*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

How does 8.00 pm sound?
Couple of quick questions, what subclass is best to use and what weapons. I know a sniper rifle is a good start but what about primary/heavy?

Defender Titan for Weapons/Blessings of Light. Nightstalker Hunter for Tether. Sunsinger Warlock for survivability (maybe Stormtrance for Golgoroth to help with adds)

Primary, what do you have? The dead orbit scout rifle is good, or an exotic primary? High impact sniper all the way through for max damage on bosses. Heavy, whatever you have highest damage really.
Ditto, but feel at 310 might hold you back on Oryx.

Ditto here, I should be around tonight also.

How does 8.00 pm sound?
Couple of quick questions, what subclass is best to use and what weapons. I know a sniper rifle is a good start but what about primary/heavy?

I don't what character you are but I would say
Titan: Bubble Bro for fist part and Hammers for golgoroth onwards
Warlock: Stormcaller
Hunter: Void Bow. If you have celestial nighthawk then golden gun is useful at Oryx.

For weapons;
Primary - Anything that is high enough light and you are comfortable with. Primaries are really only used for ad clearance and as last ditch effort if you run out of all other ammo.
Special: I use a shotgun for the very beginning when opening the portal but for the rest it is a high impact sniper. There are others but I think most default to black spindle or 1000 yard stare.
Heavy: IMO a machine gun is better than a rocket launcher. Though if a RL gets you to a much better light level then keep the RL equipped.
I'd be up for the NM run.

PS4 - NM King's Fall - Weds 28th

1. mctrials23 - 299 hunter
2. middgen - 308 titan
3. Silas1972 - 296 titan
4. Vin_man66 - 294 hunter
5. TehBluebear - 301 Hunter

Cool...any time from 6 UK time is good for me, missus is out for the evening :cool:

Gear wise....most important thing is a decent sniper. Black Spindle is ideal but the Vanguard vendor 1000-yard stare with triple tap is excellent too, get it infused as high as you can. Snipers will be doing 90% of the damage on Warpriest/Golgoroth/Daughters (unless you have Touch of Malice).

Other than that, a few special synth are useful. With an average around 300 we shouldn't have any issues with DPS at all.

Well, actually the most critical thing is BRING YOUR JUMPING A-GAME! Go do the stinky calcified fragment in the dreadnaught a few times for practice, you'll need it for daughters ;)
Not going to lie, as a hunter and a crap jumper my A game isn't amazing. About a B- I reckon.
Ah your a hunter, you will be fine.

The jumping sections that matter (daughters & Oryx basically) are arguably easier as a hunter / Titan anyway. As a hunter I would strongly recommend triple jump for those sections.
I kinda prefer the hunter jumps :) But still, make sure you have a fairly high agility setup once we get to Daughters. It's a much easier jumping bit than the stinky fragment, but it can get a bit nervewracking because you can feel the pressure of 5 other people depending on you making it round! At you're playing with cool people not impatient randoms....it'll probably take a few attempts to get the daughters down with some new people, so don't sweat a few wipes.

Oryx is much easier than daughters imo.
Not going to lie, as a hunter and a crap jumper my A game isn't amazing. About a B- I reckon.

If you're not a confident jumper you could potentially cause a lot of wipes at the sisters but guess what, that's just part of being inexperienced with the King's Fall raid. If your group understands that, that's great and you WILL get better. If your group can't understand that, find a new group =) You'll be fine.


We will be minus Corey tonight if we do decide to try this one more time, that's a lot of firepower/experience gone. We would need a suitable replacement, I can't start until around the 9/9:30 mark. I'm happy enough to continue with that strategy we had in place with a few alterations I'll talk about later if we go for it.

Staley I think you were saying last night you had around 100 marks, if there's any possibility you can get 50 more marks before tonight I would really recommend grabbing a 1000 yard stare and infusing it as high as you can. It'll make things so much easier for you.

PS. If I sounded abrupt in any of that I apologize, it's been a terrible day -_-
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There's a slim possibility I might be around to help if you're gonna have a crack at finishing HM this evening....just ping me if I'm online. 307 w 310 1000 yard and ToM.
I do have a 100 Yard Stare (Fire), but nothing to bump it's level up with......although guess I could use one of my fusion rifles.

Stats on it aren't great. Last Resort/Spray and Loot.
We will be minus Corey tonight if we do decide to try this one more time, that's a lot of firepower/experience gone. We would need a suitable replacement, I can't start until around the 9/9:30 mark. I'm happy enough to continue with that strategy we had in place with a few alterations I'll talk about later if we go for it.

Staley I think you were saying last night you had around 100 marks, if there's any possibility you can get 50 more marks before tonight I would really recommend grabbing a 1000 yard stare and infusing it as high as you can. It'll make things so much easier for you.

PS. If I sounded abrupt in any of that I apologize, it's been a terrible day -_-

9 onwards is fine for me although I have a hard limit at 11:30 again due to work. TBH I think it is worth a shot as we gel well as a team.

I do have a 100 Yard Stare (Fire), but nothing to bump it's level up with......although guess I could use one of my fusion rifles.

Stats on it aren't great. Last Resort/Spray and Loot.

To quote PsychoSonny, stats don't matter :D In this case though, its the impact and damage that matter the most, having everyone using 290+ 1K Stare / Black Spindle delivers the most damage on the raid bosses ;) (until you get to an invincibility aura, then its ToM time!)
Defender Titan for Weapons/Blessings of Light. Nightstalker Hunter for Tether. Sunsinger Warlock for survivability (maybe Stormtrance for Golgoroth to help with adds)

Primary, what do you have? The dead orbit scout rifle is good, or an exotic primary? High impact sniper all the way through for max damage on bosses. Heavy, whatever you have highest damage really.

I have a 298 hung jury scout rifle and a 290 Monte Carlo and 290 bad juju and 290 Boolean Gemini . Secondary I have a 298 1000 yard stare and for heavy a 299 ruin wake machine gun
As Venom said, the perks aren't that important. It's the sheer damage output over something like a fusion rifle. Honestly Staley, the difference will be huge. We'll take another shot at this then assuming we get a 6th, we'll check on midgen later.

Question! I don't have a Hunter so not sure, let's say the entire fireteam were to 'hug' a Nightstalker Hunter and they threw down a vanish in smoke grenade.. would that cloak the entire team? Or is there a limit to how many people that can affect?
I have a 298 hung jury scout rifle and a 290 Monte Carlo and 290 bad juju and 290 Boolean Gemini . Secondary I have a 298 1000 yard stare and for heavy a 299 ruin wake machine gun

Oh you're sorted then, Hung Jury / 1K Stare / Ruin Wake is solid!!

Question! I don't have a Hunter so not sure, let's say the entire fireteam were to 'hug' a Nightstalker Hunter and they threw down a vanish in smoke grenade.. would that cloak the entire team? Or is there a limit to how many people that can affect?

IIRC it will cloak everyone within the radius
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