** Diablo 4 Thread **

You just need to have completed the story campaign buddy. No need for WT4 capstone to play season 1
ok thats wierd because I finsihed the story when I was around lv 46 but i still can't create a seasonal character ? Story campaing is deffo done as there are no more main line quest in the log only have 70 capstone left to do.

Just loaded D4 up now and it says season 1 is available after the campaign is complete, however I don't know what I haven't completed in the campaing and I can click on option, it just says in ornage writing season 1 available when you complete the campaing.

I have access to the tree of whispers so I have to assume that I have completed the main campaign ?

Really stuck here trying to work out why I can't get a seasonal character made
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ok thats wierd because I finsihed the story when I was around lv 46 but i still can't create a seasonal character ? Story campaing is deffo done as there are no more main line quest in the log only have 70 capstone left to do.

Just loaded D4 up now and it says season 1 is available after the campaign is complete, however I don't know what I haven't completed in the campaing and I can click on option, it just says in ornage writing season 1 available when you complete the campaing.

I have access to the tree of whispers so I have to assume that I have completed the main campaign ?

Really stuck here trying to work out why I can't get a seasonal character made

Have you been all the way through character creation? If I remember correctly it isn't until the very last step where you select which realm to create the character in. Unlike in D3 where it was just a checkbox.
Have you been all the way through character creation? If I remember correctly it isn't until the very last step where you select which realm to create the character in. Unlike in D3 where it was just a checkbox.

yes, sorry I am an idiot, I just did that and was able to create one. I was still thinking of things in Diablo 3 terms where you check the box on the same screen. Bah, Diablo 3 muscle meory is my curse after ploughing over 2500 hours in to my Demon Hunter
Went to help a mate out but oh no you can't do that you're not season ones.


I get this is nothing new but as I like D4 I'm finding it's really backwards forcing people to start a new character to access new content. If people want to play only one then they should be able to without being excluded from future stuff.
Some unusual behaviour happening with D4 and its vram/memory management.

D4 medium texture settings without the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 8GB VRAM in use
D4 medium texture settings with the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 5GB VRAM in use
D4 ultra texture settings with the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 8GB VRAM in use

So something is a bit fishy here with the textures and it's memory management.
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Went to help a mate out but oh no you can't do that you're not season ones.


I get this is nothing new but as I like D4 I'm finding it's really backwards forcing people to start a new character to access new content. If people want to play only one then they should be able to without being excluded from future stuff.

That sucks then, meaning Season 1 players and OG players won't be able to play together on an existing character. Im not starting a new one just for the sake of playing with season 1 players.. thats madness.
Went to help a mate out but oh no you can't do that you're not season ones.


I get this is nothing new but as I like D4 I'm finding it's really backwards forcing people to start a new character to access new content. If people want to play only one then they should be able to without being excluded from future stuff.
Its a difficult balance I guess, from a game development point of view, if you allow people to play seasonal content by using their existing characters you would immediately have people doing day1 of a season with a max level character who is all geared up and they would blast through the seasonal content in a matter of a few days and would then complain that its months before the next season starts. I'm personally not a fan of seasons in ARPGs and would prefer fewer more spaced out full expansions instead, I prefer 1 full expansion a year than 4 seasons a year, however I know that the majority of people want a steady stream of new content rather than 1 a year, so I can see why seasons are increasingly becoming the norm in ARPGs.
Some unusual behaviour happening with D4 and its vram/memory management.

D4 medium texture settings without the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 8GB VRAM in use
D4 medium texture settings with the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 5GB VRAM in use
D4 ultra texture settings with the ultra high resolution textures download at 1080p upscaled to 1440p = 8GB VRAM in use

