Raid tomorrow kris?
I'm also up for xbox one raids tomorrow, gamertag in sig. Think I played with you the other day krisboats until I dcd then xbox live friends stopped working..
so the 2nd try,
PS4 VoG RAID 14th October 7pm
1. stuman
2.mikebuk lvl 26 hunter
copy paste and add your name if you want in!
Probably will be doing one tomorrow, I'll add you when the friends app starts working again!
I'm also up for xbox one raids tomorrow, gamertag in sig. Think I played with you the other day krisboats until I dcd then xbox live friends stopped working..
If live isn't being wonky tomorrow night I'd be up for another xbone raid. Have a level 29 hunter and now a level 27 Titan.
Yeah, i should be around.
XBOX One VoG RAID 14th October 7pm
1. Mr Jones - Level 28 Warlock (Void/Sun) GT: Dr Pharmacology
2. Parko - Level 29 Titan (Defender) GT : Parko24
Put your names now and a second group can always be formed - or be reserve.
I just thought getting the ball rolling will be useful as I've not got a taste of raid yet, so any experienced guys doing it is always helpful!
Ok, done! Don't have all details for the others.
XBOX One VoG RAID 14th October 7pm
1. Mr Jones - Level 28 Warlock (Void/Sun) GT: Dr Pharmacology
2. Parko - Level 29 Titan (Defender) GT : Parko24
3. gord - Level 29 Titan (Defender) : g0rd
4. Shamikebab - Warlock : Shamikebab
5. Hachet Duck - Hunter : Hachet Duck
6. Absorbent Solid - Hunter : Absorbent Solid (unconfirmed)