** Diablo 4 Thread **

Some people here obviously never pushed higher level GRs in D3, or tried to get to 100 in D2.

I'm happy with the "grind", grind and loot hunt is what the game was always going to be about.

I do think the 80+ grind feels a little too hard to find improved loot, but i think the main point here is the naming, being 80+ in d4 is like being 1000+paragon in D3, of course your looking for god rolls and gains are small, pushing GRs over 100+ was meant to be hard.

D4 suffers from the fact that nightmares seem like they are only there to lvl glyphs, why would i run them when i get better XP and loot in helltides which are easier.

I loved pushing GRs in D3 (got to 145 but never hit that final 150 GR in all the seasons), nightmares I just dont feel like doing right now, maybe that will change when i hit lvl 100 and feel my board is "complete".

Calling it lvl 100 and a hard stop may not have been the best way to word it.
I have it on my Series X with a 65" LG OLED and it runs and looks perfect, loading times slightly less than my PC which cost significantly more!
my mates on Xbox are having a lot of freezing and crashing issues, at least once a night. are your having the same? I went PC on a 65" LG OLED, mainly cause i could but the difference to console in nothing much at couch ranges.
The OLED screen really shines the dark/light games like this.
my mates on Xbox are having a lot of freezing and crashing issues, at least once a night. are your having the same? I went PC on a 65" LG OLED, mainly cause i could but the difference to console in nothing much at couch ranges.
The OLED screen really shines the dark/light games like this.
I've not had a single issue on the Xbox, PC has had some jerkiness but that's it.
I agree with Mossy on this one. I'm only level 63ish? Struggling to find any meaningful upgrades for my build. World bosses currently are not a challenge. Helltide events are just playing the open world on a timer. Nightmare dungeons are a little more interesting but only when you push yourself. I had to recycle about 30 tier 1 and tier 2 nightmare sigils and then forcefully craft the higher tier stuff to give myself a challenge. The levels really slow down. There needs to be more of a reason to push me into world 4.

Saying that, I'm probably going to start a whole new class and play through those levels 1-50 again, which is a pure joy :)
I did both :)

There's a lot of nostalgia regarding D2, don't get me wrong it was brilliant for its time but gaming has moved on a hell of a lot since then.
I very much agree, D2 was a product of its time, when i tried out the remaster the nostalgia goggles didn't last very long at all, things like corpse running are a thing of the past.

I think D4 has an issue where half my friends haven't even finished the campaign and the other half are in the 70-80s on WT4 struggling to push on.
They have to appeal to both markets and its tough.

Seasons will shake loose a lot of people, most people wont want to dump there high level chr and start again. Me im looking forward to it, I've held off on the alt i started cause the stash just doesnt support having 2 chrs up and running at once really, and you cant really mule either.

Back in d3 i would get a mate to nuke a chr to max level in what 10-20 mins if that and use that for alternate builds, you cant do that this time round.
When people say Blizzard played it safe, they weren't wrong, I'd argue they played it too safe.

Then there's the whole season drama going on currently, with people losing their minds over the fact season 1 will mean starting a new character. Which is what an ARPG has been about all along. The issue here is that a new character is a significant time investment in D4, unlike all the other argps on the market where you can get to proper endgame content and high level in a fraction of the time needed for D4.

Last Epoch you can start doing monoliths (maps) before you even reach 50, before finishing the campaign even. You can encounter endgame bosses on the journey, can't remember how many it is, but maybe 6-8 or so, then theres dungeons keys you can find again endgame content with solid encounters. All of this is pre-endgame content, when you flesh out the monoliths you get access to uber monoliths which is the previous content ramped up to 11.

PoE you can blast through the campaign in 3 hours or so, start mapping at 65, easily get your character to 80-90+ within a weekend, while fleshing out the maps progressing through white/yellow/red maps and encounter bosses on the way (guardians etc) you can then progress onto the endgame bosses like sirus, shaper, elder, maven etc and when your confident enough and high enough level, you have uber version of the same encounters.

LE is still in beta, but its endgame loop is far better than D4 currently, PoE has a decade of content so there's no way to compete with that. The end game loop in D4 needs some serious work and how they go about it, and which demographic they will favour will determine the games lifespan. Aspirational content is good, and gives a reason for players to stick around, but if all the other systems are lacking the game won't survive long term. Not that Blizzard care, they made a billion bucks already.
I think D4 has an issue where half my friends haven't even finished the campaign and the other half are in the 70-80s on WT4 struggling to push on.
They have to appeal to both markets and its tough.

Seasons will shake loose a lot of people, most people wont want to dump there high level chr and start again.

Yeah was going to say something similar. It looks like D4 has brought in a bunch of new and returning players to ARPGs an they don't really know what to expect. ARPGs have a power curve different to traditional single player games. Typically in a game you get your maximum power about 2/3 of the way through the main story, the you can complete the end with all those benefits. ARPGs have the campaign as an intro or tutorial with most player power kicking at the very end or even in maps.

ARPGs have multiple types of players, some liking just the campaign, some going a bit in to maps and some completing the pinnacle content, and there will be a large drop-off in player numbers though these steps. It's a pretty small percentage which really enjoys that end-game grind past level 50-60. Currently this means the majority of players who start D4 wont get to a point where their character is fully functioning on quite a few builds which is a bit of a shame.
Then there's the whole season drama going on currently, with people losing their minds over the fact season 1 will mean starting a new character. Which is what an ARPG has been about all along. The issue here is that a new character is a significant time investment in D4, unlike all the other argps on the market where you can get to proper endgame content and high level in a fraction of the time needed for D4.

