** Diablo 4 Thread **

i see why people go on about level scaling, in older games u could buff up and easy out gear and out level the content, the only way i felt over powered was helping newpsalm earlier in wt1 content lol

shibs was there too, i was covering the back all good fun and once he went to bed i was covering the front :)

gave new psalm loads of flawless gems, he helped me a lot on d3 :)
There is another issue with the level scaling, or rather lack of it in nightmare dungeons and that’s it makes grouping with someone of a significantly different level either brutally hard for the lower level or entirely pointless for the higher one.

I play regularly with someone who is in the late-70s level wise. If we do a dungeon optimised for his exp gain (ie level 26) I would get 1 exp per mob, so effectively zero. If we did one optimised for me in the 40-50 range he would find it extremely challenging and die fairly regularly.

This forced us into overworld or regular dungeon content which is no longer anywhere near as effective for exp gain or loot drops.

It would be less important if the loot chase was still compelling but without that, it makes the endgame quite narrowly focused on exp efficiency.
I cannot see why Diablo cannot lean into this. Should be full gear sets for certain builds that are absolutely stacked if you can get fully matching gear.

Just no. Set items are an utter scourge. No imagination, creative, just an utterly OP build that everyone grinds to get because nothing else can compete.

Blizzard was absolutely right to remove them in D4 and it needs to stay this way.
Just no. Set items are an utter scourge. No imagination, creative, just an utterly OP build that everyone grinds to get because nothing else can compete.

Blizzard was absolutely right to remove them in D4 and it needs to stay this way.

Am sure they have already announced set gear will be making a return at some point.
i see why people go on about level scaling, in older games u could buff up and easy out gear and out level the content, the only way i felt over powered was helping newpsalm earlier in wt1 content lol

shibs was there too, i was covering the back all good fun and once he went to bed i was covering the front :)

gave new psalm loads of flawless gems, he helped me a lot on d3 :)

I really forgot how much my character has progressed since completing the story campaign. One shotting the boss last night in WT1 felt pretty damn good LOL. I don't think guys had even spawned in yet and he was done :cry:.

Still looking for this unobtainable helmet so i can finish my build. Tried some other variants last night and nothing competes with the 2H weapon with high crit and vulnerable damage thus far.
Just no. Set items are an utter scourge. No imagination, creative, just an utterly OP build that everyone grinds to get because nothing else can compete.

Blizzard was absolutely right to remove them in D4 and it needs to stay this way.
I disagree, the sets added a lot of interesting combinations. Just using a full set was almost never the best option. I think they will add them, probably charge extra for them.
Finally hit lvl 100 on my sorc. Tried Uber-Lilith for a laugh ... err no. Can't be bothered respeccing to a niche blizzard/ice blades build just to beat her. Think I'm done until S1 starts. Will probably play Rogue next I think.
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Just beat Elias at lvl 63. Bit of a glass cannon build, so although I done decent damage, he would almost 1 hit me lol. Helltides are very tense now :eek:. Ancestral rares are comically better than my maxed out legendaries! Just need more gold now to add sockets, aspects and reroll enchants. I'm glad they actually made a use for gold because in D3 it was mostly useless.
Found one decent cap rare drop that I re-rolled a few times so that it beats my current legendary in the same slot. I've been searching for a crossbow upgrade for about 2 weeks of occasionally playing and instead had to just hunt down the haunted crossbow that drops from an elite instead. Instant upgrade! I'm wondering what other static rare drops can drop for rogue that I should just hunt down.
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Just no. Set items are an utter scourge. No imagination, creative, just an utterly OP build that everyone grinds to get because nothing else can compete.

Blizzard was absolutely right to remove them in D4 and it needs to stay this way.

If implemented in that way yes, but a lot of people are going to gravitate unimaginatively to cookie cutter OP builds any how sets or not - there is almost always a small number of OP builds nothing else can compete with.

Something The Division almost got right but ultimately failed on was mixing gear sets with the ability to use the NinjaBike Backpack as a "wild card" set piece allowing for variations of hybrid sets and a variety of exotic items (but far too few which were worthwhile) allowing for people to come up with relatively unique builds - though you'd still get build shamed in groups for not running a min/maxed cookie cutter gear set build, except by the more experienced players, even if you'd come up with a viable hybrid build.
Just cannot beat Elias in the capstone dungeon.

67 ice shard sorc and getting mullered. I breeze through the dungeon as a whole but can't get him past 2 bars of health. I can't even see what skills would help if I respecc'd.

I just think my reactions are simply too slow to get away from his nukes.
Just cannot beat Elias in the capstone dungeon.

67 ice shard sorc and getting mullered. I breeze through the dungeon as a whole but can't get him past 2 bars of health. I can't even see what skills would help if I respecc'd.

I just think my reactions are simply too slow to get away from his nukes.
This is my problem too, I can handle 70+ elites and packs easily, but I can't beat Elias. Maybe I need some big strong boy to help me through it, or do you have to solo it?
Just cannot beat Elias in the capstone dungeon.

67 ice shard sorc and getting mullered. I breeze through the dungeon as a whole but can't get him past 2 bars of health. I can't even see what skills would help if I respecc'd.

I just think my reactions are simply too slow to get away from his nukes.
You should be able to manage it ... but the problem with sorceror class is a lack of DPS when you haven't applied vulnerable status to monsters. So, first of all make sure your build has a means of applying vulnerable status eg. frost nova with added passive that causes all frozen enemies to be vulnerable ; same for ice shards - there is a passive that applies vulnerable if all 5 shards hit a monster. The next thing to be aware of is status effects don't affect bosses ie. frozen, chill, stun, immobilise etc ... but using these effects increases the boss' stagger meter. Once it hits the max, the bar turns blue and you have several seconds to nuke him whilst he's made vulnerable automatically. So your strategy should be to apply as much crowd control effects on him as possible, fill his stagger meter then blast away with ice shards.

ps. Sorcs are fundamentally broken because they require vulnerable status to apply adequate damage ( and the fact resistances don't work in game - which is meant to be our main defensive measure ). If you think Elias is bad, wait until you hit Uber-Lilith at end game - a sorc can't kill her unless you adopt a cheese build that stacks crowd control effects as fast as possible and ignores all direct damage spells. Meanwhile a cyclone druid, HotA barb etc can face tank her. Good job, Blizzard !
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Just cannot beat Elias in the capstone dungeon.

67 ice shard sorc and getting mullered. I breeze through the dungeon as a whole but can't get him past 2 bars of health. I can't even see what skills would help if I respecc'd.

I just think my reactions are simply too slow to get away from his nukes.

This is my problem too, I can handle 70+ elites and packs easily, but I can't beat Elias. Maybe I need some big strong boy to help me through it, or do you have to solo it?

I'm happy to run you guys through it, I should be on around 19:00 this evening for an hour or so. Add me Brokkah#2761 if you'd like some help.

One other thing worth mentioning, when you clear each wing you get debuffs that make the fight harder, you can clear them by teleporting out and back into the dungeon. At least you used to be able to, they appear on the right of the buff bar.
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