*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

If there is another PS4 one lined up for this Friday I would like to join.

I'm getting plenty of luck with drops this week regarding exotic weapons, so maybe I can stretch that out to getting some raid armour as well.
We kept getting random crap happen all the way through the atheon fight last night, we almost had him dead, and then one of our guys on oracle duty just dropped dead on the inside. So that was that attempt ruined. Other attempts included the usual teleports not taking people, taking four people instead of three, oracles no dying, and more! I'm not surprised people were just pushing him off with grenades with the amount of random bugs that seem to crop up doing it normally.

We then killed him in only three teleports, fastest I've ever done it I think (bar pushing him off).
I am level 29 now, after yesterday's Normal run, shards, shards and more shards helped.

Now I want an elemental primary or more armour.

Would like to do Hard if there's any going for Xbox One over the next few days?

Warlock, level 29. 300dmg Scout, IceBreaker and Void LMG.

e: I also have an Alt, level 26 Hunter looking to do Normal if there's any going too.
I'm up for a raid now I've got some experience with it, still need instruction though probably lol. On PS4 PSN is DanoClark, also have two or three regulars I currently play with who will usually be available too.
Anybody fancy taking down Atheon on hard tonight?

Got the save and 3 people ready.. Just need 3 more!

Not sure of time, possibly around 8?

Yeah I'll give it a bash.

Lvl29 hunter with plenty of 300dmg weapons on various damage types.

PSN mctrials23
Anybody fancy taking down Atheon on hard tonight?

Got the save and 3 people ready.. Just need 3 more!

Not sure of time, possibly around 8?

I'm up for it if there is still space?

Lvl 29 Gunslinger (4 shots) Hunter with 300dmg Suros, Shadow Price and Void Rocket. Ice Breaker also, but not 300.
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Awesome, thank you :) shame it doesn't cover the voice chat, was very funny.

Yeah not sure what they've done with the voice chat on XB1. On the 360 you could set it to play through both the speakers and headset so the voices would play along with the game sounds. I used to do that for live commentaries while streaming my F1 league. Apparently there are a few cables you can buy to get it to work but they are hard to find. 2.5mm splitter anyone? :(

I'm assuming/hoping they'll patch it in sometime soon, but why it wasn't included from the start is a bit baffling.
Yeah not sure what they've done with the voice chat on XB1. On the 360 you could set it to play through both the speakers and headset so the voices would play along with the game sounds. I used to do that for live commentaries while streaming my F1 league. Apparently there are a few cables you can buy to get it to work but they are hard to find. 2.5mm splitter anyone? :(

I'm assuming/hoping they'll patch it in sometime soon, but why it wasn't included from the start is a bit baffling.

You can do blended: http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11933 Will that not resolve the issue?
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