*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Anyone up for doing a normal raid on Xbox One tomorrow night (Thursday)? I did my first raid at the weekend so I'm definitely not experienced enough to lead it, but I can play my part.

GT: thoseion
Guardian: Level 28 Hunter (may be 29 by tomorrow if shards go my way tonight..)
Platform: Xbox One
Difficulty: Normal
Time: Thursday 6th Nov, ~8pm
This is short notice but does anyone fancy running through hard on the PS4 tonight? Start time will be ~8.30pm. The 3 of us have cleared it before but you will need to be lv29 minimum with a mic and previous raid experience as it won't be a cakewalk.

Team so far:
Righteous_Rabbit Lv30 Sunsinger
Moon-EU- Lv30 Hunter
TheLazyBoy_ Lv30 Hunter
I can finally hit level 30, after waiting for ages for the boots I get two pairs at once from doing the oracles on hard mode, also bagged myself the Fatebringer! Giving it a try now.

Can do the raid 3 times still, and I should be free most evenings this week!
This is short notice but does anyone fancy running through hard on the PS4 tonight? Start time will be ~8.30pm. The 3 of us have cleared it before but you will need to be lv29 minimum with a mic and previous raid experience as it won't be a cakewalk.

Team so far:
Righteous_Rabbit Lv30 Sunsinger
Moon-EU- Lv30 Hunter
TheLazyBoy_ Lv30 Hunter

I'm interested, but only level 29 Titan. Fair bit of raid experience but only made it to the gates on hard before...it's tough!

Should've said; PSN is BurtimusII
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I'm interested, but only level 29 Titan. Fair bit of raid experience but only made it to the gates on hard before...it's tough!

Should've said; PSN is BurtimusII

Lv29 is fine, I will add you shortly. I'm not familiar with the cheese on Atheon so we will probably be doing it the old fashioned way :D
Cheers for that! Very impressed at how quick you guys battered through it!

It was a good group, I can't believe we managed to take down Atheon on hard on the first attempt with no cheese.

It's a shame about the loot, I'm still waiting on the Vision of Confluence and the Mythocast. Hopefully I will have better luck with the group on Friday.
I can finally hit level 30, after waiting for ages for the boots I get two pairs at once from doing the oracles on hard mode, also bagged myself the Fatebringer! Giving it a try now.

Can do the raid 3 times still, and I should be free most evenings this week!

I shan't be far behind hopefully. Just got to get a pair of 30 light gauntlets and I'm there !
It was a good group, I can't believe we managed to take down Atheon on hard on the first attempt with no cheese.

It's a shame about the loot, I'm still waiting on the Vision of Confluence and the Mythocast. Hopefully I will have better luck with the group on Friday.

I haven't even been in a group that managed it on normal first (or second...or third) time, let alone on hard! Inspirational stuff. Between yesterday on normal and today on hard I scored the Vision of Confluence (sorry) and a shed load of shards. Where's the raid armour at. :(
So first time through with the random teleports and we just about managed it on Normal without too much trouble. There's a bit of a learning curve as players get to grips with relic duties but it's not insurmountable.

What is infuriating is only being rewarded with ascendant materials and a chatterwhite, I mean c'mon, The daily story gives you practically the same for about 20 mins of work!

My best haul was on my first run, Atheon's Epilogue, Raid Shotgun, Chest piece, Hard light and a chatterwhite.

Last run I got a skirt for my Titan and a dupe chest piece, this time sweet FA. :mad:

Need to start raiding with my Warlock & Hunter now.
My raiding today got me raid gauntlets, so i can have both titans at level 30 now with two sets of armour (saves switching, lol) and i got fatebringer and hard light. Not too shabby with the RNGesus today.

On top of that, my warlock is now level 26 so i'm only 1 level away from 3 raid characters :D
I got the chest piece for my titan so I should be 30 by next Tuesday.

Got fatebringer and hard light too!
Anyone up for doing a normal raid on Xbox One tomorrow night (Thursday)? I did my first raid at the weekend so I'm definitely not experienced enough to lead it, but I can play my part.

GT: thoseion
Guardian: Level 28 Hunter (may be 29 by tomorrow if shards go my way tonight..)
Platform: Xbox One
Difficulty: Normal
Time: Thursday 6th Nov, ~8pm

We doing this?

Level 28 Titan or level 26 Warlock here.

GT: Stewp00
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