** Diablo 4 Thread **

Tip for the season journey "get 10 whisper caches". You just need to do one, pick it up, drop it, pick it up, drop it... you get the idea.

I did that the second I heard about it on the grapevine. Struggling a bit though with S1, can't find the motivation to actually want to login.

On another note, it's nice to be aknowledged and that the views I expressed about D4 a few days after release (having played for the weekend prior with early access) are now coming to fruition.

My views on D4s campaign, endgame, the xp curve, loot haven't changed at all, and it would seem that after todays "nerds in an office" chat they will be adjusting some of those things.
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I did that the second I heard about it on the grapevine. Struggling a bit though with S1, can't find the motivation to actually want to login.
I'm quite enjoying it to be honest. My monkey brain likes ticking boxes off on the season journey so it'll do for now. I'll hit a wall within the next couple of weeks though as I did on my main.

Too many good games coming and not enough content in D4 to keep me away from them.
List of changes announced at campfire

  • Sorcerer and Barbarian will be buffed in "the next few weeks."
  • There will be "substantial" increases to mob density in Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons.
  • In the next patch, there will be an addition stash tab, and the elixir stack size will be increased to 99. A dedicated Gems tab will come in Season 2.
  • Skill respec cost will be reduced by 40% to encourage switching builds.
  • There will be adjustments to make leveling 50-100 faster. There are also plans to add more variety to endgame content.
  • There will be more opportunities to obtain uber uniques in the future. The drop rate will be made a more common over time.
  • There will be a way to find particular unique items and/or particular legendary aspects in season 2.
  • Damage reduction system (armor, resistances) will be reworked in season 2.
  • There will be more options to modify gear in the future.
  • Legendary drop chance will be buffed for loot goblins. There may be different loot goblin types in the future.

The monster density changes is coming today, there will be a hotfix to increase monster density
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Rax was far more positive overall I feel. I should have gone straight to his vid. Agree the lack of stash tab changes soon is simply poor.

I reinstalled D3 to give it a quick blast for comparison and starting a new char and it's something alright. Jumped on a new monk with little gear it's so slow.
Why nerf all classes and then do some emergency stream and promise to buff some classes in the coming weeks. Do they even know what they are doing at this point.
Anyone else having issues? My game is crashing all the time with Out of memory errors.. only since the latest patch :(
It was said in the stream a bit where they did this patch to balance things but didn't take player enjoyment into consideration at all. And they wouldn't do that again, blah blah blah. Diablo3 numbers are nuts though when they're up in the trillions so not going that route I'm ok with. I'm still feeling season2 is going to be when it starts to really shine.
Anyone else having issues? My game is crashing all the time with Out of memory errors.. only since the latest patch :(
No issues here, spent a few hours this afternoon playing.

Only issue I sometimes get is stuttering when a enter a new area or teleport to a new city but this could be due to cross play being enabled.
Hey guys. Been playing occasionally with my brother since release, we were big on Diablo 2 back in the day. We've not bothered with clans or anything but was having a browse around and saw OCUK which I guess is this place? We've both requested to join but then saw the message about confirming your Battletags on the forum.

Battletags are:

Apologies if it's full or whatever. Just looking to get deeper into the game. :)
Hey guys. Been playing occasionally with my brother since release, we were big on Diablo 2 back in the day. We've not bothered with clans or anything but was having a browse around and saw OCUK which I guess is this place? We've both requested to join but then saw the message about confirming your Battletags on the forum.

Battletags are:

Apologies if it's full or whatever. Just looking to get deeper into the game. :)
invited powlzEE but I can't seem to find the other invite for RevisedPlum
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