*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

You can only get the sisters grimoire by killing them in the mission where you have to go and get made ascendant back in Crotas raid (where you have to sneak around). You have to sit at the back and slowly snipe them to death, being careful to let yourself go fully invisible again between each shot so you're not detected and murdered. Takes a good 10 mins or so.
Blue I'm gonna say something here and please know from the bottom of my heart I'm not trying to make you feel bad and to anyone else looking on I'm not some kind of Destiny elitist, I (and others) take new people through the raid all the time and I really enjoy helping.

It's going to be very difficult for you to do that Oryx fight if you can't communicate correctly, I really do sympathize with you because there's not much you can do but at one point last night you were sending a message to OweO, OweO would read the message to us we would respond and he would send a message back. That is not going to work against Oryx, to be honest I think we kind of lucked out against Deathsingers.

There are steps we can take to minimize the problem, the first thing would be putting you in the support role as basically your primary objective is clearing adds it doesn't require as much co-ordination as the people on the plates. A potential problem could be if one of the plate holders die you will need to get their bomb during the detonation phase but if you can't hear us that will leave us a bomb short and it extends the fight. The second thing I'm sorry to say is studying the fight on youtube, if you can't correctly hear us when we're explaining things at least this way you should already know what you have to do.

I hope none of that offended you. I just think if we hope to clear Oryx, we need to consider those steps I just mentioned.

I fully understand where you're coming from mate, no offence taken. I can very well imagine that it must be frustrating at times, it certainally gets frustrating for me too. Unfortunately at that time I had to turn the TV down quite a bit as it was disturbing my dad who was trying to get to sleep; earlier on during the night (everything up to Deathsingers), I was fine and could hear everyone fine. For instance, that was the first time I'd fought Golg with a method using more than one pool and I understood what was going on and what was said well enough.

I watched a vid last night of an Oryx fight after we gave it a go and it's a lot more clear to me now in terms of what needs doing. We did Deathsingers enough that I know what goes on for that now, so I'm sorted.

Of course, I'm not saying it'll go absolutely swimmingly on my part, but I am feeling a lot mpre confident. I'm more than happy to go into a support role too.
I'm sure that Milkys magical mystery tour will be taking place as usual mate :D

But just to make sure:

Xbox - Fallen King Raid - Friday 16/10/2015 @ 8pm GMT (which is 9pm OCuK time normally :D ).

1. BurpSnart77
2. Je11y Master (now with new and improved headset ;D)

If people don't mind I can start us off at DeathSingers so we can actually try and finish the raid, managed to get this from the Wednesday night raid.

Unless people want to do that over the weekend/Monday.

FunkyStrawberry won't be able to make it until at least 11:30pm as he's at work.

But I know HairyHen was looking to do the raid for the first time.
Hard Mode raid will simply increase the level of the enemies to 42 and add another mechanic here and there.

like not being able to choose who the jumper is on oryx i imagine.

and every time you fail to capture golgoroths gaze you lose 1 life on the ruin.

don't know how they could mod the war priest section other than give him more health or more adds or containment bubbles.
I fully understand where you're coming from mate, no offence taken. I can very well imagine that it must be frustrating at times, it certainally gets frustrating for me too. Unfortunately at that time I had to turn the TV down quite a bit as it was disturbing my dad who was trying to get to sleep; earlier on during the night (everything up to Deathsingers), I was fine and could hear everyone fine. For instance, that was the first time I'd fought Golg with a method using more than one pool and I understood what was going on and what was said well enough.

I watched a vid last night of an Oryx fight after we gave it a go and it's a lot more clear to me now in terms of what needs doing. We did Deathsingers enough that I know what goes on for that now, so I'm sorted.

Of course, I'm not saying it'll go absolutely swimmingly on my part, but I am feeling a lot mpre confident. I'm more than happy to go into a support role too.

Yeah there was a noticeable difference at the Deathsingers. I think we'll be alright especially if you've now studied the fight, we'll pop you into the support role and see how it goes. I'm not sure what my availability is tonight, I'm raiding with another group tomorrow night but if we've got an Oryx checkpoint could maybe fit it in after. I guess it'll be up to all the other guys as well.
I fully understand where you're coming from mate, no offence taken. I can very well imagine that it must be frustrating at times, it certainally gets frustrating for me too. Unfortunately at that time I had to turn the TV down quite a bit as it was disturbing my dad who was trying to get to sleep; earlier on during the night (everything up to Deathsingers), I was fine and could hear everyone fine. For instance, that was the first time I'd fought Golg with a method using more than one pool and I understood what was going on and what was said well enough.

I watched a vid last night of an Oryx fight after we gave it a go and it's a lot more clear to me now in terms of what needs doing. We did Deathsingers enough that I know what goes on for that now, so I'm sorted.

