Anyone know if you can masterwork the leg set after the event? The only one I will have problems with is the prestige raid for chest.
PS4We're fixing to do the prestige fairly soon, what console do you play on?
Think you are doing the Heroic strikes. Make sure you do the normal.@GazzaGarratt OK thanks.
OK I need solar orbs in strikes, I put the green set on, but enemies in Strikes show up as "??" and all is immune to damage? This is impossible I get one hit.
I can't generate orbs because I can't do damage wearing this set. What am I doing wrong.
That would helpOoohh! I select the left most one, if that's correct? I'll try it again.
From memory it is only a single NF, no mention of raids unless that is a further step after the legendary point (I am about 80% through the blue set).
Eurgh the 5 PVP wins are a pain the rear.
Managed one last night in quickplay. I either joined a match in progress (where the team I joined was getting stomped) or ended up leading a team to a pointless loss (why I stuck around is anyone's guess?!?!). More often than not if we were losing by more than 10-20 points by the half way point most of the team left.
Only 4 more to go... *yay*
I really cant be arsed with this event, especially when as soon as the DLC drops we will be able to surpass the light level immediately without grind, which is all that matters these days since armour doesnt have real perks any more.