** Diablo 4 Thread **


Good thing is if you bought deluxe/ult and don’t want to use the battlepass because you’re burned out or not impressed with the season, you don’t have to activate it.

I’m probably gonna skip the activation this season myself. Can’t see me putting the hours in here.

Does that mean you can use your pre purchase to activate a future season pass?
every time I look at r/Diablo4 I get a sad.

I see people posting screenshots of their warrior and they have 10k armour and 20k health and my poor level 78 sorceror is running around with 5k armour and 3k health almost getting one shot in dungeons

I can only hope that the new unique caged heart gems allow me to stack a lot of health on my glass without the cannon
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so were getting proper gems like d3 had?

had good fun playing with cit and iron earlier in hell tides and got a world boss that killed me about 3 times, survived the wt4 hell tide with out dying once though which is a improvement and got a new pair of gloves :)
Patch 1.0.4 released; https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes

Bug Fixes​


  • Fixed an issue where the damage multiplier for Enhanced Frozen Orb wasn't applying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies with the Vortex affix would deal damage through Immunity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elixir of Expertise was reducing resource cost by 10% instead of the displayed 20% value.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage bonus from the Paragon Subdue Glyph would be applied to any target instead of only Vulnerable targets.
  • Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Whirlwind ability would briefly stop channeling when a Cooldown skill was cast while using it.
  • Fixed an issue where the guaranteed Overpower buff from the Barbarian’s Earthstriker's Aspect would be consumed upon gaining any other buff.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character would freeze when using the Rogue’s Shadow Step skill if used outside the range of your intended target.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not rotate when casting a Channeled Skill if using a one-hand weapon with no off-hand item equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cursed Scrolls in Fields of Hatred had a lower cooldown than the displayed 5-minute cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue where Aspects that deal flat damage imprinted through the Codex of Power scaled with player level instead of item power.
  • Fixed an issue where the Necromancer’s Shadow Mages weren’t applying extra shadow damage through the Shadowblight Key Passive.
  • Fixed an issue where Cheat Death effects would not trigger if you died while mounted.

Quests and Dungeons​

  • Fixed an issue where a traversal wouldn't appear during the The Blind Eye quest, blocking progression.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mother's Judgement enemy would spawn before the player entered the encounter during the Whispers from the Past quest.
  • Fixed multiple issues where Quest progress would be blocked if the player used a Town Portal during specific sequences.
  • Fixed various other issues that prevented progression for multiple Quests.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forgotten Depths dungeon had one fewer prisoner to release than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where teleporting to Wejinhani during the Witch of the Wastes quest would force the player to drop the Vial of Quicksilver, despite the town being an allowed area for the quest.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cultist's Refuge, Howling Warren and Luban’s Rest dungeons couldn't be completed if the Butcher appeared and was not killed.
  • Fixed an issue where Treasure Goblins slain in a Nightmare Dungeon with the Death Pulse Affix would deal significantly more damage than intended with its post-death explosion.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mirage quest couldn't properly be completed.


  • Fixed an issue where the QR code used for account linking on console was improperly sized, which made scanning it difficult.
  • Fixed an issue where the Imprint cost for Legendary Aspects would be inaccurately displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where players on Console would be unable to navigate the Shop after using the Buy More Platinum button.
  • Fixed an issue where the Upgrade Glyph tab wouldn't close after moving away from the Awakened Glyphstone.
  • Fixed an issue where a Skill unlocked by item contribution did not have an Assign Skill button in its tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where trading a partial stack while playing with a controller would display a full stack in the tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the Weekly Reward Cache for defeating a World Boss would display as available if there was an active Whisper for defeating the boss, even when the Cache had already been claimed previously.


  • Fixed an issue where the NPC Arlo couldn't be interacted with.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fields of Hatred Killer Cosmetic Set was missing helmets for Druid, Necromancer, and Rogue.
  • Fixed an issue where the cost of the Sturdy Saddle Cosmetic from the Stable Vendor would scale with the player character's Level.
  • Fixed an issue where players could lure the Seething Abomination boss in the Alzuuda Fields of Hatred zone to a location where they could damage it, but it couldn't damage them.
  • Fixed an issue where Mount Cosmetics would not properly display if applied while actively mounted.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would pan from the point of death back to the respawn point instead of instantly moving for players in Local Co-Op.
  • Fixed an issue where the player and NPC would disappear during a dialogue sequence if the player was actively under the effect of a Conduit shrine. (Demonic trickery strikes again!)
  • Various Localization fixes.
  • Various other interface and accessibility Improvements.
  • Further stability, performance, and visual improvements across all platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where transmogs on off-hand Items for Sorcerers would reset upon performing any Inventory action.

Gameplay Adjustments​

  • Helltide chests can now drop Unique items.
  • The bosses Vhenard, Brol, and Cyhrach have had their health pools and damage output reduced.
  • The cap for crafting materials has been increased from 9999 to 99999.
Shako drops galore for sorcs n barbs.
Blizz didn’t let it last long though. Already removed uniques from helltide chests…
I usually go for help Chests in hellfire but missed it last night. Could have got one ; ; Last night I did have a dream I got a grandfather though lol
Does that mean you can use your pre purchase to activate a future season pass?

This is how I interpret it, but it's not explicitly said in their notes.


The alternative is you don't activate it, and then you lose it. Would be a really bad move from them if that was the case.
every time I look at r/Diablo4 I get a sad.

I see people posting screenshots of their warrior and they have 10k armour and 20k health and my poor level 78 sorceror is running around with 5k armour and 3k health almost getting one shot in dungeons

I can only hope that the new unique caged heart gems allow me to stack a lot of health on my glass without the cannon

I'm pretty much 5/5/5k on Necro but smashing T4 / lvl 20/24 NM Dungeons.... You don't need to be that high with the right build.
Just seen the hot fix update and

Gameplay Changes

  • Helltide Chests will now have the chance to drop any Unique and not be restricted to specific item slot limitations from any chest.
Developer Note: With the above change players will now be able to find Unique items from ALL Helltide Chests. Uber Unique items also have a chance to be found from all chests.

So you now cannot farm for specific uniques from helltide chests but at least they can drop now I guess.
Just seen the hot fix update and

Gameplay Changes

  • Helltide Chests will now have the chance to drop any Unique and not be restricted to specific item slot limitations from any chest.
Developer Note: With the above change players will now be able to find Unique items from ALL Helltide Chests. Uber Unique items also have a chance to be found from all chests.

So you now cannot farm for specific uniques from helltide chests but at least they can drop now I guess.

What a copout. The real benefit over nm was target farming
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