Of course, I'm not saying it'll go absolutely swimmingly on my part, but I am feeling a lot mpre confident. I'm more than happy to go into a support role too.

I would say as long as you know the mechanics of the fight and more importantly your role in the fight (support / pillar / relic runner) you will be absolutely fine.

Support will be helping with Ogres (flex comes from knowing the spawn order) and clearing adds. As support you will also act as pillar backup (knowing who was on what platform, and ensuring that if they die you effectively taken on their responsibility for that "wave").

Class wise I think you are going to be limited to either Gunslinger of Nightstalker. Both can be useful for varying parts of the fight (Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk makes the DPS phase a doddle). Bladedancer is mostly useless for this fight as the super is naff and there are no instances where going invisible will really help you.

Will bear that in mind about the class OweO, cheers! I do actually have a Celestial Nighthawk sat in my inventory now, unfortunately nothing unlocked on it yet. I'll slap it on tonight and go and farm Court for a bit to get some XP on it.

Cheers for the advice lads. As I said to OweO last night post-raid, you guys have massive patience and I love you for it. Unless some of you got angry at me, but hey I couldn't hear you anyway :p
Cheers for the advice lads. As I said to OweO last night post-raid, you guys have massive patience and I love you for it. Unless some of you got angry at me, but hey I couldn't hear you anyway :p

It's no problem at all, I don't believe anybody got angry. Corey will occasionally punch things and shout obscenities but that's more out of frustration at the situation, not a particular person. He's a delicate flower really, you just have to know how to take him.
If people don't mind I can start us off at DeathSingers so we can actually try and finish the raid, managed to get this from the Wednesday night raid.

Unless people want to do that over the weekend/Monday.

FunkyStrawberry won't be able to make it until at least 11:30pm as he's at work.

But I know HairyHen was looking to do the raid for the first time.

Oh yes we got to the death singers the other night with kwjay and gimp. More than happy to carry on from that cp if others are ok with it. I'll be online around 8-ish to join in so chuck me an invite.

If not then I'll just wait for gimp and co to set up the raid so I can finish it.

I'm sure that Milkys magical mystery tour will be taking place as usual mate :D

But just to make sure:

Xbox - Fallen King Raid - Friday 16/10/2015 @ 8pm GMT (which is 9pm OCuK time normally :D ).

1. BurpSnart77
2. Je11y master
Will bear that in mind about the class OweO, cheers! I do actually have a Celestial Nighthawk sat in my inventory now, unfortunately nothing unlocked on it yet. I'll slap it on tonight and go and farm Court for a bit to get some XP on it.

Cheers for the advice lads. As I said to OweO last night post-raid, you guys have massive patience and I love you for it. Unless some of you got angry at me, but hey I couldn't hear you anyway :p

If u got lots of motes of light then use them to level your helmet up. Farming for xp can take a lot of time. Usually takes me a few days to fully level up an exotic armour or weapon.
Will bear that in mind about the class OweO, cheers! I do actually have a Celestial Nighthawk sat in my inventory now, unfortunately nothing unlocked on it yet. I'll slap it on tonight and go and farm Court for a bit to get some XP on it.

Cheers for the advice lads. As I said to OweO last night post-raid, you guys have massive patience and I love you for it. Unless some of you got angry at me, but hey I couldn't hear you anyway :p

The perk you need is unlocked right from the get go so you will be golden (forgive the phrase..).
Anyone got any links to YouTube for how certain sections should be done? I don't want to watch a load of vids and find they were doing it a strange way lol.

First time coming this Sat and think it might help if I at least know the score a little before hand.
Anyone got any links to YouTube for how certain sections should be done? I don't want to watch a load of vids and find they were doing it a strange way lol.

First time coming this Sat and think it might help if I at least know the score a little before hand.

You sure you don't want to go in blind? The situation with BlueBear is a little different because he's unable to hear us and we can't hear him at times. We can talk you through everything though, keeps the 'wow' factor when you first encounter a few things. If you still want a few videos I can definitely link you but I don't think it will be necessary.
You sure you don't want to go in blind? The situation with BlueBear is a little different because he's unable to hear us and we can't hear him at times. We can talk you through everything though, keeps the 'wow' factor when you first encounter a few things. If you still want a few videos I can definitely link you but I don't think it will be necessary.

To be fair, I saw all of the surprises before I had to watch the vid on Oryx so I'm fine :D
Anyone got any links to YouTube for how certain sections should be done? I don't want to watch a load of vids and find they were doing it a strange way lol.

First time coming this Sat and think it might help if I at least know the score a little before hand.

Go in blind, it's far more fun. Drunzer/Cory and the rest are really good and will tell you what you need to know before each of the fights.
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