*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Does anyone need Hard VoG tonight around 8? We have the Gatekeeper checkpoint and 3 lvl 29 hunters so far.

I could potentially do this, I'm free until 9:30pm. I've never done VoG on hard before, I don't encounter many problems on normal though. Level 29 Titan, fully upgraded Shadow Price and Swarm. My Ice Breaker is nearly maxed, not quite there just yet.
There is an extra space in mine now, my friend has fatherly duties to attend to and has had to postpone.

PS4 Normal Thursday 9:30pm

1. CrapFarm - 29 Hunter Gunslinger
2. Evilsod -
3. oHUTCHYo - 29 Warlock Sunsinger
4. xAlrikx - 28/29 Titan Defender
5. Bevy69er - 28/29 Titan Defender
6. Kreeeee - 27 Warlock

Whats your PSN and level/class etc?

Guys, decent try tonight, disappointed I still haven't completed a full raid yet like :p

So how does this work, if I join with another 5 different players now can will I carry us through to the final checkpoint or do we all need to plat together in the same group to finish?

If anyone can join me, I suggest one Friday night if anyone is game?
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