basically go hard or go home. Only the top 1 % of destiny players actually get to the light house.
Basically this. But I don't believe top 1%. 2 strong players can carry a weaker player through it. But ideally everyone needs to be a decent player.
On the loading screen if I see a loadout with the wrong options ticked (crap grenades for instance). I know it's going to be an easy game as they aren't high skill enough to know what grenades are better than others then they have no chance against 3 players all running the right loadouts and gear who are decent at PVP.
If you see someone with 0 intellect then you shouldn't be losing to them.
We went a full game on trials last week and got Bulletproof (zero deaths).
That basically means they didn't get a single kill the full game. Another game we only had 1 death between us so was so close to us getting 2 bulletproofs in 1 run of trials. Didn't matter though as the person with the death had the highest kills and the win mattered more. But bulletproofing teams in trials is pretty much unheard of. If all 3 are failing to get a single kill the full game then they shouldn't be in trials at all.
Get the right gear, loadouts, weapons and you can achieve a decent PVP score in crucible 95% of the time then you can do trials. Work together and get your strategies sorted. You need to be good at communicating and making calls.
If you have died don't complain or cry and swear about it. Instead help your team by calling out where they are and what their health is like. if I have hit someone 2 times with thorn and he is the last one alive and I die, i tell the other 2 "1 shot running mid".
They know that means he is very low health and it will take 1 shot to drop him and they know he's in the mid area.
Or other calls like "shotgun stairs".
They know someone with a shotgun is at the stairs.
Oh and if someone is cheating don't worry about it. you can beat them legit. We had a lag switcher last week and we smashed his team.
When we had killed 2 of them dead, all 3 of us watched their orbs with shotguns and the radar. All of a sudden they would magically revive and we put them down again. Then we would see the 1 guy that was alive (lag switcher) running into walls and we all pounded him with bullets. Then went back to watching the bodies.
You need to know how to overcome any situation you will be put up against. If you know someone has self revive watch the dead bodies with a shotgun.