their $100m+ budget, hundreds of development team members etc. and it appears they have produced 'the division' in space - part 2.

Whether that makes you feel disappointed depends on your opinion of the division and D1.

I await my PC D2 experience with an open opinion on the game but I am not expecting it to change my perspectives on PC gaming.

Thanks for the info.

I have a friend who's also interested in getting the pc version so maybe it would be worth a bash for a bit of co op action.
I've held off and just patiently waiting to see how it turns out, even to the extent that I was at EGX this weekend and didn't bother to look too much at the game. I'm not too fussed at "bullet sponging" because truth be told that is what Destiny is about, can understand the frustrations aimed at The Division which was designed to be a realistic game.

I'm not sure what made me come back to D1, assume it's the loot and revisiting areas when your character is a lot stronger.. I imagine it will be more of the same with a few tweaks. Loved D1 so if they haven't regressed on anything (which is hard to see how they could) than this should be a fantastic game with content being added. I only hope this is the one they build upon and not have to release a sequel in 2 years time.

Still not sure if I'm miffed about doing all that hardwork in D1 to lose pretty much everything for D2.
I've held off and just patiently waiting to see how it turns out, even to the extent that I was at EGX this weekend and didn't bother to look too much at the game. I'm not too fussed at "bullet sponging" because truth be told that is what Destiny is about, can understand the frustrations aimed at The Division which was designed to be a realistic game.

I'm not sure what made me come back to D1, assume it's the loot and revisiting areas when your character is a lot stronger.. I imagine it will be more of the same with a few tweaks. Loved D1 so if they haven't regressed on anything (which is hard to see how they could) than this should be a fantastic game with content being added. I only hope this is the one they build upon and not have to release a sequel in 2 years time.

Still not sure if I'm miffed about doing all that hardwork in D1 to lose pretty much everything for D2.

I never understood the complaints about bullet sponge in the RPG lite looter shooter The Division. I personally like the division a lot spite its flaws(like the UI on PC is dreadful) and really appreciate the look and feel and I think. Besides its not that spongy(that a word?) if you have just a tiny bit of the skillz when it comes to aiming. Which leads me to Destiny 2. I don't mind if it is a game with bullet sponge enemies as long as they are not dumb as a door nail. Time will tell i guess but i'm not to optimistic in this regard but as long as i get 20 hours of entertainment, that i can say i enjoyed, i would consider my 60 pounds well spent.
So, its been a little while since release and its a few weeks from PC release. Now that people have had the chance to put some serious hours into it, whats the thoughts of those who have had the chance to play for a significant amount of time since console release?
I've been playing it on PS4 since release - 3 characters at 290+ light.

I enjoy it. Always have though.

I have it on PC (I got it with my gfx card) - so will play it there too. One of the reasons I upgraded my system was I wanted it 100% rock steady 60fps @4K on max. With my 1080Ti + i5 3570K, I was getting 60fps but had to turn a couple of things down.
I've been playing it on PS4 since release - 3 characters at 290+ light.

I enjoy it. Always have though.

I have it on PC (I got it with my gfx card) - so will play it there too. One of the reasons I upgraded my system was I wanted it 100% rock steady 60fps @4K on max. With my 1080Ti + i5 3570K, I was getting 60fps but had to turn a couple of things down.

Sup fellow 3570k'er, I can't give mine up, 4.2Ghz is amaze on this chip.
You can drop most enemies quickly apart from the occasional boss/captain/shielded enemies - so to me this is not spongy at all, even in pvp - catch someone out in the open and they can be dead in seconds.
Looking on Youtube in the last week seems they are all done with Destiny 2 already. Been some good videos posted that go into things, I'll still play through it but it's looking like the replayability isn't going to do it for most people.
Have they said why?

They all were unanimous in saying it felt like it had all the flaws of vanilla d1 and that the lessons behind it just hadn't been learned. Said the new weapon changes basically mean everyone is running around with the exact same loadout and there's no variation (Midas multitool). Hate the timed play for strikes.
Also cancelled my pre-order. Found the beta underwhelming and subsequent reports from just about everyone worth listening to say it's not much of a game.

Shame because if there are many like myself, this will be the excuse they need to never develop for PC again.
After seeing the comments here, decided to go and look at youtube reviews etc. and yup not looking good :/

Looks like I'll be holding of for the price to drop to <£20 now.
Cancelled my pre order for this ages ago and with star wars..

Had enough of shooters lately.. purchased a wheel and playing car games has sprung a new life into gaming for me..
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