** Diablo 4 Thread **

Sorcs are crippled by these changes. Massive reduction in damage ( less crit damage & vulnerable damage ) ; defensive skills look better at first glance, until you realise CDR has been nerfed. Basically, Blizz have made changes to stop players abusing blizzard/glacial spikes to kill Uber-Lilith, but in doing so have killed damage for all builds.

Don't worry. You will still have your intelligence based resistances and the skulls slotted in your armour to help in season 1 :D Nobody with any sense will play a Sorc now in season 1. They have literally killed the class that needed the most help with nerfs all round.
Following the latest patch notes I thought I'd jump into the D4 subreddit for a laugh and found this ...

So what's the best class to level up now? Looks like maybe Druid?

Based on what people are saying on Reddit the game feels a lot slower now, especially when facing higher level enemies. For example Helltides take much longer to do now and killing enemies rewards less XP and the mystery chests cost more to unlock

Group leveling (boosting) has also been nerfed.
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So what's the best class to level up now? Looks like maybe Druid?

Based on what people are saying on Reddit the game feels a lot slower now, especially when facing higher level enemies. For example Helltides take much longer to do now and killing enemies rewards less XP and the mystery chests cost more to unlock
Rogue or Druid, I reckon.
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Oh forgot to add, the drop rate of embers in helltides were also nerfed. People saying they've done 5 events in helltide just to get 100 embers where as each event was dropping about 40 or 50 before
  • Fixed an issue where Aspect of Control was applying its damage bonus 3 times for Staggered bosses.
  • Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage reduced from 10/20/30% to 7/14/21%.
  • Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage to Immobilized reduced from 25/50/75% to 10/20/30%.
  • Aspect of Disobedience maximum stacks reduced from 100 to 60, reducing maximum Bonus Armor % from 25%-50% to 15%-30%.
  • Aspect of Retribution bonus damage to Stunned reduced from 20-40% to 10-20%.
  • Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
  • Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
  • Lightning Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
  • Vulnerable Damage: Reduced by ~40%.
  • Cooldown Reduction (Inherent on Offhands): Reduced by ~35%.
  • Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies: Decreased by ~30%.
  • Damage Reduction from Close Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
  • Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Burning: Reduced by ~25%.
  • Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
  • Critical Strike Damage Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
  • Total Armor: Reduced by ~30%.
Found this list just to show how screwed the Sorc class is. I was thinking of rolling a new character this Thursday, but honestly I might just give the game a miss for a month or two.
Glad baldurs gate 3 is out the 3rd of August, only have to endure D4 season 1 for 2 weeks.
I likely wont get to touch the seasons anyway, got Remnant 2 on the 25th July, Baldurs Gate 3 for the whole of August, Starfield for the whole of September, Cities 2 for October. Got no time to be dedicating myself to any 1 game for months, no matter what the game is, too many games to play :)
  • Fixed an issue where Aspect of Control was applying its damage bonus 3 times for Staggered bosses.
  • Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage reduced from 10/20/30% to 7/14/21%.
  • Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage to Immobilized reduced from 25/50/75% to 10/20/30%.
  • Aspect of Disobedience maximum stacks reduced from 100 to 60, reducing maximum Bonus Armor % from 25%-50% to 15%-30%.
  • Aspect of Retribution bonus damage to Stunned reduced from 20-40% to 10-20%.
  • Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
  • Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
  • Lightning Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
  • Vulnerable Damage: Reduced by ~40%.
  • Cooldown Reduction (Inherent on Offhands): Reduced by ~35%.
  • Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies: Decreased by ~30%.
  • Damage Reduction from Close Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
  • Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Burning: Reduced by ~25%.
  • Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
  • Critical Strike Damage Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
  • Total Armor: Reduced by ~30%.
Found this list just to show how screwed the Sorc class is. I was thinking of rolling a new character this Thursday, but honestly I might just give the game a miss for a month or two.
I like how they make it out there was an "issue" with Aspect of Control, when in their own Twitter feed during beta, the devs even confirmed that the damage bonus would stack for each CC type.
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I likely wont get to touch the seasons anyway, got Remnant 2 on the 25th July, Baldurs Gate 3 for the whole of August, Starfield for the whole of September, Cities 2 for October. Got no time to be dedicating myself to any 1 game for months, no matter what the game is, too many games to play :)
Following these patch notes I might be doing the same. My enthusiasm for playing S1 has tanked.
Open world was definitely much quicker to kill things. Went in to a nightmare though and got spanked whereas beforehand I was really comfortable doing them.
I finished the campaign... that's a win in my book. I expect I'll roll a seasonal character but doubt I'll pay for the pass. As above its BG3 for me next followed by Starfield. I am under no illusion that I will ever get close to finishing either :D
Open world was definitely much quicker to kill things. Went in to a nightmare though and got spanked whereas beforehand I was really comfortable doing them.

Yep that's the idea with the patch changes, open world should be easier but all end game content will at minimum take longer to do and at worst take longer plus be much harder

Basically they've made the levelling experience faster until you reach world tier 3 then it slows way way down.

In Blizzard's mind they are giving everyone what they want: apparently only 30% of players have finished the campaign, so they are making it easier to do the campaign. Players who have finished the campaign complain there isn't t enough end game content, so they are slowing down how fast you can do end game content and making it more difficult

Win win right??
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The issue for Blizz is that they've never been able to even half-competently balance any of their games and they've started off on the wrong foot (as was obvious from their initial dev talks years ago), so what chance do they have to actually rectify anything? There's no one there capable of such a feat, even if they somehow had the authority to do it past all the mega-dev bureaucracy that will undoubtedly slow down any independent initiative on the part of a dev. No, much like D3 was cursed to remain what it launched as, it's much the same for D4, cursed to be a poorly thought out World of Diablocraft.
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