Destiny 2

I think typically when they've done this type of thing with D1 it's included the previous expansions so would think it will be the same here. As to if you should purchase it now, it's entirely down to you and if you can spare the money to get the content now or if you are prepared to wait 3 months or so. Although by that time most of the community will have moved on to Forsakens content.
Forsaken won't include (but will require) the initial two expansions by default (unless Bungie confirm otherwise).

There will however no doubt be a "legendary" or the like edition which will include the initial expansions (plus base game) for a price.

I will be on at 8:30 ish tonight to drop Calus. If we had more skulls we would have got him.
To be fair Scotland were once quite successful in world sports...then they found out the world extended past Hadrian's Wall. And I don't include Andy Murray in this as he seems confused about his nationality based on if he's winning or not.
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I'm at a bit loss at the moment. I hit 312 last night and not start the Warmind, im not sure what i need to do to start uping my power level.
Warmind says recommend 320, i guess NF but that only say recommended 270 or something while heroic is 370.
Is it now just NF and raid to up it?
Well last night was productive!

  1. Nightfall Complete
  2. Raid Complete (in 2 hours with underbelly chests!!)
  3. Call to Arms Complete
  4. Flashpoints Complete
  5. Clan XP Complete
Well done to all involved.. epic night!

The raid was awesome.... Gauntlet, Dogs and Baths first time with no wipes.. single phase Calus with Rat kings too!!!
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