*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I know what you mean, I love my MIDA. Was my first exotic and I loved it in the IB last time.

Only 81 more Void point on my Thorn bounty and I can bring the bad boy back! WoC is doing pretty well for me though, changed out explosive rounds for hammer forged and its smashing faces in from pretty decent range. Can't beat the MIDA for sustained damage though.

MIDA was my second exotic, still my most used weapon. So versatile.
I'm going to be free from 7pm till 10:30pm tonight so I'm up for more IB. Really enjoyed the games last night (except the last one where we got destroyed!). A couple more games Jay and you'll be done with the Crucible part of the Thorn bounty!

Could also do with getting a NF or two out of the way.
I may not be on until later tonight as have to go to dinner at the parentals (and look at their holiday photos, joy!) then my house mate wants to catch up with GoT. Hopefully will be on for a couple of games though so will see if I can join you guys. Def on for the duration on Friday night.

In fact, lets get a team together for Friday evening shall we?

Iron Banner, XB1, Friday 8pm-8.30pm start

1) Kahuna Jay
2) Thor ?
I'm going to be free from 7pm till 10:30pm tonight so I'm up for more IB. Really enjoyed the games last night (except the last one where we got destroyed!). A couple more games Jay and you'll be done with the Crucible part of the Thorn bounty!

Could also do with getting a NF or two out of the way.

And yeah, we were doing well, until the last game. That was some butt-hurt! :D
Had a semi enjoyable night, matches seem to go well until you run into the lag/red bars then it just no fun and you always seem to get steamrollered. Got to rank 3¼ so now have by PvP spear (Unflinching, perfect balance and final round), hope to hit rank 4 tonight then I can get my titan helm and class item, then its on to glimmer farming, as going to be a bit broke, and want to get another spear for PvE.

I think we should do a few rounds with everyone running Thorn...I can imagine the rage-quitting :D

Had a game against one of these teams, almost constant DoT :( on the bright side it was over quickly :p
Sounds fun :) Found an amusing strategy for bubbles, just stick your nose in and chuck a vortex grenade in the middle and run away :D

I'll hit 3 on my warlock after today's bounties, then back to the titan to get him up to 2 1/2.
I have both and much prefer Thorn to Hawkmoon. You know what my Thorn game is like Venom - top 1% for precision kills ;)

I'm the opposite. I prefer the 13 round mag of Hawkmoon and the range. Thorn is still a great gun though. I'll be giving MIDA a go Tonight as it keeps getting mentioned and used much more in PVP lately so will see how that goes. :D
I'm going to be free from 7pm till 10:30pm tonight so I'm up for more IB. Really enjoyed the games last night (except the last one where we got destroyed!). A couple more games Jay and you'll be done with the Crucible part of the Thorn bounty!

Could also do with getting a NF or two out of the way.

Ill join you for IB, should be on 1930ish
Sounds fun :) Found an amusing strategy for bubbles, just stick your nose in and chuck a vortex grenade in the middle and run away :D

I'll hit 3 on my warlock after today's bounties, then back to the titan to get him up to 2 1/2.

Sounds like I should try that. :)

I'm the opposite. I prefer the 13 round mag of Hawkmoon and the range. Thorn is still a great gun though. I'll be giving MIDA a go Tonight as it keeps getting mentioned and used much more in PVP lately so will see how that goes. :D

It took a bit of getting used to but now I am finding MIDA feels very much like a more powerful Suros.

My loadout is kind of wierd as I am running Voidfang whilst being a Sunsinger w/ radiant skin and fusion grenades. Voidfang gives me two grenades right out of the gate, and balances my build to ~ 83/45/50.
Sounds like I should try that. :)

It took a bit of getting used to but now I am finding MIDA feels very much like a more powerful Suros.

My loadout is kind of wierd as I am running Voidfang whilst being a Sunsinger w/ radiant skin and fusion grenades. Voidfang gives me two grenades right out of the gate, and balances my build to ~ 83/45/50.

I've been tempted to try this but have to level my voidfang first. The MIDA is great, the hidden perk of high impact rounds makes your targets view wobble all over the place. Plus if you don't take the extra agility and put field scout on you can fire fast and almost forever. Loved it in the last IB and can't wait to start rocking it in this one.
I may not be on until later tonight as have to go to dinner at the parentals (and look at their holiday photos, joy!) then my house mate wants to catch up with GoT. Hopefully will be on for a couple of games though so will see if I can join you guys. Def on for the duration on Friday night.

In fact, lets get a team together for Friday evening shall we?

Iron Banner, XB1, Friday 8pm-8.30pm start

1) Kahuna Jay
2) Thor ?
3) Wardyp

I'll be about
Gutted I missed us on IB. Had to run upto my girlfriends work as there was something going on. Everything is fine, I'll be cranking some smashing out on Friday :p
Great runs last night. :)

Started off with an epic run, 15 kill streak and Iron Wrath done within the first few minutes. TLW was just wrecking everything! Ended that match with over 25 kills and a PB of 6.75 K/D :p

Couldn't repeat that performance (which was all down to pure skill obviously... wait why are you looking at me like that?! It was dammit! :mad:..... :p) but overall I think I did alright.

Up to about 1500 of 2400 towards rank 4 now. Managed to get a good roll on the sniper (void with field scout) whilst the Silimar's Wrath (?!) Auto Rifle dropped for me which was nice. It is a complete bullet hose but at least it looks ok!

I will be on again from 7:30 tonight. As per last night if Mid_gen hasn't done so already I will setup the OCUK IB party. Going to hit rank 4 and then I might switch to Bluey to try and get her the helm.
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