*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Cool, my hunter is going to be around 290 which'll be fine for most of it...but once we get to witches I can switch back to my titan at around 295.

Thursday 8pm PS4 King's Fall
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Greboth
4) AStaley
5) apatia7

I'd love to join in if you don't mind my titan being 292 and haven't tried kings fall yet (although have watched videos).

I'll be online from about 4:30pm onwards so might creep up to 293
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Thursday 8pm PS4 King's Fall

1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Greboth
4) AStaley
5) apatia7

All good, I hit 290 with my 1000 yard stare on my hunter this morning, so all set :)
Sounds good.

Does that mean we will have two hunters now?

The Bow on the WP and Gologoroth should help our DPS a bit... :D

I wish you luck in advance for the jumping section.... :p
Yep two bows should be good. For golgoroth I found R1 bubble-> switch gaze -> L1 bubble -> break gaze -> clears adds, get ammo, -> repeat was a pretty simple and plenty of time for DPS.
The most straight forward and "safest" strategy seem the right course of action at the moment. We can start to speed things up once we are all experienced in the fight mechanics and execution. This goes for most of the raid TBH. It wouldn't surprise me if in time we start to see "short cuts" and alternative methods appear which significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the raid.
I'm looking for a couple of guys to do the Sunless Cell for the solar exotic sword on Saturday, say 9pm.

I tried last night with randoms and it kept matching me with people chasing a different sword element and the boss seems too difficult if you can't take down two of the three knights as you do it.

1. Meths
You need people with different sword elemental types. You have to be the one that finishes off the appropriate knight, if you have two solar swords, only one of you will be able to finish the quest IIRC.
You need people with different sword elemental types. You have to be the one that finishes off the appropriate knight, if you have two solar swords, only one of you will be able to finish the quest IIRC.

Really, I thought it didn't matter who killed him, only that he died at the correct time?

For example if you all have solar then shoot the boss until the arc knight spawns. Kill arc then shoot the boss until the void knight spawns. Kill void then lower the health of the boss until he's nearly dead. During that time solar has spawned. Kill him and then kill the boss. Everybody wins!
Yeah the person who wants the exotic has to get the kill, I would recommend trying 2 elements, me, Corey and Drunzer did it last night and we kept 2 Knights alive and just weakened the boss down. It was tough and we had a few deaths but no wipes.
VoG/Crota raids
1. TehBluebear
2. OweO
3. Greeboth (tentative)

When would be best for you guys to do this? Greeb, any updates?

Would anyone else want to join in? Not sure how many people would be needed tbh, even if we're vastly overleveled for them.
VoG/Crota raids
1. TehBluebear
2. OweO
3. Greeboth (tentative)

When would be best for you guys to do this? Greeb, any updates?

Would anyone else want to join in? Not sure how many people would be needed tbh, even if we're vastly overleveled for them.

Ideally it would be good to have full fireteams for both. Despite the level difference VoG is harder than CE due to the mechanics. CE is more of a lengthy strike in this regard.
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