*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I've used LFG like 10 times now and each time CE NM was a breeze, however the VoG HM/NM each time I tried was a disaster.

The problem is that some people create raids but make zero effort to actually lead anything and usually when this happens the raid just doesn't work and after just one wipe people start to leave
I've used LFG like 10 times now and each time CE NM was a breeze, however the VoG HM/NM each time I tried was a disaster.

The problem is that some people create raids but make zero effort to actually lead anything and usually when this happens the raid just doesn't work and after just one wipe people start to leave

Honestly this doesn't surprise me, especially now as we are in a period where teams who have never touched VoG before are trying it assuming it will be a breeze due to the fact they are "level 32 with maxed derps".

Team play and co-ordination are so much more important in VoG.
Aye VoG HM still requires a team to be on form. Templar in particular you gotta have good DPS, too many people assume it's a walkover because they are 32. It is rare to do VoG on LFG where half the team doesn't quit on gorgon's now though.

Anyway, let's have a quick CE HM run tomorrow.

Tuesday 7:30pm GMT Crota's End HM
1) middgen
Might as well start my own group for one as my mate can only guarantee to be on at a set time on Sunday and still hasn't managed to get into a group that finished the VoG.
And I haven't done CE yet so want to finish that on Normal before jumping in to any HM runs

I'll also jump into to someone else's by myself on a week night if possible.

PS4 - Sunday 17th May, 7pm start.
VoG - Normal
Crota's End - Normal

Feel free to join for 1, or both.


1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy

Crota's End

1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy

Probably have a 3rd - just waiting on a confirm.

Also, I'll be doing the weekly heroic, nightfall and daily on highest setting throughout the week
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Aye VoG HM still requires a team to be on form. Templar in particular you gotta have good DPS, too many people assume it's a walkover because they are 32. It is rare to do VoG on LFG where half the team doesn't quit on gorgon's now though.

Anyway, let's have a quick CE HM run tomorrow.

Tuesday 7:30pm GMT Crota's End HM
1) middgen
2) apatia7
And I haven't done CE yet so want to finish that on Normal before jumping in to any HM runs

If you're 32 then just join our HM run, not a huge difference really provided you got a decent swordbearer.

Personally with House of Wolves about to drop I would just do Vault of Glass, much more fun, and the raid armour is better imo.
Aye VoG HM still requires a team to be on form. Templar in particular you gotta have good DPS, too many people assume it's a walkover because they are 32. It is rare to do VoG on LFG where half the team doesn't quit on gorgon's now though.

Anyway, let's have a quick CE HM run tomorrow.

Tuesday 7:30pm GMT Crota's End HM
1) middgen
2) apatia77
3) OweO / Jorja86

Yeah I am up for this. Can run sword / or can stand and shoot stuff at big green dude..

Might as well start my own group for one as my mate can only guarantee to be on at a set time on Sunday and still hasn't managed to get into a group that finished the VoG.
And I haven't done CE yet so want to finish that on Normal before jumping in to any HM runs

I'll also jump into to someone else's by myself on a week night if possible.

PS4 - Sunday 17th May, 7pm start.
VoG - Normal
Crota's End - Normal

Feel free to join for 1, or both.


1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86

Crota's End

1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86

Probably have a 3rd - just waiting on a confirm.

Also, I'll be doing the weekly heroic, nightfall and daily on highest setting throughout the week

I am happy to help out :). Might run on the Mrs' chars as she is still missing a few primaries of note. I can run sword on your CE run if you like.
Originally Posted by thor View Post
Monday, 8pm, Xbox, Crota's End NM:
1) EvilPhog
2) McDan1el (already done 3x runs, so happy to sit out if people need loot)
3) Aman (just to help out if we need more numbers)
4) thoseion
5) MrGench

After we've done the above...

VoG HM (From Templar)

1. McDan1el
2. Brocksta (unconfirmed)
3. Phog
4. KWJay
5. Aman
6. MrGench

CE HM (Bridge only, unless others wanna do full thing - i have bridge checkpoint, just hunting the the abyss defiant)

1. McDan1el
2. MrGench

If your still short for the last one gimme a shout, should be back from the gym by then.

If anybody has any plans for a Vault of Glass run on XB1 after the reset, put my name down please. Need to get myself the VOG armor set back ready for House of Wolves :D

Jay normally sets a raid up on a Wednesday, be quick though it normally fills up quick :cool:
If you're 32 then just join our HM run, not a huge difference really provided you got a decent swordbearer.

Personally with House of Wolves about to drop I would just do Vault of Glass, much more fun, and the raid armour is better imo.

Well I'll leave it up to you if you want to add me in for that then as I'm only Level 30.
If 30 is within the level parameters and I can actually do damage then I'm more than happy too come along as I know I can be useful.

If I'm too low and thus can't do any damage I wouldn't want to be a liability.

Either way - I'll be online so feel free to add me and if not this time, I can level up soon as I'm just waiting on the reset to farm some more Marks.

