*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Hard mode. PS4. Saturday 7:30/8:00pm need 2 more. Must be level 29 or 30. Please add your name to the list if interested.

1) Hixx 29 warlock sunsinger.
2) Dr3ddPS 29 warlock sunsinger.
3) Potatohedz 29 hunter
4) DaveyPitch 30 warlock
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Anybody want a hard Atheon checkpoint? I'm looking to transfer it to my other characters so I would bring someone along and promote them to fireteam leader then they would have the hard mode checkpoint and then they would invite me back in on my other character, I can do this as many times as needed.

I would ! I have done it with a team twice, but would love a crack at soloing it now I have double grenades. I'll be on after 8:00pm. MY PSN name is the same as my forum name.
Regular Hard Raid group (7pm - normal raid run first and quick hopefully!)

OK, for this Saturday so far its:

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (29 Warlock/28-29 Titan/29 Hunter)
2) Maxilive - Maxi_Live (30 Hunter)
3) Soulja - Soulja85 (29 Warlock)
4) UberGinge - UberGinge (29 Warlock)
5) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
6) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (29 Titan)

Can't make Saturday:

Drunzer - Drunzer (29 Titan)
CoreyMcK1994 - CoreyMcK20 (29 Titan)

Reserves/Shown interest:
ShakeNBake - ShakeNBakeUK (28 ?)
Evilsod - Evil_sod (28 Hunter)

EDIT: Man I guess we just need a person but as Drunzer/CoreyMcK1994 can make the next one I assume it's just a spare for this week. Could make 2 raid parties depending on interest...

EDIT2: Added Zhokel as forgot he would be a definite for this (sorry)

EDIT3: Reeve happy to stand in so think that's all done for this Saturday - if there's more interest I'll see if a second group is possible...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just wanted to make sure everyone can make tomorrow - expectation is normal then hard. Ive already ran hard on my Warlock this week so likely to bring my Hunter or Titan - got some good ideas but love input from others as I know youve all had a go at it. Thinking defending the confluxes in the Templar fight and getting the two shields before Atheon are the real issues we need to think about - need luck on our sides.

My assumption is Atheon wont be patched by tomorrow either...
thanks for the help ps3udo, was good fun. shame we couldn't nail the last bit. next time maybe.

thanks again, enjoy the cloak!
I had a lot of fun - its nice playing with people that are new to raid as the discovery of what you have to do is cool. I hope I avoided enough spoilers - it definitely took time but its just practise and progression every time you run it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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REMINDER: Atheon checkpoint at 9pm. PS4.

Join my fireteam at 9pm to start at last checkpoint to finish off Atheon. Just need a group who can communicate and know how to wield the relic effectively. I'll happily take instruction from the experienced folk. Cheese or proper.

Join me at 9pm.
Anyone fancy a try at raid on Hard tomorrow afternoon (PS4), say 2ish? Have two so far.

1. Burt - Titan
2. Jaro - Titan
20:30 PSN Normal Raiders, please make sure that you have added me on PSN (UberGinge)!

As usual it will be streamed for those that want to watch it. You can watch us live at Twitch. I will probably be online prior to this possibly just streaming some general shenanigans :)

Cheers UberGinge, Maxi, Sergeant Johnson, JWalley & McGray for taking me through VoG tonight. That was fun and apart from repeatedly screwing up at the disappearing platforms I really enjoyed it. Shame I didn't get any loot apart from shards and the shader - just goes to show VoG isn't the land of milk and honey it's made out to be :)
No problem mate, will have to try again after reset :). My primary should be fully upgraded by then, think I need a void fusion rifle as well.
Cheers UberGinge, Maxi, Sergeant Johnson, JWalley & McGray for taking me through VoG tonight. That was fun and apart from repeatedly screwing up at the disappearing platforms I really enjoyed it. Shame I didn't get any loot apart from shards and the shader - just goes to show VoG isn't the land of milk and honey it's made out to be :)

Yeah nice one all, EZ!
What were we doing wrong?

not wrong as such just a few tips. for the outside team one player on each gate pillar and one one middle platform puts them in out of reach zones from the kamikaze harpys. the inside gate team 1 only does oracles the other helps relic holder until enemies dead then helps with oracles.

we were close and gave it a really good go
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