Destiny 2... It's a coming!

that's the best thing to do is to forget about destiny 2 and move on lol. there's far better games out on pc than destiny 2 I'm sorry to say.

I am still trying to work out the intent, purpose and the quality of your contribution. Anyone mind helping me?
I'm a casual gamer, only get a hour here and there through the week. I hope this is little enough time, not to get bored as you guys have mentioned..

I think you will find that D2 will keep you going for a fair while, the mission/strike layout is probably perfect for you as most story missions and the strikes can be done in 20/30min chunks.
Hopefully servers are up as quick as the beta ones were. Not too fussed as I only want to do the prequel missions to get to the social hub to enable playing the campaign in coop when we're ready.
Hey guys I am prepped and ready for this! I assume there is a clan for the PC community? Can I get in on that if so?

Clan invites are floating around but if you go on the OCUK discord there's a link to a spreadsheet with most of our usernames on there to add people.+
Never mind found and applied! Can somebody open the door for I am knocking..

No clan yet but if you go on the OCUK discord there's a link to a spreadsheet with most of our usernames on there.

What is that on page 1 which I applied to join? Is there a link for the discord?
As a guy who has spent over 1600 hours on Destiny 1... then 100 hours on Destiny 2 (PS4)... I can probably justify my opinion.

Destiny 2 is different from Destiny. It may feel simplified... but when D1 came out, that was pretty much the same - people peaked too fast.

The trouble is, everyone is in SUCH a rush to be "world first" at everything, that they don't enjoy it. Streamers are hating games now due to this very reason; the pressure to get 305 first... raid ready first... be first to prestige things etc
We are the same. I was the same. I took a day off work of D2 PS4 - did the midnight to 5am session... slept for 2 hours then played until 11PM solid.
I wanted to be raid ready for the following week. My buddies did this too. By the time the raid dropped, they had 3 characters at 285+. I had 1 at 285 and 1 at 240. I never did the raid.

Looking back, playing and enjoying the game would have been a better experience.

There have been some bad changes - or different ones, depending on your slant. 4v4 PVP is something I am still 'on the fence' about. Same with random playlists. Don't think I like that. Some game modes I just don't like.
However, things are going to change. That's what Bungie do. Things aren't working, they change things. Private games will be back. More game modes introduced. More content. More FREE content. Seasonal stuff like Sparrow League Racing / Snowball fights etc will return.

I've not played much D2 this last week. Why? Well, mainly because other **** in my life ie my mother dying of kidney failure (final stage now, so not much longer).

If you are new to Destiny universe, you will like it - but take things slow! DON'T rush it. Explore the worlds. You'll notice SO much. Enjoy it more. DON'T be "world's first" unless you really want to do it. Heck, rush the first character but take the 2nd and 3rd slower...

Tips: Don't infuse until 280+. Don't do exotic quests until 280+ - as they'll drop at higher power level which you can use later to infuse.
Make friends.
I have SO many wonderful memories from D1 and made so many friends.
Ask for help - we are all here in the same position. If you are stuck on a quest, other people can join you.

Most of all... stop calling Destiny an MMO. It isn't. It is an FPS shooter with some MMO features.
Never mind found and applied! Can somebody open the door for I am knocking..

What is that on page 1 which I applied to join? Is there a link for the discord?

That's a link to the clan, didn't know it had been added there. To join discord it's a stickied post at the top of the pc gaming forum.
If you watch the doc BBC did about destiny 2 you should hear one of the devs say "People will always finish content faster than we can produce it"

Nuff said
Talking about destiny 2 can be a touchy subject it seems.
I have destiny 2 on my xbox and put in over 160 hours in. I pre ordered it and was really looking forward to it. I really do hope the game gets better.
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Dont let him bait you then? You can all make your own minds up on it!

I for one am looking to enjoy it. Probably slowly due to life commitments.
I paid £45 ( I think ) for my preorder on Battlenet, so as I judge games generally by a £/hour scale if I can get 45 hours out of Destiny 2 then its been worth the money. (There are of course exceptions to the rule, Alien Isolation was my GOTY for 2014 and I got 22 hours out of that but it does need to be an exceptional game to be worth the money at more than £/hour for me)
I paid £45 ( I think ) for my preorder on Battlenet, so as I judge games generally by a £/hour scale if I can get 45 hours out of Destiny 2 then its been worth the money. (There are of course exceptions to the rule, Alien Isolation was my GOTY for 2014 and I got 22 hours out of that but it does need to be an exceptional game to be worth the money at more than £/hour for me)

confident you will get that amount of hours out of it. For me enjoying the content of the first game (a year after launch) was still an enjoyable solo experience. Even more fun with a group of mates if you want to mess around.
Personally I'm looking forward to it, i donlt have that much time to game anymore so I'm hoping the simplification and it being more focused on casual play makes up for the removal of some of the D1 features.

Good to hear some tips and non negative feedback from people that have played the console versions :)
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