** Diablo 4 Thread **

The nightmare dungeon nerf is live

Starting from tier 35 up to 100 all enemy damage and health has been reduced by up to 80%

Tier 35

  • HP reduced by ~2%
  • Damaged reduced by ~1%
Tier 50

  • HP reduced by ~20%
  • Damage reduced by ~13%
Tier 70

  • HP reduced by ~60%
  • Damage reduced by 54%
Tier 100

  • HP reduced by ~82%
  • Damage reduced by ~79%
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The nightmare dungeon nerf is live

Starting from tier 35 up to 100 all enemy damage and health has been reduced by up to 80%

Tier 35

  • HP reduced by ~2%
  • Damaged reduced by ~1%
Tier 50

  • HP reduced by ~20%
  • Damage reduced by ~13%
Tier 70

  • HP reduced by ~60%
  • Damage reduced by 54%
Tier 100

  • HP reduced by ~82%
  • Damage reduced by ~79%

I tested the dungeons, the nerds are at the higher end and don't help if your class was struggling at tier 35 already. I jumped into a tier 40 dungeons and died on the 3rd pack of enemies on my sorceror, the biggest problem was running out of mana and the huge 20 second cool-downs on my skills so after a few seconds I'm running around unable to attack or defend myself

With the way sorceror is designed, if you can't kill an enemy in under 5 seconds you're gonna get screwed and unfortunately sorceror damage is far too low to kill dungeon enemies that fast and same for bosses

I know sorceror a will be buffed in 2 weeks but that's not going to end well. The class needs a complete rework, tweaking stats is t going to get the job done so I'm not hopeful- I believe after the next patch sorceror a will either still suck because the buffs were minor, or they will overshoot the buffs and make sorceror OP, 2 weeks isn't enough to rebalance the class properly
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These animations are amazing lol

check the d2 and 3 ones out theres loads :)

edit : im in love with the rogue character now it is melting things that my original sorceress char would struggle with, wt2 seems trivial now and got a few useful upgrades from a world boss earlier, rogue is so fun and i havent even looked up any builds yet lol :)

carbot animations on you tube he does them for loads of games including starcraft and i think halo, possibly the souls series to etc :)
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Got to 50 on rogue after an epic exp party with Vive and progressed to world tier 3. Tried Helltide and died a couple of times as Rogues are pretty squishy and I was playing like I was still a barbarian but got some good loot.
That's crazy design. Does anyone even bother looking at other players, or at least anything beyond their current equipment ? Talk about creating a rod for your own back ; makes you wonder what other crazy design issues they have under the hood.

It's so poor, I think it also stems from their idea that D4 has to be some sort of MMO, when it clearly isn't at all, or suited to it. All you need is to group up with friends, you don't to need have rando's everywhere adding nothing to your experience other than lag.

Thye've tried to deflect about stash tabs from the outset but they just run out of places to hide, that nonsense about gems and adding 1 more ST in S2, said it all. There's 40 ST on launch from that 1 man makeover of D1 in Actman's video...
It's so poor, I think it also stems from their idea that D4 has to be some sort of MMO, when it clearly isn't at all, or suited to it. All you need is to group up with friends, you don't to need have rando's everywhere adding nothing to your experience other than lag.

Thye've tried to deflect about stash tabs from the outset but they just run out of places to hide, that nonsense about gems and adding 1 more ST in S2, said it all. There's 40 ST on launch from that 1 man makeover of D1 in Actman's video...

I suspect that gems and keys will end up in the same place materials go. That way they can change it so only the inventory and material tab are loaded, instead of the whole stash.
If I'm still in one of the guilds and haven't already been removed for inactivity please feel free to do so, I've not been back on for weeks now and given the way things are shaping up with the game, don't intend to return anytime soon. Might as well open it up to somebody else to take the spot.
Anyone slogged through and got to the new content yet? Is it worth the hassle?
You get access to the new content so long as you've completed the campaign with one character. I played a few hours this afternoon and have already finished the main story and core 4 chapters. Imo, it's not worth the hassle. The unlocks/items are cosmetics mostly, which I couldn't care less about. I suspect it will appeal to the minority who use the in-game shop for MTX.
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