*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

What I would say though is getting everyone in the bubble isn't necessarily the best approach. If you're in a good spot to get a decent amount of damage on Atheon, go for it. Waiting for the relic holder, then getting everyone into position, people moving about etc... You lose a lot of precious time that way. I usually stand by one of the portals and fire off Gjallarhorn while Atheon is distracted by others shooting him.

Agree'd, even as the relic holder I'm not a massive fan of going to the middle. I'd much rather stand at the top of the steps and super him with it.

That raid we did was pretty brutal. 3 hours for normal, comms all over the place, random guy lowering his level mid raid.. :rolleyes:
I'm coming up 2 1/2 hours :/ Couple guys dropped after 6 a the on wipes....waiting for the new guys now. LFG is painful, i'm making sure I do the ocuk runs in future.

On the plus side, I've been relic holder for the first time and have got the hang of it now :)
Was part of a very poor group last night, took ages to do Atheon, not helped by the fact we encountered every possible glitch known to man!

Only two teleported
Teleported inside containment shield
Nobody teleported
Minotaur bum rushing up the stairs using multiple teleports
Invincible Minotaur
Respawning Minotaur
Succumbing to oracles when cleared

Combined with a dumb*** that kept using his bubble shield before teleports, trapping himself in a containment shield & guys that simply would not help with the Minotaur. I considered quitting out as I stood to take no loot anyways but we got there in the end. :rolleyes:

I may be looking for players later this afternoon to help with a hard run from the Gatekeepers, I have a checkpoint with my 29 Warlock and would like to get it done before reset. Already cleared it twice with my Hunter and once with my Titan.
Quiet audio due to party chat and was only able to get footage of Gatekeepers and Atheon, but this was the end of our flawless run attempts after hours of trying over the last week.

Atheon also tele'd no one, then 2 people three times in a row.

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Are there any HM Raid's going on tonight that I could possibly hop into? I have done HM before, Level 29 warlock with maxed weapons.

I'm doing hard mode last check point tonight at 8:30 i think everyone said.

i don't require anything from the last check point, could take my spot with zoomee, ps3ud0, Sieze2, jdwhalley and Chewie?
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I'm doing hard mode last check point tonight at 8:30 i think everyone said.

i don't require anything from the last check point, could take my spot with zoomee, ps3ud0, Sieze2, SGWilliams and Chewie?

fixed for you bro - james skanked remember. Chewie was his replacement.
Been farming for glimmer this aft to ensure I've got enough heavy ammo packs this time lol

see you guys at 8:30
im on now but will still be there for 8:30 :) just been running some characters through story mode lol forgot how hard it is with a lvl 7 character :/
Actually had a decent LFG running normal with my hunter, apart from a prepubescent kid telling us we were all rubbish, but men, it was quick for a pickup. I have never cheesed the oracles before, makes the whole templar section ridiculously easy.

All ascendants until Vision of Confluence dropped on Atheon, it's an absolute beast!
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