I am happy to help out :). Might run on the Mrs' chars as she is still missing a few primaries of note. I can run sword on your CE run if you like.

OK cool. Thanks.
I haven't been lucky enough to get any of the good primary weapons.

I have 1 more to join for VoG, but he'll only be Level 28 so not sure if that's sufficient for CE too. If not, he'll just sit that one out
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PS4 - Sunday 17th May, 7pm start.
VoG - Normal
Crota's End - Normal

Feel free to join for 1, or both.


1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86
4. apatia7

Crota's End

1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86
4. apatia7

Need more shards :D
Need more shards :D

Tell me about it. :D

90% of the time when it says you get shards and/or energy I get Energy. Got so much of the damn stuff but Shards dry up as I earn them as I've always got 7-8 pieces of armour needing 18 of them.

I wish they would implement a feature where you could exchange them - similar to the Radiant ones Eris sells

Abyss - Level 30
Bridge - Level 31
Deathsinger - Crota - Level 32

Anyone 29 and up can do damage.


Abyss - Level 33
Bridge - Level 33
Deathsinger - Crota - Level 33

Anyone 30 and up can do damage.

At Crota anyone 3 levels below cap will need to be careful. Their main task should be to stay alive.

Realistically as long as you have 1-2 players who have max DPS (It only takes two 331 G'horn rockets from a level 32 to take his shield) you can haul a few under levelled characters through the normal raids without much problem. Anyone who is <level 29 at Crota needs to simply hide.
PS4 - Sunday 17th May, 7pm start.
VoG - Normal
Crota's End - Normal

Feel free to join for 1, or both.


1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86
4. Paladin1 (can't recall his exact PSN in case anyone tried to add...lol)
5. apatia7

Crota's End

1. FallenEden
2. BoomStompFloppy
3. OweO / Jorja86
4. apatia7

Doesn't sounds so bad then. The only thing between me and level 32 is ascendant shards so I may be able to get enough to get to level 31 anyway if I'm lucky.

Depends how quickly I can get the marks tonight with other 2 characters, then again tomorrow to buy gear to breakdown. Probably not fast enough but I'll be Lvl 32 soon regardless.

Either way, I've got a maxed G'horn too.

Aye VoG HM still requires a team to be on form. Templar in particular you gotta have good DPS, too many people assume it's a walkover because they are 32. It is rare to do VoG on LFG where half the team doesn't quit on gorgon's now though.

Anyway, let's have a quick CE HM run tomorrow.

Tuesday 7:30pm GMT Crota's End HM
1) middgen
2) apatia77
3) OweO / Jorja86
4) FallenEden
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I assume you have IB gear to get to level 32? If you are talking CE gear then it is radiant shards - which you can only get from the raid. :)

Main thing for Crota is staying alive. Go for overkill on the rockets to take his shield (to be sure) and everything should go fine. Two swords is safe an easy to do on normal.

EDIT: Will add you and BoomStompFloppy tonight. :)
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I assume you have IB gear to get to level 32? If you are talking CE gear then it is radiant shards - which you can only get from the raid. :)

Main thing for Crota is staying alive. Go for overkill on the rockets to take his shield (to be sure) and everything should go fine. Two swords is safe an easy to do on normal.

Nope - so guess I can only get to Level 31 with my current gear then. :(
I thought I'd have enough to reach 32. So really it's pointless me using the shards to upgrade as soon as I hit 31 as it's just wasting them.

For some reason I forgot the cap was 32. I was thinking 36 for some mad reason - must have got the number in my head from something else just there. lol :p

Ah well - knowing I can only reach 31 means I can just crack on and get to that point ASAP which should be before tomorrows raid with some luck.
Will see if I make it - i'll be on all evening after Squash tonight to get as many marks as possible.
Keeping it up to date for mid_gen:

Tuesday 7:30pm GMT Crota's End HM
1) middgen
2) apatia77
3) OweO / Jorja86
4) FallenEden
5) Redrooster


EDIT: Light 36 per armour piece allows you to hit level 32 - maybe where you got the 36 from? :p

I have a Crota CP on NM if you wanted a taste of the fight tonight. Better to understand it than go in blind on HM at least (I am of course assuming you havn't beaten Crota so apologies for "jumping the gun"). :)
Anyone keen for running a VoG HM on PS4 tonight? 8pm? I *might* have the Gorgon checkpoint. Let me know and I'll edit to add the roster format.
Wednesday night lists as per usual!

Raid: 2x Crota NM, VoG Hard Mode
Time: Wednesday 8pm-ish start

Run 1

1) KWJay
2) SPK
3) Yimpy

Run 2

1) KWJay
2) SPK


1) KWJay
2) SPK
Wednesday night lists as per usual!

Raid: 2x Crota NM, VoG Hard Mode
Time: Wednesday 8pm-ish start

Run 1

1) KWJay
2) SPK
3) Yimpy
4) Parko

Run 2

1) KWJay
2) SPK
3) Parko


1) KWJay
2) SPK
3) Parko
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