** Diablo 4 Thread **

wtf is this new patch, they gimped hell tides which were good fun, cit and i ran about doing a full helltide and we got hardly any shards compared to before :(

not happy blizz.... blizzard are good at sucking out any fun there is in their games :(
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To put into perspective how badly the nerfed drop rate for helltides is

Pre patch you got about 40 to 50 embers if you could kill waves of enemies in an event quickly. So to open a Mystery chest you needed 175 embers and you'd have to complete 3 or 4 events to get enough embers to pop open the chest.

Now you need 250 embers for the chest, and the drop rate was cut by half or more, so each event drops about 20 embers. Meaning to now open a mystery chest you need to run through about 12-14 events

So it now takes 3 times maybe 4 times longer to get enough embers to open a chest

Previously if I logged on and I saw a helltide was up I'd go to the zone and check the time, as long as there was 15 mini or more remaining I could get enough embers to open a mystery chest. After the patch of the time is under 40 or 45 minutes I won't even bother doing the helltide, you need almost the entire helltide timer to get a single mystery chest
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What a difference 6 weeks makes. Despite all the hype everyone is quitting
To be fair, I'm not quitting, it was always my plan to play Remnant 2, Baldurs Gate 3 and Starfield. Said right from the get go that I would put hundreds of hours into Diablo 4 but not thousands of hours because there are other games that I dont want to end up not playing because I'm tied to just one game. I'll play again at some point no doubt, I dipped in and out of Diablo 3 for years when the whim took me or there was a lull in other games , thats most likely what I will do with D4 too.
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The issue for Blizz is that they've never been able to even half-competently balance any of their games and they've started off on the wrong foot (as was obvious from their initial dev talks years ago), so what chance do they have to actually rectify anything? There's no one there capable of such a feat, even if they somehow had the authority to do it past all the mega-dev bureaucracy that will undoubtedly slow down any independent initiative on the part of a dev. No, much like D3 was cursed to remain what it launched as, it's much the same for D4, cursed to be a poorly thought out World of Diablocraft.
There's quite a difference between release D3 and current D3. On release you had a auction house which used real money, this was patched out within a few months. There's was no rifts etc, it was infernal mode, which was basically and tougher adventure mode. Seasons etc came quite a while after release.

I'm hoping Blizzard will turn D4 around, but it's going to take several large updates before that happens. The question is how much of the player base have they lost and will they get them back with future updates. With D3 I only ever dipped in and out as the mood took me, new season released, play for a few weeks to get max level and grind some decent gear and then move on to another game until the new season, I suspect D4 is going to be the same, hopefully with some more story content.
To expect anything other than complete brain dead updates from Blizzard is more of a YOU issue than anything else.

Literally the first line of the patch notes sums it all. Shifting the blame for the patch notes content to the "player feedback". Ain't no player requesting for a 50% damage nerf across the board.

The changes to the level caps mean monsters that are 5 levels below you are already giving you 50% less experience for open world content and in order to get the full XP buff (15%) you now have to kill monsters that are 10 levels above you vs before when it was only 3 levels above (25%).
To expect anything other than complete brain dead updates from Blizzard is more of a YOU issue than anything else.

Literally the first line of the patch notes sums it all. Shifting the blame for the patch notes content to the "player feedback". Ain't no player requesting for a 50% damage nerf across the board.

The changes to the level caps mean monsters that are 5 levels below you are already giving you 50% less experience for open world content and in order to get the full XP buff (15%) you now have to kill monsters that are 10 levels above you vs before when it was only 3 levels above (25%).

So what happened is, yea no one asked for damage nerfs but everyone complained the end game content is completed too quickly then there is nothing to do. So blizzard went 200 IQ and figured out they can make end game take longer by nerfing all skill damage

So players got what they wanted, they wanted more to do, they wanted end game to take longer and feel like more of a challenge so congrats
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Just logged in and went to test my sorceror in helltide

Holy **** the damage nerfs are huge. It's much more than 50% for my sorceror

My biggest damage deal was using teleport to stun enemies then using frost nova and ice shards. The damage boost I receive from stunning enemies went from 600% to 150%, so now after I use teleport my frost nova and ice shards do **** all damage - that's a 75% damage nerf for my sorceror

I haven't tested nightmare dungeons but I'm gonna go ahead and say there is no way I can run nightmare dungeons now
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I started a Helltide yesterday, took what seemed ages to farm 88 shards, ended up going back to finish jedi survivor lol
What a difference 6 weeks makes. Despite all the hype everyone is quitting

Got my rogue to level 70 finally. Bored to death at this point as its all the same repetitive stuff but very boring to do. Haven't had a decent drop since level 53. Almost feels like a job. On occasions I have fired the game up and a minute later exited as I couldn't be bothered.
So what happened is, yea no one asked for damage nerfs but everyone complained the end game content is completed too quickly then there is nothing to do. So blizzard went 200 IQ and figured out they can make end game take longer by nerfing all skill damage

So players got what they wanted, they wanted more to do, they wanted end game to take longer and feel like more of a challenge so congrats

That would seem to be the logic they have used to justify the nerfs. Blizzard and the D4 team need their own resident Rory or Neon, people who actually play the game and have a deep understanding of exactly how everything works.

For those unaware, Rory and Neon are 2 of the developers on Path of Exile, Rory focusses on ascendancy/class balance/tuning and Neon aka Mark 2 basically knows everything about the game, all the way down to the foundational formulae used in the game. Both play the game, with Neon playing the game on its hardest difficulty (SSF HC) pretty much every single league.
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The one good thing is those who purchased the ultimate edition don't have to activate the season pass for season 1, you can just hold it for a future season when blizzard fixes all these fuckups
Just seems a patch lacking in any substance which is not great for a live service game. A Season 1 patch should have big bang changes to inspire new builds and people to roll new classes but this is the opposite.

I was taking pre-season pretty casually but was looking forward to pushing season 1 even with limited playtime. Still keen to roll a necro or druid
As for the individual class mechanic nerfs, Asmongold is right - the developers who made these changes don't actually play the game. They looked at a spreadsheet and saw that Sorceror was by far the most popular class and because it's popular that proved to them that it must be super over powered and had to be nerfed into the ground
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To expect anything other than complete brain dead updates from Blizzard is more of a YOU issue than anything else.

Literally the first line of the patch notes sums it all. Shifting the blame for the patch notes content to the "player feedback". Ain't no player requesting for a 50% damage nerf across the board.

The changes to the level caps mean monsters that are 5 levels below you are already giving you 50% less experience for open world content and in order to get the full XP buff (15%) you now have to kill monsters that are 10 levels above you vs before when it was only 3 levels above (25%).

I've said it before all they're building the game round engagement metrics, like they did with WOW. I wonder if this is classic modern game dev, where they nerf way too far, and then roll it back a little bit to where they really want the game to be, and then the player-base thinks "Thank you Daddy Game developer, they're listening".
I've said it before all they're building the game round engagement metrics, like they did with WOW. I wonder if this is classic modern game dev, where they nerf way too far, and then roll it back a little bit to where they really want the game to be, and then the player-base thinks "Thank you Daddy Game developer, they're listening".

Don't I cringe so hard when people write that.
Saw this on the reddit:

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