** Diablo 4 Thread **

I'm not looking for an argument, one came at me.

So you aren’t speaking from experience on mtx but telling everyone here they’re going to get stung by it despite them telling you their own experience with mtx over the years.

The data is quite clear on micro transactions, it’s a small percentage of the player base who are spending all the additional money. Most people couldn’t give two hoots.
You said not being weak meant the mtx stuff wouldn't affect you. I said that's not how it works. You aren't immune.
Well done for not buying stuff so far, but you're rolling the dice just like everyone else.
So you admit then that theres a very strong likelihood that after 40 years of gaming I'm unlikely to buy mtx?

Fair enough then, if thats what you are saying then I see no problem, you're simply agreeing that some people can actually resist the mtx pull.
Like others, the only time I'll be buying anything after the game is out is if there is any expansion or dlc. I do not care for cosmetics etc
So you admit then that theres a very strong likelihood that after 40 years of gaming I'm unlikely to buy mtx?

Fair enough then, if thats what you are saying then I see no problem, you're simply agreeing that some people can actually resist the mtx pull.
No, I'm saying you're just as at risk as everyone else.

The main part of my argument has got lost in this though because ppl are focused on money now. Once a game has mtx in it, the priority shifts from making a good game to making a good shop. The entire game is a shop, all of it, whatever you're doing in game having fun thinking you're not taking part in mtx, that's a shop too.
No, I'm saying you're just as at risk as everyone else.

The main part of my argument has got lost in this though because ppl are focused on money now. Once a game has mtx in it, the priority shifts from making a good game to making a good shop. The entire game is a shop, all of it, whatever you're doing in game having fun thinking you're not taking part in mtx, that's a shop too.
So whats your suggestion then? That instead of having a couple hundred hours of fun in the game, with my friends and family, and not spending a penny on any mtx, I instead decide to deprive myself of those couple hundred hours of fun and refuse to buy the game?
So whats your suggestion then? That instead of having a couple hundred hours of fun in the game, with my friends and family, and not spending a penny on any mtx, I instead decide to deprive myself of those couple hundred hours of fun and refuse to buy the game?
Yeah that's my take on how to get rid of mtx, vote with your wallet by not buying the game.

Edit: I know it won't work because kids are so comfortable with mtx now, they're used to it and even expect it. They're the future customers.
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Yeah that's my take on how to get rid of mtx, vote with your wallet by not buying the game.
Why would I do that? The gaming world will not change if I dont buy the game, all that I achieve by doing that is depriving myself of the hundreds of hours of gaming fun with it. Its cutting my nose off to spite my face.
You've made an awful lot of posts and spent a lot of time in a thread for a game you're not going to buy, weird.
Yeah I really hate it when ppl pile on me unjustly. Internet sux that way.

Maybe he works for GGG on Path of Exile and is trying to stem the competition :D
Nope. Fake news.

Why would I do that? The gaming world will not change if I dont buy the game, all that I achieve by doing that is depriving myself of the hundreds of hours of gaming fun with it. Its cutting my nose off to spite my face.
Yep that's understandable, you don't believe in it enough to do that like I do. Fair enough.
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Human nature I guess, humans rarely like being told that what they are doing is wrong and they should do what someone else says instead. Its why I dont tell people that they should buy Diablo 4 ;)
You should totally buy Diablo 4. :cool:

More likely he's bought the ultimate edition of diablo 4, booked a week off work, and can't wait for the microtransaction shop to open to get some cosmetics. One hell of a smokescreen being setup here.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Stop assuming things.
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The same way you’ve assumed there’s going to be loads of us spending money on mtx in Diablo 4 as if it’s some new concept.
I never assumed or said that. Must have misread something.

ppl said they weren't affected by the game being about mtx because they're not weak. I pushed back against that because it's well known that the manipulations of the marketing department affect everyone, it's why advertising works, brains are vulnerable. I wasn't comfortable with people thinking they're safe when they're not, so I made a point of flagging that situation. Somehow we're still arguing about it. We don't have to.
That's what they want you to think about it, meanwhile they make you feel fomo and sunk cost fallacy so you have an utterly miserable time unless you spend money, and it must get even more like this over time to keep you spending money.

Exact quote.

No, I don’t feel miserable when I’m not spending additional money, neither are most of us by the sounds of the replies so far. So yes, you’ve done a lot of assuming.

lol it's a disgusting mobile mtx shop pretending to be a game, I dunno why so many ppl can't see it.

Also this massive overreaction.
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