** Diablo 4 Thread **

I was so certain it was going to be an improvement in dps I upgraded it, gem'd it, and imprinted it. I will try and compare direct numbers but it is hard as thare are many variables, such as how long ive been channeling ww, whether I have an extra boost to core from the aspect etc.
My thinking is the one on the right is immensely better, should be noticable.
My thinking is the one on the right is immensely better, should be noticable.

So I've had some lunch and given the two swords another try, I went to Uber Lilith as she has loads of HP and I survive long enough to see some dmg numbers without having to worry about dodging mob vomit like in nm dungeons.

While channeling WW the 815 ilvl sword does ~40k non crit dmg, and 150k crits. The 804 ilvl sword does indeed hit harder at ~50k non crit, and 180k crits.

I've no clue as to why it doesnt "feel" better though, so I'm thinking it is an odd placebo thing.
So I've had some lunch and given the two swords another try, I went to Uber Lilith as she has loads of HP and I survive long enough to see some dmg numbers without having to worry about dodging mob vomit like in nm dungeons.

While channeling WW the 815 ilvl sword does ~40k non crit dmg, and 150k crits. The 804 ilvl sword does indeed hit harder at ~50k non crit, and 180k crits.

I've no clue as to why it doesnt "feel" better though, so I'm thinking it is an odd placebo thing.

The main issue is that other than Uber Lilith the content you will attempting is so trivial the difference in damage numbers is irrelevant. You still destroy packs and dungeon bosses with either. Pushing NM dungeons with WW you are much more likely to run into a wall of taking too much damage from hits and dieing quickly before the uptick in HP makes the increase in dps noticeable.
Ice shard sorceror doing a level 35 NM

Fight starts, spam ice shards - 3 shards each time hit boss for 10k, sometimes 20k crit. Try to use teleport and frost nova to freeze or stun, doesn't work boss is immune, Siam ice shards for next 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes boss blue meter is filled and the boss is vulnerable. Spam ice shards, 3 shards each hit boss for 300k to 600k and boss dies in 2 seconds

This is not fun blizzard. I don't know who thought it would be good
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I read something interesting that the drop rates for the Uber uniques (grandfather, etc) have been datamined. Using the datamined figures and based on my drop rate of getting 2-3 uniques per night of heavy farming I have worked out it if I play every night it would take me 600 years to get one.
I read something interesting that the drop rates for the Uber uniques (grandfather, etc) have been datamined. Using the datamined figures and based on my drop rate of getting 2-3 uniques per night of heavy farming I have worked out it if I play every night it would take me 600 years to get one.

Yeah 6 rarest unique items have a drop coefficient of 1, the 2nd rarest unique has a drop coefficient of 400,000 with the most common being 800,000. You are more likely to win the lottery basically.
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The uber uniques make no sense at all where 99.99% of players will never see one. Also most all modern ARPGs center around seasons so it's not like you are going to use it much at all even if you manged to get one. Oh and also you cannot trade one like in other games.
Also most all modern ARPGs center around seasons so it's not like you are going to use it much at all even if you manged to get one.

This type of thing is why the game comes across as broken; it's like they were trying to design the game to be more of an MMO like Diablo Immortal, but at some stage they canned it, lowered the scope to more like Diablo 3, but forgot to remove the MMO elements like these pointless items. There are other items in the game like this too

Diablo 4 can't decide if it wants to be a diablo 2 copy cat or an MMO, it's stuck in between and it sucks, just pick a side and do it properly - give us an MMO with proper progression or make it an offline single player game without the stupid loot mechanics and grind

So until the game is fixed, you have a grindy game in which the average player will never reach end game by the time the next season starts and broken loot mechanics that were designed for a game that doesn't have seasons.
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Yeah 6 rarest unique items have a drop coefficient of 1, the 2nd rarest unique has a drop coefficient of 400,000 with the most common being 800,000. You are more likely to win the lottery basically.
When you break this down like I did that it would take 600 years at my rate is pretty astounding. Absolutely insane.
I think there is also a problem with D4 being available on old gen consoles which could be the reason for some of the limitations that we currently have, like monster density, inventory/stash spaces etc.
I'm going to grind out the rest of the statues tonight and then give the game a rest until Season 1 begins :)
I did mine quite early, I started doing them when in areas where there was no portal to easily get there while I was doing the story mode. I did wait until act 4 when I got the mount tho as it made this a lot easier.

Some where locked behind strongholds as well so had to do them first
I think there is also a problem with D4 being available on old gen consoles which could be the reason for some of the limitations that we currently have, like monster density, inventory/stash spaces etc.
Isn't an issue with D3, which has far higher monster density and even runs well on the Switch.
I'm going to grind out the rest of the statues tonight and then give the game a rest until Season 1 begins :)
I've been slowly grinding lvls on Hardcore playing as a Necromancer. Geez, having to redo the renown in all zones is painful. I'm stopping at lvl 50 ( trying to get the Xbox achievement ) otherwise I'll burn out on this game. Starting at lvl 1 again without the campaign for distraction feels so devoid of fun ... the loot, skills and game world are just so barebones. I'm unconvinced S1 will elevate the experience much.
I've been slowly grinding lvls on Hardcore playing as a Necromancer. Geez, having to redo the renown in all zones is painful. I'm stopping at lvl 50 ( trying to get the Xbox achievement ) otherwise I'll burn out on this game. Starting at lvl 1 again without the campaign for distraction feels so devoid of fun ... the loot, skills and game world are just so barebones. I'm unconvinced S1 will elevate the experience much.
what level is your HC Necro ? I have just managed to finish the Altars in HC and yeah it is a bit of a drag. Also need to do the capstone for WT3 on my current char now , just need to get to around about lvl 50 1st , currently on level 46.
what level is your HC Necro ? I have just managed to finish the Altars in HC and yeah it is a bit of a drag. Also need to do the capstone for WT3 on my current char now , just need to get to around about lvl 50 1st , currently on level 46.
I'm level 44. I've just been focusing on getting each area to renown stage 3 for the extra 2 skill points. Can't get the level 4/5 benefits until WT3 is unlocked. But as I said earlier, I don't plan to go beyond lvl 50. Once I hit that goal I'll park the character and may come back to it at a later date, but certainly not before I've given S1 a go ( with a Rogue most likely ).
I'm level 44. I've just been focusing on getting each area to renown stage 3 for the extra 2 skill points. Can't get the level 4/5 benefits until WT3 is unlocked. But as I said earlier, I don't plan to go beyond lvl 50. Once I hit that goal I'll park the character and may come back to it at a later date, but certainly not before I've given S1 a go ( with a Rogue most likely ).
I did my capstone at lv47 and slowing doing the renowns to get the extra skills and +4 paragons , just the last 2 zones to do now.
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