So something is a bit fishy here with the textures and it's memory management.
Max settings at 1440p uses all 16 GiB VRAM for me.
Its a difficult balance I guess, from a game development point of view, if you allow people to play seasonal content by using their existing characters you would immediately have people doing day1 of a season with a max level character who is all geared up and they would blast through the seasonal content in a matter of a few days and would then complain that its months before the next season starts. I'm personally not a fan of seasons in ARPGs and would prefer fewer more spaced out full expansions instead, I prefer 1 full expansion a year than 4 seasons a year, however I know that the majority of people want a steady stream of new content rather than 1 a year, so I can see why seasons are increasingly becoming the norm in ARPGs.
I agree, i'd prefer yearly content and to be able to keep the single character going. WoW does this so unsure why there is a need for new seasonal characters. Maybe i got that wrong but it seems odd i need to create a new season class to play seasonal content?
I agree, i'd prefer yearly content and to be able to keep the single character going. WoW does this so unsure why there is a need for new seasonal characters. Maybe i got that wrong but it seems odd i need to create a new season class to play seasonal content?
Thats correct yes , thats how it works with most ARPGs and seasonal content. Each season you need to make a new character specifically for that season
That sucks then, meaning Season 1 players and OG players won't be able to play together on an existing character. Im not starting a new one just for the sake of playing with season 1 players.. thats madness.

That's how I felt. I started off with another Barb but looked at the map, all the renown stuff still to do... Just wanted to play my main, which is now obsolete so what's the point?

Its a difficult balance I guess, from a game development point of view, if you allow people to play seasonal content by using their existing characters you would immediately have people doing day1 of a season with a max level character who is all geared up and they would blast through the seasonal content in a matter of a few days and would then complain that its months before the next season starts.

They could make the new stuff scale. This is just Blizzard and their crappy donkey carrot gaming model.
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I agree, i'd prefer yearly content and to be able to keep the single character going. WoW does this so unsure why there is a need for new seasonal characters. Maybe i got that wrong but it seems odd i need to create a new season class to play seasonal content?

D4 isn't an MMO, they claim it is but that's BS. WOW is an MMO a permanant world with patches and expansions. So what Blizzard have done is failed to make an MMO or a seasonal ARPG worth playing because there's no content.

Caught up in this are lots of casual players who recognise the name Diablo saw the huge marketing, and got drawn by all the hype, bought it, played it but didn't realise what a seasonal ARPG is. Now they're stuck with a choice of not playing a game they paid $70 for less than two months ago, or playing the campiagn all over again but this time even slower.

D4 is all campaign and no end game but no-one wants to play the campiagn again.

All Blizzard are intersted in, and they have been for years, they did this with WOW a decade ago, was value engagement metrics above all, which is why the endless grind and never-ending boring systems appeared in WOW, and why this game excels in wasting your time. As Smokey described above - "The donkey/carrot gaming method".

The game is poorly designed from the ground up, they couldn't even manage to code a decent inventory or stash tab solution, this is a AAA game by the way. It's not an MMO, it's not a single player/co-op campaign game, and it's not a seasonal ARPG either.

I knew that once you got past the flash and the hype there would be nothing there and it's even worse than I thought.
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Damn GGG with their new league mechanic every season and proper end game with near endless content and huge diversity of classes, ascendancies and skills...

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Damn GGG with their new league mechanic every season and proper end game with near endless content and huge diversity of classes, ascendancies and skills...

Dont get me wrong, they do seasons very well but has to be parity of fairness in statements made, cant just berate a disliked game company for doing something a certain way and not berate a liked game company for doing something in the same manner. If having to restart at lvl 1 is a bad way of doing it (and lets face it, it IS) then it has to be a bad way of doing it for all, not just for companies we dont like :)
That's how I felt. I started off with another Barb but looked at the map, all the renown stuff still to do... Just wanted to play my main, which is now obsolete so what's the point?
Yeah, I feel the same. Abandoning all that progress on my "main" at level 92 to restart over so soon has effectively killed any urge I have to play. I activated the battle-pass too like a ******* idiot, oh well.
Dont get me wrong, they do seasons very well but has to be parity of fairness in statements made, cant just berate a disliked game company for doing something a certain way and not berate a liked game company for doing something in the same manner. If having to restart at lvl 1 is a bad way of doing it (and lets face it, it IS) then it has to be a bad way of doing it for all, not just for companies we dont like :)

It's not about companies we do and don't like, it's about whether there's enough incentive to re-run the campaign again every 3-4 months, in POE there clearly is, in D4 there clearly isn't.
Think people are feeling this more this time because Season 0 was so short, Season 1 will be the full 3 months to progress.

How long is it taking people to get in to WT3 with Season 1? In POE fast is maybe 4 hours to maps with normal experience players like 6-8 hours
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