*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

First session last night, managed to do all 6 bounties and fet half way towards level 3. Might get a couple games in today otherwise Saturday is my main chance if anyone is about.

Also great playing with Thor and WroteThatDown for the bulk
Great runs last night. :)

Started off with an epic run, 15 kill streak and Iron Wrath done within the first few minutes. TLW was just wrecking everything! Ended that match with over 25 kills and a PB of 6.75 K/D :p

Couldn't repeat that performance (which was all down to pure skill obviously... wait why are you looking at me like that?! It was dammit! :mad:..... :p) but overall I think I did alright.

Up to about 1500 of 2400 towards rank 4 now. Managed to get a good roll on the sniper (void with field scout) whilst the Silimar's Wrath (?!) Auto Rifle dropped for me which was nice. It is a complete bullet hose but at least it looks ok!

I will be on again from 7:30 tonight. As per last night if Mid_gen hasn't done so already I will setup the OCUK IB party. Going to hit rank 4 and then I might switch to Bluey to try and get her the helm.

Your mad going for two characters one is bad enough :p Managed to hit rank 4 last night and got Silimars Wrath to drop at the same time (not that it will ever get used), so brought the titan helm and class item (ready for the next IB). This IB had been great fun (got my best K/D 21 :D) and extremely frustrating (when you playing lag, which seems to be more often than not). As mad as it sounds looking forward to the next IB as I still want Radegasts Fury (missed it last time)
First session last night, managed to do all 6 bounties and fet half way towards level 3. Might get a couple games in today otherwise Saturday is my main chance if anyone is about.

Also great playing with Thor and WroteThatDown for the bulk

Nice! good progress. I should be about tonight for a few games not sure what time yet though but if anyone is on feel free to invite/join if you see me playing.
Your mad going for two characters one is bad enough :p Managed to hit rank 4 last night and got Silimars Wrath to drop at the same time (not that it will ever get used), so brought the titan helm and class item (ready for the next IB). This IB had been great fun (got my best K/D 21 :D) and extremely frustrating (when you playing lag, which seems to be more often than not). As mad as it sounds looking forward to the next IB as I still want Radegasts Fury (missed it last time)

Yeah I am not 100% sure if I will try a rank up on Bluey. I am really enjoying running in a fireteam so it would seem a waste to partake with Pigtails when I have already hit the rank I want to achieve.

On the flipside I could always take Moody into the fray.. Golden gun those who golden gunned me!
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Nice! good progress. I should be about tonight for a few games not sure what time yet though but if anyone is on feel free to invite/join if you see me playing.

I'm about tonight, as is Wardy. Hopefully Thor will be so lets get to kickin some a$$!
Which console is this game out for? Looks really fun, was considering buying a console for it ..... But I'm a PC gamer with a gaming PC so not sure if it's worth it
I'm about tonight, as is Wardy. Hopefully Thor will be so lets get to kickin some a$$!

Yeah I should be available. Depends on if my gf is busy with her dissertation or not :p
I'm sure I'll be on for a bit in any case. I'm about 2/3 of the way to rank 4, so I at least want to get that rank tonight.
Ah ok, it wasn't just me then. I couldn't hear anyone (except one time where I heard Write say "what's going on?") and my mic wasn't working. Don't appear to be able to get into an IB match either :(
I was late getting on and your fire team was full, managed to get a few games in solo.

Very slowly getting though thorn bounty, not the easiest with a hunter!

I'll be about tonight if anyone wants a game
Some good games last night, a couple where we got stomped, but a few where we dominated, the one below in particular. I think the score in this was 20,000 to 4,000! There are some savage k/d ratios!

Got the Titan helm, now have a full IB set.

Some good games last night, a couple where we got stomped, but a few where we dominated, the one below in particular. I think the score in this was 20,000 to 4,000! There are some savage k/d ratios!

Got the Titan helm, now have a full IB set.


14.0 K/D ratio? Damn he's a good player! :D:cool:
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