Strategy is :
3 guys on plate, 1,2,3.
1 jumper.
2 guys on daughter's platform. 1 must be a titan.
When Oryx slams, the titan on the platform pops a blessings of light bubble. The two guys on top (and the guys on the plates) waste the ogres with Touch of Malice. When the second ogre is down, one of them switches to killing the knights that spawn. Other guys continues finishing off all 4 ogres where they spawn with help from the guys on the plates.
At this point, runner has the relic and calls it out, so the plate guys drop off their plates onto the step to avoid fire from adds/oryx.
Knight guy on the platform finishes off the last knight....then it's about time for oryx to slam and everyone goes to the middle.
Everyone sits in the aura and clears all the adds with ToM.
That's a cycle, repeat x4 and you're done.