** Diablo 4 Thread **

5 years from now if they replace the designers they may have a arpg that feels good to play.
I uninstalled it as its so bad.

anyhow, let us hope GGG with path of exile 2 get us there in 18 days

Whatever GGG has in store for POE2 it will at least have some substance and a proper end game, that's gauranteed. I don't think anything Blizzard have come up with is going to worry GGG at all.

Yeah that's fine for a shallow appreciation of a game. If you play a game for 30 hours then you're going to like it 95% of the time by those easy to meet critieria. That's not saying a whole lot though.

I think it's just different perspectives, how much free time people have to put into gaming and whether their gaming is centred around one title for extended periods of time. There have been a lot of games in the last few years that I couldn't get 30 hours out of.

Someone who puts thousands of hours into the PoE endgame was never going to be satisfied with D4. For others, D4 is the game they've put the most hours into in such a short space of time.

A game doesn't have to have hundreds or thousands of hours of content to be truly appreciated.
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I thought it was the case there is no end game. You have to start afresh a new character every battlepass season?

It's the worst of both Worlds, there's no real end game to speak of, and every season you have to start new characters. In POE there's endless end game, but you have to start afresh every season, in Grim Dawn there's no seaons or end game, but a ton of build diversity and variety meaning you can just re-roll and beat the game again if you want.
just hit level 95-96ish and think the charm is starting to wear off. Fully enjoyed it so far but there's not much more to do but grind nightmare's.
hopefully seasons can add something nice
I think it's just different perspectives, how much free time people have to put into gaming and whether their gaming is centred around one title for extended periods of time. There have been a lot of games in the last few years that I couldn't get 30 hours out of.

Someone who puts thousands of hours into the PoE endgame was never going to be satisfied with D4. For others, D4 is the game they've put the most hours into in such a short space of time.

A game doesn't have to have hundreds or thousands of hours of content to be truly appreciated.

It's a general point i'm making about reviewing games, it's nothing to do with POE or D4 really. What I'm saying is, I see a lot people saying "Got my money's worth" out a game which got me thinking that's not really a high bar to get over when discussing the relative merits of a game, and its quite shallow as a metric. It's nothing to do with having thousands of hours of content like FFXIV or being one of those little 6 hour story driven indie games that cost you a tenner, how much or how little content there is makes no difference.

I just think "I got my money's worth" doesn't tell us much.
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I just think "I got my money's worth" doesn't tell us much.

I haven't seen many people say that? They've explained why, and again it's from their perspective.

People getting burned out after putting 100+ hours into it over the course of a month doesn't signify a shallow appreciation of it.

I'll absolutely admit that it's launched in a poor state for people who want that endgame grind, but it's not a million miles away from being a game that sits comfortably in the middle ground of not enough endgame versus extreme endgame.
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I haven't seen many people say that? They've explained why, and again it's from their perspective.

People getting burned out after putting 100+ hours into it over the course of a month doesn't signify a shallow appreciation of it.

I'll absolutely admit that it's launched in a poor state for people who want that endgame grind, but it's not a million miles away from being a game that sits comfortably in the middle ground of not enough endgame versus extreme endgame.

I'm not talking about this thread or this game. It's not about D4 specifically or any other game specifically.

"It's a general point i'm making about reviewing games, it's nothing to do with POE or D4 really. What I'm saying is, I see a lot people saying "Got my money's worth" out a game which got me thinking that's not really a high bar to get over when discussing the relative merits of a game, and its quite shallow as a metric. It's nothing to do with having thousands of hours of content like FFXIV or being one of those little 6 hour story driven indie games that cost you a tenner, how much or how little content there is makes no difference."
I'm not talking about this thread or this game. It's not about D4 specifically or any other game specifically.

Well, we're in the D4 thread for a start, and you're questioning people in the thread who supposedly said "I got my money's worth" when no one explained it in such a simple way.

You can't even really quantify the term "money's worth" anyway, as I said in my original reply to you, it's their perspective, not anyone else's.

People are just hung up on the fact that there are a lot of players who have enjoyed their time in D4 and it's not the garbage experience they had. I mean, you haven't even played it yet have you?
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Yeah that's fine for a shallow appreciation of a game. If you play a game for 30 hours then you're going to like it 95% of the time by those easy to meet critieria. That's not saying a whole lot though.
For some its not even as much as 30 hours ! I only got about 12 hours out of Alien Isolation for example, one of the best games I've played in the last several years :)
Well, we're in the D4 thread for a start, and you're questioning people in the thread who supposedly said "I got my money's worth" when no one explained it in such a simple way.

You can't even really quantify the term "money's worth" anyway, as I said in my original reply to you, it's their perspective, not anyone else's.

People are just hung up on the fact that there are a lot of players who have enjoyed their time in D4 and it's not the garbage experience they had. I mean, you haven't even played it yet have you?


I didn't question anyone, he replied to the point I made...so it's not me getting butt hurt because I made a general point about assessing video games.

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I didn't question anyone, he replied to the point I made...so it's not me getting butt hurt because I made a general point agaout assessing video games.


Your earlier posts in the thread in which the discussion initally stemmed from were clearly about "money's worth" comments and D4.

I'm not butthurt either, stop projecting again ;)
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Your earlier posts in the thread in which the discussion initally stemmed from were clearly about "money's worth" comments and D4.

I'm not butthurt either, stop projecting again ;)

No, not at all, it was a general point, and I made that clear several times. I didn't say you were butt hurt, but someone clearly was...

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No, not at all, it was a general point, and I made that clear several times. I didn't say you were butt hurt, but someone clearly was...


Shame you couldn't make it clear which posters had used that phrase without further explanation ;)

Come on then, who are you referring to, don't be shy.
Shame you couldn't make it clear which posters had used that phrase without further explanation ;)

Come on then, who are you referring to, don't be shy.

I wasn't referring to any poster in particular when I made my intial post on this subject, someone replied and I think took it personally

I'm not going to name and shame!

I wasn't referring to any poster in particular when I made my intial post on this subject, someone replied and I think took it personally

I'm not going to name and shame!


They didn't appear to take it personally at all from my perspective. They gave a perfectly valid point of view and then you chose to essentially dismiss it as them just having a shallow appreciation of things.

The whole exchange could pretty much be boiled down to 'my standard of value is better than yours'.
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I think theres a difference in meaning and terminology at times. I often use the "£ per hour" system, but I use that not as an indicator necessarily of the quality of a game, I use that purely as an indicator of value for money. I've got games which attained its £ per hour but ultimately I considered to be quite average games but games that nevertheless provided me with value for money (or moneys worth if you like) , equally I've played games which did not attain the £ per hour (such as Alien Isolation for example) which were phenomenal games imo. Quality and value for money are two seperate attributes imo, sometimes a game supplies both, sometimes it supplies one, but they are not necessarily tied hand in hand.
Dollar per hour is a good metric for fun, for me

Reason is that I won't play a game I don't like. If I've spent a 100 hours in a game it's because I think it's great, if I don't like a game I won't play longer than 2 hours
Agree with @Darujhistan that the cost-to-playtime metric isn't a useful metric for others to take insight from. Comes across as a defense mechanism from some (not all) "I didn't waste my money or time because I got £1 per hour out of it". Steam is full of games with much higher cost-to-playtime ratios if thats all people are interested in. Spend £1 and it'll do you a week.
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Nobody in the thread presented it solely that way though as in only mentioned the hours they played vs the cost.

Also going to extremes to explain it isn't a good look i.e. £1 steam titles.
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