*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I might not be around tonight, not sure yet :D

I'm wanting to play Evolve with a few peeps but not sure when we will be playing so I would look for someone else!

Good luck with the Raid ^.^
Cheers for the notice I guess - tbh Im quickly getting to the point where I might just give this up, I already have a main hard raid group and trying to get one on here is more trouble than its worth - just annoying how flaky people are when it comes down to making/keeping a commitment. I moved it to Friday because people wanted that and stopped UberGinge from joining assuming more people could make tonight :(

Oh well - guess Bennie-Mac/LackyT that spots yours if you want it

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (29 Warlock)
2) Soulja - Soulja85 (29 Warlock)
3) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
4) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (29 Titan)
5) soundb0y - shttypoomcnasty (? ?)
6) Bennie-Mac - ? (29 Hunter) / LackyT - TL_Venom (29 Hunter)

Bennie-Mac - ? (29 Hunter) / LackyT - TL_Venom (29 Hunter)
Evilsod - Evil_sod (29 Hunter)

Can't make Friday:
UberGinge - UberGinge (29 Warlock)

Shown interest:
Drunzer - Drunzer (29 Titan)
CoreyMcK1994 - CoreyMcK20 (29 Titan)
ShakeNBake - ShakeNBakeUK (28 ?)
oHUTCHYo - ? (29 Warlock)
Maxilive - Maxi_Live (30 Hunter)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Just been looking at DestinyDB.com and they have a player stats section.

So far i've completed the vault 8 times across my 2 characters, and my quickest clearance was 1 hour 22. Quite impressed with that :)
I might not be able to make the raid tonight as apparently I'm taking my daughter round to strangers houses to ask for sweets.
That sounds mildly dangerous, should just give her sweets and do the raid. Much safer!

I suggested that we just stay home and give sweets to strangers kids but she's not so keen on the idea. I wouldn't mind but I've got a chest infection so I don't really want to be walking around the streets all night :(
i will, but give him some time ;)

I'm here! I'm here! lol
Thanks Dredd - I'm working from home today and been busy on teh phonez

Was gunna ask if we still on for 2nite 2!
I'm a defo commitment uberginge

Dr3dd - oHutchyo is looking for players for 2nite too - Sure he'll be happy to have you on the list.
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I'm here! I'm here! lol
Thanks Dredd - I'm working from home today and been busy on teh phonez

Was gunna ask if we still on for 2nite 2!
I'm a defo commitment uberginge

Dr3dd - oHutchyo is looking for players for 2nite too - Sure he'll be happy to have you on the list.

Wonderful timing! Bring on tonight!
im still available for this aswel Uber
have to pop to work in the morning so will be on for a few hours tonight but will have to head off by about 12ish, would imagine thats enough time to finish the raid
Sorry guys I think I may have to bow out of the Expendables raid this evening as I cannot guarantee that I will be back home in time.

Good luck to all involved !!

PSN: Satchey
A lot of 28s dont like using shards on non-raid legendaries. IIRC youll need to do 4 shard upgrades (24 shards) on the 2 non-raid armour with an fully upgraded exotic and raid armour to hit 29...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah, this is it. I was hoping to get some more gear through normal raid and then put the shards into them rather than the legendaries.
Just saw this - excellent I'll see you at 7 then. Bring lots of heavy ammo! What's your PSN and character?

Hi dude, I can put you down as a reserve for tonight? Most likely to need you knowing our luck:

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (29 Warlock/29 Titan/30 Hunter)
2) Maxilive - Maxi_Live (30 Hunter)
3) Soulja - Soulja85 (29 Warlock)
4) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
5) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (29 Titan)
6) soundb0y - shttypoomcnasty (? ?)

Bennie-Mac - ? (29 Hunter)
LackyT - TL_Venom (29 Hunter)

Can't make Friday:
UberGinge - UberGinge (29 Warlock)

Shown interest:
Drunzer - Drunzer (29 Titan)
CoreyMcK1994 - CoreyMcK20 (29 Titan)
ShakeNBake - ShakeNBakeUK (28 ?)
Evilsod - Evil_sod (28 Hunter)
oHUTCHYo - ? (29 Warlock)

ps3ud0 :cool:

Can't make tonight unless its after 9 15 unfortunately, if someone drops out though at the later stages I'll happily step in though. Just message my psn if you need me. Got my titan defender up to 29 last night so may be more useful than a hunter. Psn is CrapFarm should you need me.
If theres any more drop-outs I think we wont be able to do this tonight. Ill add the guys who should be able to make it in a bit:

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (29 Warlock)
2) Soulja - Soulja85 (29 Warlock) / Evilsod - Evil_sod (29 Hunter)
3) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
4) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (29 Titan)
5) soundb0y - shttypoomcnasty (? ?)
6) LackyT - TL_Venom (29 Hunter)


Can't make Friday:
UberGinge - UberGinge (29 Warlock)

Shown interest:
Drunzer - Drunzer (29 Titan)
CoreyMcK1994 - CoreyMcK20 (29 Titan)
ShakeNBake - ShakeNBakeUK (28 ?)
oHUTCHYo - ? (29 Warlock)
Maxilive - Maxi_Live (30 Hunter)
Bennie-Mac - CrapFarm (29 Titan)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just as a update:

Hunter is 29 (available for Hard)
Titan is 28
Warlock is 28
Sorry I just realised I added your name but didnt acknowledge your post and now with the drop outs we might need you? Can you make 7pm tonight? Sorry for the last minute nature of this...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Reminder - PS4 normal raid - 8pm tonight

I've lost track of who is and isnt coming, first join first in, need experienced relic handlers and preferably 28+ if possible.

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