** Diablo 4 Thread **

The goalposts have been moved a couple of times and are pretty much at the corner flags now, so yeah, not much point in discussing it any further.

sod it. Here you go. Let’s see if the goalposts end up at the centre spot…







sod it. Here you go. Let’s see if the goalposts end up at the centre spot…








Funnily enough, most of these are other people telling someone that they got their money's worth based on cost per hour, rather than the player themselves using that metric.

Again, though, these messages seem to be part of a chain, so would need more context.

It's good to know you can take your own advice and drop it, I'd also edit it as there's some swearing in there from a PoE Andy who's so damaged he's apparently forcing himself to play it. Sounds similar to another poster who hasn't been on this thread for a while.

I guess what we've learned from this is that there's a tiny fraction of players who might use it as their only metric, but it's not clear if it's a defence mechanism, so if that's a win for you, you can have it :)
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I’d also edit it as there’s some swearing from a PoE Andy in there who’s that damaged he’s apparently forcing himself to play it. Sounds similar to another poster who hasn’t been in this thread for a while.
Thats a really bizarre concept to me, I'll never quite understand why anybody would force themselves to play something that they dont like, let alone play something for dozens and dozens of hours that they dont like. Some very odd psychology going on there. If I'm not enjoying a book, I stop reading it, if I'm not enjoying a movie I stop watching it, if I'm not enjoying a tv show I stop watching it, if I'm not enjoying a game I certainly dont put dozens of hours into it and then complain the game is no good :)
It seems to be a common occurrence nowadays. Also the ones who don’t own a game but are all over the ragebait threads on Reddit or YouTubers yearning for ad revenue.
Completed the campaign and have to say I really enjoyed it.

Was thinking of starting a new character for season 1 now I've finished the campaign, except you have to find all 160 Altar of Lilith... damn.
Completed the campaign and have to say I really enjoyed it.

Was thinking of starting a new character for season 1 now I've finished the campaign, except you have to find all 160 Altar of Lilith... damn.

You don't have to refind them. You just need to log in with the character that has at the season start and they should unlock.
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Completed the campaign and have to say I really enjoyed it.

Was thinking of starting a new character for season 1 now I've finished the campaign, except you have to find all 160 Altar of Lilith... damn.

Why do you have to find all? Any you find roll over to your new characters
Now do sorceror

All the uniques in this game suck ass
99% of uniques might as well not exist. They are useless compared to rare yellow items with decent affixes. Part of the issue is that some of these uniques are based on underpowered skills eg. incinerate
can I gt an invite? I've realised it's my battlenet id needed which wasnt my playstation one which I'd sent before. I've changed it so its Lanthor#21749
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