** Diablo 4 Thread **

I'm really struggling gear wise. I got a nice set around level 53-55 and haven't had an upgrade since, level 60 now. Smashing the standard tier 3 content. With the help of a couple of ocuk'ers I unlocked tier 4 and it is apparent I am very much not ready for that. Nightmare dungeons it is then, did a level 8 one last thing yesterday. Walked it really, end drop was a legendary focus, was thinking great as its my only piece which isn't legendary yet, turns out it's level requirement is 43! 250 dps less than my current item. I'll keep trying progressively harder ones from now but it's verging on ridiculous, I haven't even had an item drop that's even close to giving me a decision to make let alone better.
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Got to level 50 and completed the storyline around the same time, have played about 10 minutes since. I played a lot in short succession for me, and whilst a long way off the hours many others have put into the game I'm just bored. The enemies levelling up with you means you never get to enjoy much of a power trip, and my build is so heavily cooldown and mana heavy I have to play in an efficient way even against trash mobs. Id hoped with D4 there would be more build variation, but the way abilities combine mean you need to be kinda mental to not use certain combos. Wondering if I should just swap away from the Ice Shards Sorcerer to something different, perhaps the wall of fire build, in order to make the game more interesting again. Then again, I'm having fun on other games instead so may just take a break from D4.
I'm really struggling gear wise. I got a nice set around level 53-55 and haven't had an upgrade since, level 60 now. Smashing the standard tier 3 content. With the help of a couple of ocuk'ers I unlocked tier 4 and it is apparent I am very much not ready for that. Nightmare dungeons it is then, did a level 8 one last thing yesterday. Walked it really, end drop was a legendary focus, was thinking great as its my only piece which isn't legendary yet, turns out it's level requirement is 43! 250 dps less than my current item. I'll keep trying progressively harder ones from now but it's verging on ridiculous, I haven't even had an item drop that's even close to giving me a decision to make let alone better.
I am in a similar boat.

I am getting legendary drops but they don't have the stats I need for the build im going for.

I have completed the renowned in all areas and gone through the gear I currently have and hardly replaced anything.
I am in a similar boat.

I am getting legendary drops but they don't have the stats I need for the build im going for.

I have completed the renowned in all areas and gone through the gear I currently have and hardly replaced anything.
I've got one more area to complete for renown and after that not sure what to do. I'll keep trying higher nightmare levels but if I'm getting rewarded with items 17 level below me I don't see me being able to complete a high enough one which will reward me adequately. I don't remember D3 being so poor with the gear.
Yea certain mile stones should pretty much guarantee better drops imo. 60,70,80,90 and 100 with more focus in making the nightmare dungeons challenging. I’d be fine with mobs being level capped in certain regions of the map.
I've got one more area to complete for renown and after that not sure what to do. I'll keep trying higher nightmare levels but if I'm getting rewarded with items 17 level below me I don't see me being able to complete a high enough one which will reward me adequately. I don't remember D3 being so poor with the gear.
I've only done 1 nightmare dungeon and that was the first one you get from the quest when you first get access.

I am currently 62 at the moment and doing it all solo as there is no public option to join groups for dungeons etc (unlike D3)

I'll be doing helltide and world bosses when they spawn but thats about it
I've only done 1 nightmare dungeon and that was the first one you get from the quest when you first get access.

I am currently 62 at the moment and doing it all solo as there is no public option to join groups for dungeons etc (unlike D3)

I'll be doing helltide and world bosses when they spawn but thats about it
I've done a few up to level 8 so far. Drops are no better and not more challenging either. I've killed a few world bosses and loot level was really low from that too.
I've done a few up to level 8 so far. Drops are no better and not more challenging either. I've killed a few world bosses and loot level was really low from that too.
really? I have not tried any of the world bosses yet. I guess we need to work towards level 70 to then try and unlock WT4
I'm really struggling gear wise. I got a nice set around level 53-55 and haven't had an upgrade since, level 60 now. Smashing the standard tier 3 content. With the help of a couple of ocuk'ers I unlocked tier 4 and it is apparent I am very much not ready for that. Nightmare dungeons it is then, did a level 8 one last thing yesterday. Walked it really, end drop was a legendary focus, was thinking great as its my only piece which isn't legendary yet, turns out it's level requirement is 43! 250 dps less than my current item. I'll keep trying progressively harder ones from now but it's verging on ridiculous, I haven't even had an item drop that's even close to giving me a decision to make let alone better.
LVL requirement is a nothing number only there to stop you power levelling a new chr.

