** Diablo 4 Thread **

Whooops...my 2nd highest HC Tier 2 character just died as well (lvl 42 Barb) lol...dang
Unlucky mate , i have just hit lvl 50 on my Rogue, had a few close calls to be honest, but lucky i had the elixr and escape scroll mapped to shortcuts. Generally strongholds are giving me issues so i tend to use an elixr then. Whats your highest you got to ?
For those 100 folk, what do you do at 100 - can you keep earning paragon or does it just become a 'slightly better than what I have' gear chase?
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For those 100 folk, what do you do at 100 - can you keep earning paragon or does it just become a 'slightly better than what I have' gear chase?

Nothing really. I pushed NM dungeons a bit but there is little incentive to do so. Uber Lilith is too hard for my build and I can't be bothered to switch it out. Will see what is coming in Season 1.
Just hit 80 last night, starting to slightly lose interest now... Gear chasing is becoming pointless, the whole drop situation is weird and doesn't really make sense to me. I could kill a lower level mob and it will drop a level 78 or higher unique, killing a hard boss could drop absolutely nothing but useless junk. Haven't had a good drop from a world boss in ages as well, the game has slowed down so much and starting to really feel the grind. Upped my Dungeon level from Tier 21 to 38 now and still slowly progressing through that.

Only thing im really chasing now is the paragon board and levelling up my Glyths. Don't see any interest in doing anything else, same as some of you im tempted to just wait for season 1 and see what comes.
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Doesn't help that it's a shared world across platform's, so we are at the mercy of approval processing time for consoles.
Just hit 80 last night, starting to slightly lose interest now... Gear chasing is becoming pointless, the whole drop situation is weird and doesn't really make sense to me. I could kill a lower level mob and it will drop a level 78 or higher unique, killing a hard boss could drop absolutely nothing but useless junk. Haven't had a good drop from a world boss in ages as well, the game has slowed down so much and starting to really feel the grind. Upped my Dungeon level from Tier 21 to 38 now and still slowly progressing through that.

Only thing im really chasing now is the paragon board and levelling up my Glyths. Don't see any interest in doing anything else, same as some of you im tempted to just wait for season 1 and see what comes.
Once you get to a higher level there doesn’t seem to be much point in running anything other than dungeons to level up glyphs. I got excited to get to Lv 85 so that world drops could be the ultra rare uniques but like you I’m looking forward to season 1 and starting a fresh necro build char. Also I have to do the Lilith altar grind so I still have a bit to do for preparation.
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Does anyone else feel the world is a little dull? Coming from D3 where you had heaven, hell, desert regions, ice regions, lush green regions - I find in D4 everything looks very washed out and samey. I guess that's just the art style but I genuinely can't tell what region I'm in without looking at the map.
Unlucky mate , i have just hit lvl 50 on my Rogue, had a few close calls to be honest, but lucky i had the elixr and escape scroll mapped to shortcuts. Generally strongholds are giving me issues so i tend to use an elixr then. Whats your highest you got to ?
49 was my highest HC T2 character. I've completed the main campaign and was just levelling up in preparation of doing Capstone.
The issue with Diablo 4 is the grind is way to harsh particularly from Level 60 and the stats on rings, weapons and armour can be quite confusing in regards to whether it's better for your build or not. This in turn you need more chests to store equipment. The Variation on monsters are not any different on NM dungeons apart from being harder on each tier and the one thing i experience is that you will be stagnated on a tier for some time without any real feel on progression, for example you can melt mobs in tier 25-30 but in tier 31 + you will get one shotted and it's all based on the stats of the NM dungeon, this can mean constantly changing your build. I'm almost at level 85 on a rogue build which is nice on tiers 20 - 30 but after that become very squishy.

As you progress through the level 70+ loot drops become really bad to a point it's frustrating, SIGILS always drop lower aspect items at the end which has 900 less weapon damage. There should have been 5 tiers from the beginning with Nightmare tier 5 being 80+ .
49 was my highest HC T2 character. I've completed the main campaign and was just levelling up in preparation of doing Capstone.
I have been playing on T1 only and just doing the campaign to be honest. Im at lvl 51 and will try and complete it as soon as possible as I think the mobs in the over-world expect for strongholds get any higher than level 50 at WT1
Does anyone else feel the world is a little dull? Coming from D3 where you had heaven, hell, desert regions, ice regions, lush green regions - I find in D4 everything looks very washed out and samey. I guess that's just the art style but I genuinely can't tell what region I'm in without looking at the map.

