Destiny 2

Friday and Saturday I can't do, I spend the weekend with the missus, any other day yeah.

But if you can only do those days feel free to get someone in :)

That's fine, I'm free every night this week so if others (AStaley just confirmed he is) want to do a weekday then we'll go for that. I'll wait to see what others are free for and mark a day down.

I can do any day after 7:30pm, so will go with the majority. Also I think TL_Venom was down to join, so we have our 6 if he is still down for the run.

That's great if Venom can join, wasn't sure if he was saying he'd be down just for monster hunter though from his post. If he see's this he can clarify though.

I may jump on tonight just to get my 'powerful gear' before it's gone.
AS per above :(

Was so looking forward to this and enjoyed parts of it but overall was such a massive let down, and Bungie now in my eyes are trying to fix a sinking or sunk ship and doing to little to late as most of the player base has jumped ship, never thought I would say it but I am one of them.
Spot on! I don't see why they didn't bring Destiny yr 3 features into Destiny 2... I guess when all else fails revert back to the better game?

D2 was an excuse to release an "expansion" as a full game release. Was insulted with the content in D2 vs D1. Was nearing 1000hrs racked up in 3 yrs on D1. Doubt I've even got 100 on D2.

I appreciate that the original D2 was basically scrapped midway through development and a new lead at Bungie was instated but c$shtivision wanted to bleed the cash cows again and refused to budge on the release date. Was always going to be tough to please consumers who came to demand such quality as with the original product given the pedigree Bungie themselves had put into it. I appreciated cut corners were inevitable but not to the extremity they were. It wasn't even a copy and paste exercise from D1 they literally stuck the ingredients back into the pot and boiled it dry with no end product!

Feel cheated out of my £80 or so and don't feel any way inclined to explore any 'DLC' that I've even paid for when it comes. If we could get a refund based on the product not being fit for the purpose intended "Our Enjoyments" then I'd be the first queuing for my money!

It is almost painful going from having fun blasting through strikes in D1 to attempting to play D2.

The core feel of the game is completely missing.

What is most annoying is that with Yr 3 of Destiny it finally felt like we had hit a good starting point to really build from. Sadly Bungie did a Bungie and rebooted the game AGAIN (not that they did that to D1 either.... oh wait) and we ended up with the mess that is D2.

Darkside Royalty Lore did a good write up on how we got to where we are:

(His Lore videos in general are good as well, especially when he highlights all of the retcons that the current writers have done - and more often than not has to correct them on their own ******* story..)

It is sad as I used to love jumping on with you guys, hitting up raids, strikes and a bit of crucible. The game (D1) was no where near perfect but damn it could be a laugh.
Big D2 patch dropping today. They're supposed to be greatly improving things in PvP and whilst I'm happy Bungo are apparently listening to us, I can't help but think its all too little too late.

I'm still logging in and playing the game but no where near as much as I did with D1. If the game isn't in a good place come the release of the 2nd expansion I won't be ordering it and I'll stop playing.
Too little too late. I was an avid D1 player and was so excited to get D2 on PC. I feel like a mug for pre-ordering the legendary edition and convincing my friends to buy it also.

It's actually rather impressive how Bungie snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. They could've literally give us Destiny 1.75 but they gave us 0.75
Well my Mrs turned it on for ten minutes, got utterly bored and watched a film instead.

Buffing things in PVE is all well and good but there is STILL nothing to actually grind for... * The best weapons before are still the best weapons now and snipers will still get overshadowed by rockets (because... duh..). Don't worry though Linear fusion rifles (yes those guns that NO ONE USES) are getting a 50% damage buff, meaning they are still crap compared to snipers...

PVP is another story entirely. They have buffed heavy / power ammo spawn and brought the TTK of the majority of primaries to that of the guns everyone was already using (just... ). Combined with a slightly faster movement speed (note - agility doesn't actually affect your sprint speed...) it is basically exactly the same as before, only now every other death will be to a power weapon that has very little counter. Lets not even get started on game modes that should be a standard playlist (Rumble FFS) being locked behind weekly rotations...

It is kind of funny, Bungie are at least trying but its like they refuse to even acknowledge that the answer already existed, its called Destiny 1... That had the movement speed, recharge rates and overall TTK down pretty good. With a few tweaks it could have been the PVP we all wanted.

*EDIT, sorry they have added in 3.... THREE new weapons which are totally not reskins... if you squint a bit and look at them upside down (they are slightly different to be fair). These are only rewarded from specific Nightfalls (so nothing from heroics). No armour sets to speak of...
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It's too little too late, moved on from D2 months ago and can't remember the last time I saw anyone in my friends' list playing it. I made the mistake of buying the deluxe edition so I'll play the next DLC but the last one was utter garbage aside from a few hours enjoying the mini-raid addition.

These changes look okay but they hardly look like they took months of work, all of them seem to boil down to "we changed a number", there's very little that's genuinely new and D2 needs a huge shake up or new content to get anything like the player numbers it had in the first couple of weeks.
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