** Diablo 4 Thread **

RIP. There are soooooo many cheap deaths in this game, especially on WT4. Two or three weeks ago I had a similar scenario happen to me in Helltide. My sorc was climbing down a long ladder, and locked into that animation, when a meteor shower started and hit me full on. Insta death ... nothing I could do to avoid it.
Ah well, brushed it off and started a new character and already level 17, I'll try and avoid silly deaths again. Prolly won't get back to the 50s before the Season 1 drops.
Has there been any confirmation that sets are coming yet or is this likely to be an expansion "feature"? Sets are such a big part of games like this (imo) seems weird to not have them.
Must be standard Diablo mechanics. Because getting one-shotted by enemies that aren't even on screen, so you can't even try to dodge them, in D3 used to properly wind me up.
I do remember those monsters with the long tongues that would hit you off screen. Infuriating lol. I also remember some of the ridiculous affixes the elites had before they got nerfed.
Hadn't played for a couple of weeks as been on hols but just ran a quick nm dungeon on my druid and didn't really notice any difference if I'm honest.
After skimming the notes the impression I got is that every class has basically received nerfs to their damage. To compensate, enemies in the open world can now be up to 5 levels under your level, but this doesn't apply to bosses, Helltide a or dungeons

But I'll have to log in to test, the damage reductions for vulnerable and stun is huge and might make my ice mage useless
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Ooooooh boy. Those patch notes are rough for some classes. Sorcs are dead in the water. Looks like there are two choices - play Rogue or Druid. The former remains the most balanced class of all.
After skimming the notes the impression I got is that every class has basically received nerfs to their damage. To compensate, enemies in the open world can now be up to 5 levels under your level, but this doesn't apply to bosses, Helltide a or dungeons

But I'll have to log in to test, the damage reductions for vulnerable and stun is huge and might make my ice mage useless
Sorcs are crippled by these changes. Massive reduction in damage ( less crit damage & vulnerable damage ) ; defensive skills look better at first glance, until you realise CDR has been nerfed. Basically, Blizz have made changes to stop players abusing blizzard/glacial spikes to kill Uber-Lilith, but in doing so have killed damage for all builds.
It sounds like they’ve toned classes down due to the new stuff they’re implementing being quite powerful (those gems or hearts or whatever that go in gear).

Doesn’t really matter anyway, the game needed more end game content rather than just faster ways to clear the current stuff.

Itemisation will stay remain a massive issue as well.
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It sounds like they’ve toned classes down due to the new stuff they’re implementing being quite powerful (those gems or hearts or whatever that go in gear).

Doesn’t really matter anyway, the game needed more end game content rather than just faster ways to clear the current stuff.

Itemisation will stay remain a massive issue as well.

Aye but don't forget those heart gem things are currently not on eternal realm, only on season.
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