**DGM 27" LED IPS 2560x1440 ONLY £319.99 Inc. VAT (PRE-ORDER PRICE ONLY)!!**

Hopefully that doesn't mean its a GTX 580 problem and it doesn't mean all of GTX 580 Cards won't show the the bios using the DVI ports on this screen.

Which brand of GTX 580 was it you tested?

I think its a problem with all modern Nvidia cards and these monitors TBH. I don't have my 680 to check anymore but I can test with a 7970 to see if it affects modern AMD cards. The 580 I used was a Inno3D 3GB card bought in Jan this year. It seems to only affect the ANSI/DOS quality BIOS screens, might be ok with a more modern graphical BIOS like on the MSI board I have in the house. Will have to do more tests :)

BTW Gibbo you do realise the issues you indirectly caused yesterday by not including a bag of sweets...? They have become a perfect distraction for my wife and I could have possibly sneaked this monitor in by showing her how kind and thoughtful OC are whilst setting up the monitor and then hiding the box :)

Same reason mine is still in the garage :(
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Nvidia GT 8600? :D

Stop it :D

I think its a problem with all modern Nvidia cards and these monitors TBH. I don't have my 680 to check anymore but I can test with a 7970 to see if it affects modern AMD cards. The 580 I used was a Inno3D 3GB card bought in Jan this year. It seems to only affect the ANSI/DOS quality BIOS screens, might be ok with a more modern graphical BIOS like on the MSI board I have in the house. Will have to do more tests :)

Same reason mine is still in the garage :(

I agree and then it might be hit and miss. However as there is the VGA workaround, and I rarely need the BIOS except to update it and then restore my settings, it is not too bad. It would be worse if there was not that solution.

I think you should let her out now :p


Hey Vimes,

How would you compare the IQ to your Dell 2409?

In a word, or two...

Simply stunning.

If I want to be picky there is a small noticeable amount of backlight bleed which you can see on a totally black screen. But this was also on my Dell 2409 and my Samsung 22" Pebbles monitor.

I have not calibrated the DGM yet but my initial impressions of the colour reproduction and evenness across the screen are very very good. The viewing angles are great and I was always dismissive of that as I sit directly in front of the monitor. But it does make a difference when you are looking at the different parts of the screen as the uniformity of colours is constant.
The depths of the blacks are good and that was an aspect I was prepared to compromise on but I have no concerns there.

My eyes are not the best in the world and yet I can read the text at its native resolution and thus not needing to increase the DPI of Windows.

I am very impressed and accept the BIOS "non issue" (for me) with this monitor due to its costs. If I had have paid double then it would have been returned for that reason alone, providing it is not a common issue across other monitors.

The comfort for me was also knowing the OC will back it up with their support and a three years warranty and that was the clincher.

It is a great feeling when I get to make a good choice but I was hesitant at first not thinking that it would offer enough of a difference over the 2409. But it does for sure.
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Can't believe no one has tried to see if you can remove the stand yet.

As above - never liked the fixed tilt stands or understood why they're used. So with that in mind are any of the below viable:

Will Overclockers be getting an "official" stand from DGM?

Is it possible to fit a proper after market stand directly to the back of the monitor - will my warranty be void if I have to open the back cover and fix a proper stand? (my first option would be to use a Dell stand I have spare).
The stand must be removable, the screen has VESA mounts on the back, this confirms that the stand must be removable.
I assume they are just referring to the screen using an LM270WQ1-SLxx panel and offering a DisplayPort interface, yes

What I was trying to understand is the significance of A1, B1, Q1 etc. i.e. does this indicate different levels of quality. Why did Hazro even mention the panel SL suffix is Q1? I sort of read that as making a point the panel quality is different to what Hazro use.
Has anyone who's got one of these tried connecting it to a MacBook via the display port? Very tempted to get one as my primary desktop screen.
The stand must be removable, the screen has VESA mounts on the back, this confirms that the stand must be removable.

The manual tells you nothing about how to do that.

The cover to the back panel, the leather type look one you can see in Biffa's photos, seems to be held on at the base level by four screws. There are no other screws that I have noted. I have not got a clue as to what is behind there, in terms of removing that arm which would otherwise remain when you take off the base.
I think its a problem with all modern Nvidia cards and these monitors TBH. I don't have my 680 to check anymore but I can test with a 7970 to see if it affects modern AMD cards. The 580 I used was a Inno3D 3GB card bought in Jan this year. It seems to only affect the ANSI/DOS quality BIOS screens, might be ok with a more modern graphical BIOS like on the MSI board I have in the house. Will have to do more tests :)

My understanding is the Hazro WC and the Korea monitors with only DVI-D connection have problems with Nvidia GTX7800 or older and some of the AMD HD5xxx series and a few of the older ATI cards. i.e. modern Nvidia cards do not have a problem with those monitors.

This is a real issue if the monitor only has one DVI-D connector but at least with the DGM, a VGA cable can be connected in parallel for access to the bios is needed. However it has not been confirmed if this will work if the graphics card VGA output is via a DVI to VGA adapter.
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I think £380 for this monitor isnt bad but a steal at £319 :) mind if I were to have the choice between the hazro and this at the same cost it would be a hard choice.
GTX 670 cannot boot into BIOS with DVI but VGA works

GTX 460 Same as above

Old NVidia GT 8600 works a treat with BIOS working through DVI.

pretty lame i guess.
7.6kg is a hell of a weight, hope my vesa mount will be ok with it it! probably should have thought of that before ordering but ah well! Aprrently can do up to 8kg per hinge so should be ok......

So anybody taken it off its stand yet?
Well i have pushed the button on one of these 27" DGM monitors so iam hopeing it will be a good buy! no pixel problems or duff anything else, no screaming PSU problems either he says hopefully.

SL suffix Q1 panel with DP. Good luck to DGM and OCUK. We'll be closely monitoring this thread.

what does this mean? do hazro have some inside info on this panel being used as being no good? or is it hazro hope this comment might put people off? tell you what though 3 year warranty means i bought one!:D
as far as I can find, Q1 = A+ (as mentioned on the OCUK product page and in Gibbo's posts)... the other suffixes are below that (e.g. A1 = A)

so Q1 is the top marking... I think

I guess it would be handy if OCUK could post up (including on the product page) the dead pixel policy of either OCUK or DGM... the other "Korea" monitors have x number dead pixels before they consider it a warranty claim
mind you, at least in the UK we have 14 days to evaluate that ourselves anyway - it's just if pixels start dying after that that it might become an issue
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Hmm....I've just received mine, I'm hoping to wall mount it but I can't see an easy way to remove the adjustable arm connected to the back of the monitor :(

There's a plastic shroud covering the back of the monitor, with what looks like only 4 screws on the bottom row keeping it attached. I'm not sure if I should mess with them though as I don't want to void my warranty.

Here's some pics, any suggestions on how to get the arm off with without using a hacksaw? It's clear plastic for the majority of the length.

Full album of images here
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It looks like it is screwed from the inside ? You might have to remove the back panel to do it which might invalidate any warranty.
Is that not a small screw hole above the centre of where the stand is?

This is my biggest concern. If you can't remove that thing then I'll have to return mine.
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