*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Quite a manic night. We need 12 man fireteams I think!

2 Crota downs with me derping by going for an extra hit that wasn't required. Made up for it on Pigtails though by taking him down despite a touch and go moment when a 10 second eco timer appeared on my TV.... :eek:

Hope everyone got what they wanted (Vendom - did you guys beat that team in the end?)

I came out of it all with the gauntlets and chest piece for my Titan. Nothing else of note as I don't need anything (NM) on Pigtails or Moody.

Nice few runs with Apatia77 after. Good to see him get some decent guns from the ROC strikes back to back.

I wouldn't mind getting up to the DS on Crota HM to try and get the Auto rifle. I can put together a quick list if we have enough interest?

EDIT: Or a VoG NM to give new runners a taste (plus hopefully some (still very good) weapons).
Yeah, I'd be up for a run through to the DS.

I was pleased I got the titan boots yesterday, I had them drop ages ago but sharded them for some reason. They're not totally needed now since I'm 32 anyway but it's nice to have the complete set, plus I think the perks are better than the IB boots I currently have.
Ah glad you got it sorted, bit of a sore head today. I'll probably LFG a quick Crota run on the weekend. Apart from that I think I'm out until HoW, only a few weeks!
EDIT: Re-worked due to availability:

Ok let's get some raids together to tonight:

CE HM (Abyss & Bridge) - PS4 ~ 8PM

- OweO
- MachM

We can then run strikes, NF, WH w/e after.
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The bugs are still there...

Crota hilariously follows us into the ogre room.... Poor Dredd gets it first lol

Twas a very strange run that. After I hit Crota with the last sword before Orge's I did'nt know he was behind me lol!!! At least on the bright side, Crota killed Dredd first, Every cloud and all that.
Hope you got flawless rading taking that long! (2 hours I heard) :p

We did 2 runs in an hour :)

Yup, 2 hours. We did muck around in the abyss for ages just killing stuff (and backtracking a lot to revive Yimpy ;)) and without hunters that knew how to run it it took a while.

And trying to down Crota with dodgy comms didn't work too well either. Once we sorted that little issue though he went down fine.
No problem. I'm glad you got something decent out of the strikes. Shame that the other chap (who hid during most of the wave section) got a legendary off this first one!

I don't think a VoG run is possible tonight as a few people can't make it. If we do have enough interest though a partial run on normal may be worth doing - at least so you have an idea what to expect.

Running a few more ROC's seems to be a good idea to get you to level 26. I need to do a few on my Titan to get a legendary helmet.
I'm going to have to get back raiding again. Turns out 286 radiant energy isn't quite enough to fully level all my raid weapons - I'm 20 short! :D
I'm going to have to get back raiding again. Turns out 286 radiant energy isn't quite enough to fully level all my raid weapons - I'm 20 short! :D

I knew you couldn't stay away!

Gonna put a list or two up for the weekend, you about at all?
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