Yep same with the dungeons, too little variety in scenes and like not a single dungeon takes place in hell
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I just finished the map stuff for the 20(total) paragon points. Am at lvl 63 and tried to unlock wt4 but the boss is just too strong. I feel like they exchanged fun for grind with this, in D3, levelling up at the start of a season was fun and fast but in D4 its just pure time sucking grind.
Dreading seasons for that reason, though maybe battlepass bonuses and the like will help speed it up a little. Feels like unlike D3 where you could get going relatively easy, D4 takes a huge time investment to go earn all those skill points and paragons from renown etc.
So this is pretty much the only game I've played since Early Access release. I'm a level 79 Sorc, 25 Necro and low level Rogue. Despite what I'm about to write, I do like the game, and I can see a lot of potential in the future, but there are issues I have with it that are putting me off logging in.

  • I think the UI and inventory system needs completely redoing and modernising, it's a relic of the 90s in it's current form. Like making extracted aspects "items" that take up inventory space, why? It should be automatically applied to the codex where you can then choose between default power or one-time use higher. The UI design itself screams "closed access beta build" and needs a serious revision.

  • Itemization is wrong IMO. Legendaries are completely underwhelming. I personally think they should include a new category of items, make them purple and call them Epics like in other games, and they can become the Utility item that carry Aspects etc. Legendaries should be higher tier rolled versions of epics that clearly stand-out as being superior. As of right now, the aspect system has ruined legendaries completely. Then there's Uniques, most of them are underwhelming. When you get a Unique it should immediately make you consider a rebuild based around it's power. As it stands 90% of them get sold or stored away because they would weaken my build if I used them. They need a mega-buff.

  • Not enough viable builds for each class. This is something they really need to improve, I know they spoke of this in the build-up to release that their goal is to make any build viable right up to late late game, but as it stands it's simply not. Once you hit 50+, your decisions determine what you can and can't do going forward to lvl 100. I'd love to just roll a Hydra-Meteor build Sorc, but as of right now, it's simply not as good as Ice Shards.

  • Which brings me to build experimentation, its just way too difficult unless you no-life the game and have loads of money to reroll and farm new gear sets. My favourite part of playing D3 was seeing an Ancestral Legendary drop with a huge power % increase in a skill, like Arcane Orb or something, and seeing myself able to clear GRs that were once impossible for me. That doesn't seem to happen in D4, it's just too much money to reroll, and extremely time-consuming.

There are so many other things that need fixing and redoing. It's early days, I'm super interested in what they have planned for Season 1. So fingers crossed for the future. I know I'm moaning here, but I do like the game. It can be so much more than it is at the moment, I just hope they don't hold onto things like the traditional ARPG inventory system simply because it's "the way its always been".

Just modernise the damn thing, give us QoL improvements and MOST OF ALL...

Let me pause the damn game! :p

*Knock on the dooor* Come back, dead.
*Phone rings* Come back, dead.
*Family needs me for something* Come back, dead.

Like in D3, let me choose a "Private game" option. Let me CHOOSE how I want to play MY game.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, from my experience with this game since early access that has convinced me that forced multiplayer is a benefit. NOTHING. It's simply been a hindrance to how I want to play, and makes my game lag and my rubberband. That's not to say I'd only ever play private, I wouldn't. But come on... :(
  • Which brings me to build experimentation, its just way too difficult unless you no-life the game and have loads of money to reroll and farm new gear sets. My favourite part of playing D3 was seeing an Ancestral Legendary drop with a huge power % increase in a skill, like Arcane Orb or something, and seeing myself able to clear GRs that were once impossible for me. That doesn't seem to happen in D4, it's just too much money to reroll, and extremely time-consuming.
I get that. In D3 when you got a good item you could visibly see a good boost in power. It seems almost everything in D4 is just 10-15% here and there. It's really hard to work out how everything goes together and what you need the most. :eek:
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