For gear item power is the number that's "important", but also once your in wt3-4 then Sacred items in wt3 and Ancestral items in wt4 these are better ranged items. for end game you want ancestral items with over 800 power (highest ive seen is 817 before the 25 upgrade at the blacksmith of course it was a item that was no use to me because RNG).

Other tricks with gear:
% based aspects are always % based so level doesnt matter a they can be ripped off low level items and put on high lvlv rares.
Item power has "tiers" upgrading over a tier boundry changes the stats range, for exmaple a max +3 to a skill can become a +4, the last boundary is item power 800, i cant remember the lower ones.
Remember that upgrading a yellow to a lego is a great way to find what your after.

Nightmares while they offer loot are not the best way, Helltides are loot rain especially if you can run the mystery chests and are strong enough to not die, and they give you the mats you need to upgrade and roll that loot as well.
I'm struggling to get motivation to play now. Level 80 and just rinse through everything, so there's no challenge any more aside from grinding to be doing the top tier nightmare dungeons. But I always did this with D3 and seasons as well, get a char up to great gear, OP build and then it's just grinding for percentage rolls on drops or enchants at which point I just get bored and wait until the next season. But enchants are so expensive in D4 that you have to mostly rely on drops.

I'll definitely be back on for the start of season 1, where they hopefully add a couple more world tiers
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It's the difficulty and the hunt for better gear that keeps the game fun, once you hit 80+ and the gear drops basically stop it starts to become less fun.

I definitely think they need to add more good/rare uniques, but make them fairly hard to get whilst not being impossible. That Shako helm I think we only had 1 confirmed drop across all players of D4 lol! without trading or anything you could never hope to get one via self-found drops.

A lot of the uniques feel like side grades or staight downgrades, like to wear frostburn gloves I need to drop my rare gloves with +4 ranks of ice shards, which is basically never a good trade.
LVL requirement is a nothing number only there to stop you power levelling a new chr.

For gear item power is the number that's "important", but also once your in wt3-4 then Sacred items in wt3 and Ancestral items in wt4 these are better ranged items. for end game you want ancestral items with over 800 power (highest ive seen is 817 before the 25 upgrade at the blacksmith of course it was a item that was no use to me because RNG).

Other tricks with gear:
% based aspects are always % based so level doesnt matter a they can be ripped off low level items and put on high lvlv rares.
Item power has "tiers" upgrading over a tier boundry changes the stats range, for exmaple a max +3 to a skill can become a +4, the last boundary is item power 800, i cant remember the lower ones.
Remember that upgrading a yellow to a lego is a great way to find what your after.

Nightmares while they offer loot are not the best way, Helltides are loot rain especially if you can run the mystery chests and are strong enough to not die, and they give you the mats you need to upgrade and roll that loot as well.
The problem is none of the items I'm finding are anywhere close to what I'm looking for regardless of upgrading / applying a new affix / swapping a stat (I've had no luck doing this anyway). Once I've done the the last zone for renown I'll give the helltides a go and maybe 10+ nightmare dungeons.
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A lot of the uniques feel like side grades or staight downgrades, like to wear frostburn gloves I need to drop my rare gloves with +4 ranks of ice shards, which is basically never a good trade.

That's a big issue, as you can't enchant uniques, which makes a lot of them worthless, plus many of them just have really poor effects. They need to make more of them worthwhile and likely introduce new ones to get some variety going.

Frostburns would be unreal if you could re-roll + ranks ice shards on them.
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Higher tier NM dungeons definitely drop a higher proportion of ancestral items compared to regular content. It's noticeable at level 40+ and probably lower. I also get the majority of uniques from NM dungeons, although I did get a well rolled Temerity from Avarice the other day!
I loved Gear sets in the original titan quest. I cannot see why Diablo cannot lean into this. Should be full gear sets for certain builds that are absolutely stacked if you can get fully matching gear. They could also add treasure hunting sets etc.
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