Am I right in sayng the raid is like nightfall, once done in the week theres no opportunity for further rewards until next reset? Multiple characters/difficulty mode excluded of course.
Am I right in sayng the raid is like nightfall, once done in the week theres no opportunity for further rewards until next reset? Multiple characters/difficulty mode excluded of course.
PS4 Normal raid Friday 7:30PM
need 3 more people
PS4 Normal raid Friday 7:30PM
need 2 more people
Guys from last nights 8.30 run, up for finishing off Atheon tonight?
Does anyone need Hard VoG tonight around 8? We have the Gatekeeper checkpoint and 3 lvl 29 hunters so far.
PS4 Normal raid Friday 7:30PM
need 2 more people
Guys from last nights 8.30 run, up for finishing off Atheon tonight?
PS4 Normal raid Friday 7:30PM
need 0 more people
4. chewie9967 - 28 - hunter
5. ZG002 28 Hunter
6. Munky_Mafoo 27 Titan
There is an extra space in mine now, my friend has fatherly duties to attend to and has had to postpone.
PS4 Normal Thursday 9:30pm
1. CrapFarm - 29 Hunter Gunslinger
2. Evilsod -
3. oHUTCHYo - 29 Warlock Sunsinger
4. xAlrikx - 28/29 Titan Defender
5. Bevy69er - 28/29 Titan Defender
6. Kreeeee - 27 Warlock
Whats your PSN and level/class etc?