Just hit 100, last 13 levels or so were very quick due to the recent exp buffs from NM dungeons. Managed to get all 6 glyphs to lvl 21 by the time I was lvl 99, probably no longer possible as you gain exp so fast now.
I have played WW Barbarian from lvl 5 I think (as soon as I unlocked WW), the first 50 levels or so were kinda slow and constant mana issues but I didn't have issues with killing monsters or killing bosses. I think my build really came together at about lvl 70 when I got all them cooldown reduction, fury cost reduction, resource generation etc items. I wish this type of items were not needed but they are kinda mandatory it seems, at least for WW barb.
It took me a while to get to lvl 100, I played alone doing dungeons, helltides and then NM dungeons when I was able to do so solo. I was doing NM dungeons 3 levels above me (char level - 51) and I almost never died, I will try to push now as high as I can even though I know WW barb is not the strongest in that regard.
Play Time : 5 days 23 hours 10 minutes
Last Time Played : 30/06/2023, 18:04:08
Monsters Killed : 221352
Elites Killed : 9136
Gold Collected : 74994558
Power : 792
World Tier : 4
I am not sure about all the level scaling, from like lvl 70 to 100 my experience of playing has been exactly the same, I didn't feel like i was clearing faster or slower no matter what type of content I was doing, just doesn't make any sense. Never did I feel strong. I am not sure if I am going to push for another lvl 100. I have already got my moneys worth and I am still not done with the game. Still going to play S1 and then we will see beyond that. Just going to try other classes I guess with new seasons.