** Diablo 4 Thread **

What build are you running ? I'm finding there is still a big descrepancy between ranged & melee builds.

not actually looked up builds but im mostly using barrage with poison imbuement and caltrops, also have twisted blades and the big ultimate that shoots down arrows everywhere as my main skills :)
Reading the new content stuff is removed from your character at the end of the season, and you're put back in eternal...So you grind away making an OP character only to have the stuff that makes it OP stripped from you at the end of it all?

This season stuff is just bizarre :cry:
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Reading the new content stuff is removed from your character at the end of the season, and you're put back in eternal...So you grind away making an OP character only to have the stuff that makes it OP stripped from you at the end of it all?

This season stuff is just bizarre :cry:
Yeah, but don't you keep all the paragon points you gained (or whatever the D4 equivalent is) like you do in D3?
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Reading the new content stuff is removed from your character at the end of the season, and you're put back in eternal...So you grind away making an OP character only to have the stuff that makes it OP stripped from you at the end of it all?

This season stuff is just bizarre :cry:
Which is fine when it doesn't take a lifetime to get to max level and there is actual content which is fun to farm.
Patch 1.1.1 coming 8 August
Here is important changes

  • Dungeon teleport time will be reduced back to 3 seconds.
  • Respec cost will be reduced by 40%.
  • One additional Stash Tab will be available to purchase with gold.
  • Some Nightmare Dungeon Affixes will be removed from the pool including Resource Drain, Cold Enchanted, and Backstabber
  • Dungeon Bosses will be guaranteed to drop a Legendary item at level 35+.
  • Legion Events will be guaranteed to drop a Legendary item at level 35+.
  • The Butcher will be guaranteed to drop a Legendary item at level 35+.
  • At level 35, Treasure Goblins currently have a 50% chance to drop a Legendary item. This will be changed to a 100% Legendary drop chance at level 15+.
    • Nightmare Dungeons and Helltide monster density will be increased.

Sorceror: a whole bunch of buffs, fire spells and lighting spells buffed. Aspects buffed, paragon points buffed and glyphs buffed. Not gonna list it all there are dozens are of buffs for Sorcerors.

Barbarian: Base fury generation and base skill damage increased. There are all buffs to aspects, some skills and buffs to unique gear.

Druids and Rogues have also received some minor buffs.

Necromancer: minions now take less damage from certain enemies

Future changes coming:

  • Making other damage types comparable to Vulnerable and Critical Strike damage.
  • Increase the effectiveness of Ultimate abilities in the late game.
  • Resistances will be adjusted to be more effective.
  • Mount movement will be smoother, mount charging will be improved, mount collision will be fixed, and barricades will be changed.
  • The Overpower stat will be improved to be more meaningful in the endgame.
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The most important change for Sorcerors is a new aspect introduced called Mage Lord. This aspect changes the damage reduction passive from Vyr's Mastery from a base 20% damage reduction to a reduction of up to 90% if you have 3 or more enemies. So with this the new aspect Sorcerors will now be able to mitigate up to 90% of incoming damage, greatly improving survival

The way the aspect works is if you are fighting one enemy damage reduction is 30% up from 20% pre patch. If you are fighting two enemies damage reduction is 60% up from 20% and three enemies damage reduction is 90% up from 20%

This new damage reduction aspect, plus the nightmare dungeon nerfs by removing powerful enemy CC affixes and the damage increases to lighting and fire and the buffs to aspects and the buffs to paragon glyphs - I'm going to make a pre patch hot take here and say come 8 August Sorceror is going to be the best class in the game and will be overpowered for dungeon farming

I also think lighting builds will be better than frost again, because frost will still have mana issues while lighting melee sorceror will become almost invincible, deal more crit damage and have no zero mana worries. I'm not sure if fire might beat lighting or not, I've never played with a fire build but fire spells are getting serious buffs as well
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had good fun the night i got a run through a hell tide with vive then soloed stuff for a bit then went and helped geeba and kheil i spelt their names wrong get through wt2-3 cap dungeon and we done a night mare one, good fun all around :)

<-- drunk mr pickles :p
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not actually looked up builds but im mostly using barrage with poison imbuement and caltrops, also have twisted blades and the big ultimate that shoots down arrows everywhere as my main skills :)
How's that working out ? Sounds like a "jack of all trades" style build. From WT3 onwards you will probably have to narrow down to 2-3 of those skills otherwise damage output/survivability will drop off.
The way itemisation and skills work is totally ****** that's why they can't balance the game

If there was only one world tier it would be fine but having multiple has made it almost impossible

they've tried to focus on balancing for world tier 1 for the campaign and that means that all classes in world tier 3 and 4 are either under powered or overpowered and by trying to fix them you unbalance other parts of the game
I think it's really poor! I can't even kill fly swarms with it. Wouldn't care between 1 and 20 sorc was great fun.
Ouch, that is bad ! I find from lvl 25+ is where the non-meta builds begin to struggle, however you can still manage up through lvl 50 staying on WT1. But running a meta build in comparison is like night & day difference. Hopefully when patch 1.1.1 releases ( August 8th ? ) your lightning sorc should get a boost. Until then, running with a frost nova/ice build is the most efficient way.
For sorceror use arc lash, costs no mana and after you pop unstable currents arc lash hits like a truck. When you can't unstable currents cause it's on cool-down then the build sucks so if bosses don't die fast enough in WT4 it sucks. But level 1-50 in WT1 arc lash is one of the fastest leveling builds for the campaign even now
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For sorceror use arc lash, costs no mana and after you pop unstable currents arc lash hits like a truck. When you can't unstable currents cause it's on cool-down then the build sucks so if bosses don't die fast enough in WT4 it sucks. But level 1-50 in WT1 arc lash is one of the fastest leveling builds for the campaign even now

That's what I run. Arc lash primary with chain secondary.
The way itemisation and skills work is totally ****** that's why they can't balance the game

If there was only one world tier it would be fine but having multiple has made it almost impossible

they've tried to focus on balancing for world tier 1 for the campaign and that means that all classes in world tier 3 and 4 are either under powered or overpowered and by trying to fix them you unbalance other parts of the game
Yup, even the worst builds can push through the campaign and reach lvl 50. Might not be fun compared to some others, but it's doable. I could probably write an essay on what's wrong with D4, but in short, itemisation is junk and has zero depth ( D2 is vastly superior in this regard with interesting uniques, set items and multiple tiers of item bases ). Too many worthless affixes which make it difficult for a player to obtain a good item. And not all classes are equal in that regard, with some having fewer "competing" affixes for certain item slots than others. I actually don't mind having uber-uniques in the game ; the issue isn't their rarity ... there's just nothing worth having between them and basic yellow rares. Blizzard also need to sort out their "damage buckets". As they seem incapable of comprehending maths they should probably get rid of multiplicative stats altogether ie. vulnerable damage and critical chance/damage and make everything additive. And for the love of god, restore cooldown reduction back to normal levels ( or boost it ) so players can have fun using their abilities. Sorcs, barbarians and necromancers need a serious overhaul of their skill trees to make more builds viable. I could go on ...
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