I mean, seriously? Look up the word entitled and you'll find a picture of some **** in an SUV overtaking a cyclist aggressively just like the OP's video. The mind boggles. I think psychiatrists should do a study as to what happens to people's brains when they come up behind a cyclist in the road, it's like something just pops and they lose all humanity
Yes, seriously. Your reaction to my post highlights you have a chip on your shoulder about it and you have indrectly put me in the same category of the **** in an SUV without taking in the context of my post. Read the footnote of my post, I am a cyclist, runner, driver and horse rider.
No matter the calibre of road user I come across I treat them with the respect I would expect, even if they are being an unecessary hazard and invonvenince. I'll happily wait and pass safely, so pleast don't put me in the "*** car driver" box becasue I see
In contrast you wouldn't believe how many cyclists have spooked my horse whilst passing me, passing close and fast whilst shouting arrogant conversations at their mates. That's one thing you really don't want landing on you yet 90% I come across predictably are ignorant to the dangers of spooking a horse much liek they think car drivers are to them.
My opinion of other cyclists is from a rural area where people from all over come and cycle here. Not just the towns and villages but the fast narrow lanes that can barely accomodate two-way traffic. Mostly (but not all, lets be clear about this I'm not hating on everyone) they are ignorant to everyone else around them and make themselves bigger hazards than is necessary. This is fact. It is also fact for almost all other road users no matter their vehicle sadly.
It's common sense. If you are a more vulnerabvle road user, act like one. Going to manoeuvre further into the road to pass a parked vehicle? Look behind you in good time, move out when its clear and so anyone else coming along behind can see you've commited to it. Just that one thing alone could save a lot of peoples blood pressure. Instead, most just move out at the last moment without looking and expect anyone else approaching to deal with it. If you don't act predictably unpredictable things will happen. If I see a cyclist look behind I antcipate they're going to manovre somehow, but you wouldn't believe how many who do not.
I'm not saying it's right cars and larger faster vehicles just barge past on their way and hope for the best, I'm just saying most road users do not help themselves one bit.