Worst Crota Raid EVAR! Our singing of Weebls stuff songs and even summoning the power of GreySkull didn't work. Hive enemas for everyone! Props to Naisdes for being a one man army on the Abyss too!
Glohookini complete with primary weapon set to windmill didn't make a difference. Sad face.
Great fun last night chaps
Got the Mrs a second Fatebringer, Word of Crota and a Vex Myth. She is pretty chuffed now.
Turns out I am lethal with the relic on the Templar... sent Drunzer flying trying to destroy his detain bubble (which I did do).....
Crota was being a little ***** but it was a ploy so Burt could get a taste of what we all went through in the early days... Honest....
A highlight of that run was seeing the sword down and the sword bearer stood in front of it with full health on my screen. Crota then took issue with my actions and immediately killed me as soon as I hit the rock.
It was like being back in Jan 15...
So I'm going to bite the bullet and join one of these Raid groups. But what on earth is a "sword bearer" that many seem to be requesting?
What are you talking about? We got Crota first time remember? There was no issues... none.
Yep, can't figure out why Flawless Raider trophy didn't pop. Must be a bug.
I'm not gonna be back until late tonight guys so won't be able to finish off Crota or start a VoG until Thursday if everyone is around?
Should be ok to finish off Thurs night, if I can't make it ill post in here to let u know.
I'll be online till late tonight, probably 11 so if u manage to get online...give me a hand with the nf if you don't mind unless I do it beforehand.
I'm not gonna be back until late tonight guys so won't be able to finish off Crota or start a VoG until Thursday if everyone is around?
Thursday should be fine for me also. Just want to get that ******* down!