Eh? there is nothing fundamental to an ARPG in that respect though some don't even have end game content at all. For a game like D4 it is a **** cynical way of trying to keep people engaged for longer but aside from a minority of hardcore players it doesn't work like that, aside from which even if they make additional characters many people have an attachment to their first/main character and want to be able to do new content with them as well.
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When people say Blizzard played it safe, they weren't wrong, I'd argue they played it too safe.
I think its difficult to say really. From a Blizzard point of view Diablo 4 has been an enormous success and achieved exactly what they wanted to achieve.

Diablo 4 has become, in an extremely short space of time, Blizzards biggest and fastest selling game of all time. Its put to bed the ghost of Diablo 3, with most people agreeing that Diablo 4 is better than Diablo 3 and has addressed many of the complaints that people had against Diablo 3 successfully.

It doesnt address the complaints that people had in regard of Diablo vs Path of Exile BUT I dont believe for a moment that was ever their intent. They never intended Diablo 4 to be a direct competitor to PoE , in many ways Diablo 4 (and indeed all Diablo games) are targetted at a different type of player than PoE. Thats the Blizzard way with all their games, in much the same way that World of Warcraft was targetted at a different type of player than Everquest 2 or Eve Online. So I dont think they will be all that bothered about Diablo4 vs PoE issues.

I think that if I look at it objectively, from a game success point of view, Blizzard have neither played it too safe or too risky, I'd have to say that they have played it spot on and pretty much hit their aims smack on target. Its just that Blizzards targets and some players wants/expectations dont align (and probably never did)
Having played Barb to level 60, a Rogue to level 70, I think I will level a Druid as that is the only class I have not tried yet.

Man the Grind is real, not had as many upgrades on my Rogue as I would have liked and it's kinda getting a bit stale. I could not imagine pushing to level 100, that just fills me with dread seeing as there is not too much in the endgame.

I'm just going to treat this pre-season as a way to test all the different classes and see how they play as once you get to level 50 you have most of the skills anyway, outside of unique which can be build enabling of course.
Having played Barb to level 60, a Rogue to level 70, I think I will level a Druid as that is the only class I have not tried yet.

Man the Grind is real, not had as many upgrades on my Rogue as I would have liked and it's kinda getting a bit stale. I could not imagine pushing to level 100, that just fills me with dread seeing as there is not too much in the endgame.

I'm just going to treat this pre-season as a way to test all the different classes and see how they play as once you get to level 50 you have most of the skills anyway, outside of unique which can be build enabling of course.

that's some grinding...

Got Necro to 60, tempted to start another class (enjoyed Druid in beta)
got my rogue to 28 & soccesor to 51 & im pretty bored of diablo now. i loved diablo 3, but this one is not clicking as much just not sure why.
feels like theirs less enemy types but maybe just me. played up to WT3 only though. maybe its the just the class im playing
that's some grinding...

Got Necro to 60, tempted to start another class (enjoyed Druid in beta)
Not much grinding on the Barb as it was my first char and the story was good so the excitement was there which kept things fresh. It just got to a point where going up higher, let alone to 100 with just one char didn't make sense for me.

The Rogue was a much more grindy experience but the playstyle is more fast paced compared to Barb, especially early on. Levelling speed on Twisting Blades is really fast as well, which helps a lot. Had quite a lot of fun with it and may look to spec something like a bow build if I have the time.

Druid seems fun from the builds I have seen and this has tempted me to play one. Who can resist running around as a Werebear or Werewolf! Early levelling does seem like an even worse pain than levelling a Barb though :mad:
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Eh? there is nothing fundamental to an ARPG in that respect though some don't even have end game content at all. For a game like D4 it is a **** cynical way of trying to keep people engaged for longer but aside from a minority of hardcore players it doesn't work like that, aside from which even if they make additional characters many people have an attachment to their first/main character and want to be able to do new content with them as well.

It will end up like how D3 became. Sure it will be fun for a niche group of people but the majority will move onto other games and not come back to grind another character to experience the new content every 3 months. For me the new content best be good if i am going to be forced to grind another char. I will wait and see but i'm not holding much hope it will be anything worthwhile.
Jeeeez levelling up really comes to a halt in the mid 60s. Anyone got any tips, feels like level 63-100 will take me a year.
Jeeeez levelling up really comes to a halt in the mid 60s. Anyone got any tips, feels like level 63-100 will take me a year.
There aren't any shortcuts. If you think the 60's are bad ... it gets worse from 70's upwards. Best way to gain xp is playing in a group ( and use potions for an extra +5% xp gain ), do Helltide events, Legion events and churn dungeons. Or you could wait until the next patch when Blizzard plan to buff the xp gains from Nightmare dungeons.

For me, the issue isn't so much how long it takes to reach lvl 100 ( D2 took longer ), it's the fact your character's power remains static ... level scaling, poor loot/gear contribute to that. There's no "carrot" on the end of a stick to drive you on.
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So I reached 50 and I'm now trying to get all the lilith statues man it's so tedious. I have also done a few dungeons and xp gain from here on sems so slow. I'm slowly losing interest too.
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