*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Originally Posted by mid_gen View Post
Let's see who's interested then...

PS4 7:30pm GMT quick Crota's End HM with a triple Crota slap. 32+
1) middgen
2) Greboth?
4) OweO
5) Piphal
6) Apieneka

Reserve: Astaley

Got three (including me) who can run tonight. :)

EDIT: I no longer have a hunter but I can run sword on Pigtails. I don't need anything from the raid so can switch to whatever is required at the time (Titan or WL).

Looks like CE HM is full already but if not then let me know. I can always do it with randoms just like any other week.
So I hit level 20 last night and finished the main story missions for the original game. What should I be doing next to get my level up to a raid appropriate level? Are there any guides anywhere for this? Also, I have both of the expansion packs. Is there anything story related in those I should do?


I'd do all the new story missions you can lay your hands on, and also go in for bounties. You can also do some strikes and attempt the Daily and Weekly Heroic's if you're feeling bored with patrolling bounty wise.
PvP is pretty good for getting weapons as well, and your level doesn't matter. Use the Crucible Marks for armour and get the weapon drops. V good shotgun and MG from PvP at the moment.
With 3 of us doing it everyone is going to have almost constant super or if someone has armour which gives health from an orb they would be invincible.
OK mate. I think we'll do a normal CE first as Mr Gimp wants to do that an we can happily 5 man it. We'll take it from there.
Ugh, maintenance extended for an hour.

Can't guarantee how coordinated I'll be when it starts!

Got a party going so just join up
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Anyone fancy helping me do the Summoning Pits on epic? I want the thorn and I keep getting smashed :(

Xbox One - GT: Fry750 should anyone fancy it :)
3 Crota HM kills, 2 fangs and a helm I already had! Still no WoC or crux :(

Still, all went quite smoothly, apart from my first hunter sword runs, got into the swing of it after running it with my warlock again though. All about that timing!

Much more enjoyable raid when you're not under levelled. Hope they don't carry on with that crap in TTK but after HoW that doesn't seem likely.
Anyone tried the Crucible Doubles that's on atm? It's a HoW one... Surprised there were relic objectives in there (whereas some are just deathmatch). Played a few games and even with a decisive win didn't receive the grimmoire for it :( Doing something wrong or doesn't count for some reason?
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