** Diablo 4 Thread **

The game will be completely different two years from now. This is a live service game, it's not a finite product like D1/D2 and to a large degree D3 was. It'll change season on season, there'll be more content added, new mechanics, new gear, new metas. This is just the beginning of a very long journey.

doh well yeah they will add more stuff. The question is, will that stuff be any good. D1/D2 were from a totally different time period in gaming, so yeah can't really use those. I wouldn't D3 as an example as that was crap with a capital C.

When you consider the competition and what they have on a season/league basis, D4 has some big old boots to fill.
doh well yeah they will add more stuff. The question is, will that stuff be any good. D1/D2 were from a totally different time period in gaming, so yeah can't really use those. I wouldn't D3 as an example as that was crap with a capital C.

When you consider the competition and what they have on a season/league basis, D4 has some big old boots to fill.
With any luck they will do a season where necromancers arent allowed minions. Damn ARPGs cluttering my screen up with dozens of needless player minions !
Purely cosmetic mate. Plus, and this has to be said, the gear you find in the game looks ******* sick anyway. It's totally optional.
That's what they want you to think about it, meanwhile they make you feel fomo and sunk cost fallacy so you have an utterly miserable time unless you spend money, and it must get even more like this over time to keep you spending money.
That's what they want you to think about it, meanwhile they make you feel fomo and sunk cost fallacy so you have an utterly miserable time unless you spend money, and it must get even more like this over time to keep you spending money.
Luckily I have more strength of character than that and I never find myself in the position of being utterly miserable unless I spend money in a game :)
That's what they want you to think about it, meanwhile they make you feel fomo and sunk cost fallacy so you have an utterly miserable time unless you spend money, and it must get even more like this over time to keep you spending money.
If anything, I'll laugh at people who spend £20+ on a cosmetic. There'll be bunch of these idiots in each town, looking exactly the same.
Won’t spend a penny on the game after buying it unless there’s an expansion at some point.

People need to chill with the micro transactions, they’re in all of Blizzards games now and most other AAA titles as well. As long as they remain cosmetic and don’t change gameplay I don’t see what the issue is.
Who the devil are "We got this covered"... ahh for simpler times when you only had PC Gamer and PC Zone magazine (PC Zone was awesome)
I go back as far as this :D :


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As long as it's purely cosmetic I don't have much of an issue.

I've never felt compelled to buy cosmetics in any game I've ever played where they've been available.
Only if you are weak enough to be manipulated into thinking you need a cosmetic and frankly that says more about the player than the game maker.
It's not about being weak, advertising works, it hacks your brain and you can't resist it. If you think you can resist it you are wrong.

I'm sensing a lot of projection.
A bit, I went through eve online getting ruined by mtx. I really hate to see an otherwise good game go down that way.
I also feel a sense of duty to warn people about what they're getting into (even paying to get into!!! crazy stuff).
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