OK lets get the ball rolling, gotta catch those raid helms - PS4 Hard Raid, Friday @ 7pm. With COD out Im guessing we might need new faces so let me know if you cant make it:
1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 (29 Titan/30 Hunter)
2) Soulja - Soulja85 (29 Warlock)
3) Zhokel - Zhokel (30 Titan)
4) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit (29 Titan)
5) LackyT - TL_Venom (29 Hunter)
Can't make it:
Maxilive - Maxi_Live (30 Hunter)
Alrik - xAlrikx (30 Warlock)
Shown interest:
soundb0y - shttypoomcnasty (29 Warlock)
Drunzer - Drunzer (29 Titan)
CoreyMcK1994 - CoreyMcK20 (29 Titan)
UberGinge - UberGinge (29 Warlock)
oHUTCHYo - ? (29 Warlock)
Bennie-Mac - CrapFarm (29 Titan)
Evilsod - Evil_sod (29 Hunter)
jdwhalley - jwhalley (29 Hunter)
ashrobbo - ashrobbo88 (29 Hunter)
Hard Atheon bows down to tracking rockets so bring them!