*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

So I'm ermmm solo'ing the NF this week or trying to but failing miserably. All weapons void damage but damn those pesky shanks lol.

Will see how far I can get before I give up lol.
Oops I was unconscious well in advance (I blame reading instead of gaming). Unlikely I will be on now until Monday night so will have to blast through them all then!
I've still got them all to do but won't be back on until 10.

I've still got all of mine to do if you have any left? Ended up helping Yimpy with the Thorn bounty last night although we had to restart the Phogoth fight as Xyor didn't spawn in on the last ship :confused: Was simple enough though, enjoy your poison dart gun Yimp! :D
I've still got all of mine to do if you have any left? Ended up helping Yimpy with the Thorn bounty last night although we had to restart the Phogoth fight as Xyor didn't spawn in on the last ship :confused: Was simple enough though, enjoy your poison dart gun Yimp! :D

I'll be on tonight from about 6:30 onwards. Still got them all to do after Phog stood me up last night.
I bought an XBO last week specifically for Halo MCC, ended up buying Destiny too and loving it, really good game.

Just have to get to level 20 asap for some PvP
I think you only need to be lvl5 to access Crucible. The weapon level doesn't matter in it and neither does your character level as everything is normalised. The only stuff that makes a difference is the perks on the weapons/armour and the base stats (impact, rate of fire, blast radius etc.) of the weapon.

A blue lvl16 pulse rifle (cough, cough, Stranger Rifle, cough) could be better than a lot of legendary ones in normal PVP.
Regular PvP is normalised so level doesn't matter so you can enter under 20. Only PvP mdes like Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris is your level important.
I'll be on tonight from about 6:30 onwards. Still got them all to do after Phog stood me up last night.

I'll probably be on from about 7.30 if that's ok? Fancy a bit of IB tonight as well? That's if I'm not needed to help Gimp etc. through the raids... :D
If anyone's up for Prisoner of Elders - Level 32 (Xbox One) let me know.

I've only done it once before but that shouldn't matter too much.

Running on 27/08/15 at 2000 hours.

1. XMorgan1701

If we get through it quick enough, we could also do some strikes and what not.

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VoG Raid is indeed still on for tonight if everyone is still wanting to go ahead?

I'm also game for a PoE or two Morgan, I need to do the 34 this week and 100 per cent need to do Skolas this week too
VoG Raid is indeed still on for tonight if everyone is still wanting to go ahead?

I'm also game for a PoE or two Morgan, I need to do the 34 this week and 100 per cent need to do Skolas this week too

I need to do Crota Hard and Skolas to complete my Triumph.

Do you want to push for Skolas? Since I wanted to do Lv32 for the armour core anyway
Well, we'll have Crota Hard sorted tonight. He's booked in for a thorough prostate exam with his own sword!

Once we've done VoG I'll probably be up for a 34 or 32 tonight. I'll probably have to attempt 35 with Dave and Wardy or Jay as I believe we need one of each class to do it successfully without wanting to kill yourself in the process
Well, we'll have Crota Hard sorted tonight. He's booked in for a thorough prostate exam with his own sword!

Once we've done VoG I'll probably be up for a 34 or 32 tonight. I'll probably have to attempt 35 with Dave and Wardy or Jay as I believe we need one of each class to do it successfully without wanting to kill yourself in the process

You don't need one of each, I did it and all 3 of us were defender class titans with helm of st.14. With the right perks enough orbs were being generated that we almost had constant bubbles. Sunsinger warlocks are useful for a self res clutch but I would say bladedancer hunters and defender titans are more useful especially on the mines.
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