*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Nice, only took 20 mins for me :)

Edit: I'll be around for NF in about 20 more mins - just gonna grab some dinner first
Mine still has 1.5GB to go and is saying c. 40 minutes. Looks like I'm out for tonight chaps. Same time tomorrow works for me if people are about. I'll be on tomorrow anyway to get some NF done.
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Re-rolling for tonight:

Tuesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run then VoG HM full run
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) MachM82
4) TL_Venom
5) Anti-Chav
6) Moonings-EU

Please can you confirm if you are still in?

I'm up for w/e after CE NM runs.
Wednesday PS4 7:30pm GMT Crota CE Normal full run

1) middgen
2) OweO
3) MachM82
4) TL_Venom
5) Anti-Chav
6) Moonings-EU

Please can you confirm if you are still in?

Might be closer to 8pm for me, having a couple brewskies by the river after work as the weather's lookin' fine.
I'm still good to go for later, completely trolled by the update/server bandwidth last night! 100mb/s means nothing when the Sony/Bungie servers are only allowing 2mb/s max :/
I didn't even see this :( thought people were bored of raiding!

We're thinking about a couple of extra runs tonight if you want in?

Wednesday XB1 8:00pm Crota : Normal : Sexy Girls Gone Wild Edition

1) gord
2) rps1
3) duck
4) john
Can I get some tips how I can get into raiding? I got the game recently and managed to get to lvl 25 already but this is where my progress stops as all purples so far I've obtained are for different classes. I suppose I need to do vog normal but there seems to be hardly anyone doing this anymore. I'm farming reputation to buy some gear but it's going to take some time to get anything and is not going to take me above lvl 28 I believe.

I'm on PS4 btw. Any groups here that I could join please that could help me out?
Run ROC strikes to get the best non legendary armour & weapons possible. This will also give you marks which you can use to buy vendor armour (and weapons - although at this point getting your level up is more important).

We normally do a VoG run if there is a few people who want to give it a go. There is no guarantee you will get anything beyond ascendant materials but these will still be useful to you.

I'm sure there are a few people who would be more than happy to take you through a VoG NM raid. I would be up for it :)

If you can get to level 27 we can get you into CE NM. You won't be able to do a lot but it gives you the chance to get some armour drops on the first two stages. We could also help you through a NF.
Thanks for the tip. I've only been playing for 5 days so lvl 25 is not bad imo. I'm going to do as many dailies and strikes as possible in the next few weeks so should hopefully get to lvl 27 soon.
You can get to level 26 with all ROC rare armour (21 light each).
You can get to level 28 with one exotic armour and 3 ROC rare (36 + 3*21).

VoG is great fun, but I wouldn't bother with doing it for the armour drops. They all start at light 18, the same as ROC rare armour, and max out at 30, whereas CE raid armour starts at 30. You'll waste a lot of materials upgrading VoG armour just to get it to the same level as fresh CE armour.
Do we have a full team tonight? I think everyone but Moon has confirmed they are available.

I have someone who is available as a backup in case anyone can't make it or has to drop out.
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