** Diablo 4 Thread **

12 Jul 2008
Turns out, you have to clear the first set of Tree quests and get the reward before you synch up with the rest of the world!

I wasn't in a co-op game when I finished the campaign and started on the Tree, so didn't notice the issue.

Pretty poor from Blizzard to not make it clear what was going on/wrong :(
21 Jun 2023
im thinking of getting this game however i have a question. Im confused between seasonal and eternal realms.

i have a finite amount of gaming time due to parenting/full time job so i dont want to have to create a seasonal character every season.
  • I just want to level my characters on an eternal realm to max level and never level them again except when the level cap raises.
  • I want to experience the story of the game and any future story added to the game.
  • Im happy to spam end game for gear etc.
  • I am not bothered about having the absolute meta gear in the game, my priority is having access to the full story of the game both current and future.
Can i do all the above on an eternal realm?
9 Mar 2004
im thinking of getting this game however i have a question. Im confused between seasonal and eternal realms.

i have a finite amount of gaming time due to parenting/full time job so i dont want to have to create a seasonal character every season.
  • I just want to level my characters on an eternal realm to max level and never level them again except when the level cap raises.
  • I want to experience the story of the game and any future story added to the game.
  • Im happy to spam end game for gear etc.
  • I am not bothered about having the absolute meta gear in the game, my priority is having access to the full story of the game both current and future.
Can i do all the above on an eternal realm?

Yes, although you could just as easily start the character in the current seasonal realm and at the end of the season it would move into the eternal realm anyway.
5 Nov 2014
Just got back into D4 as a mate picked it up in the Steam sale.
I rolled a seasonal necro to pair with his seasonal (campaign) mage.
He finished the campaign yesterday and I told him to go talk to the Tree of Whispers, so we can do those together.

Problem is, our tree quests don't match.
He had 1 active zone when we checked this afternoon and I had 3 or 4 different zones active.
We grouped up and doing my tree activities didn't result in him getting anything and vice versa.

I'm 99.9% sure that I've done Tree stuff with other people when I last played it.

Am I imagining that?
Or have they changed things?
Or is it a bug?

Only other difference I can think of this time is that he is in the US, I'm UK.
WIth D3, IIRC, I had to set my region to US to play D3 with him, which you don't seem to have to do in D4.

Any ideas, as it's really pulling the co-op out of the game :(
Could it be that he has not unlocked all the areas yet?

As you have to discover each area first before its visible on the map.

Also, who was the group leader as the world map\progress is based on the party leader.
12 Jul 2008
The tree quest issue is sorted... see my https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/diablo-4-thread.18869060/page-232#post-36825747

but have a new question... is Trading disabled at the moment?

I got a dedent Mage item drop for me last night, so wanted to pass it over, and couldn't get a trade open.

Googled it and saw reports in Oct and Nov of trading being disabled due to a dupe exploit but it can't still be disabled from that, surely?!?!
13 Sep 2008
Apologies in advance for forthcoming stupid question but hey ho…..
With season 3 apparently merely a few weeks away I’m wondering what happens to my Sorcerer once season 2 ends? I understand that he’ll get moved to the “eternal realm” but not sure what that really means.
Is it just a case that on the eternal realm my char is just like the season 2 minus the 5 vampiric pact buffs my character has meaning that once on the eternal realm he’ll be significantly nerfed against non seasonal content? Eg right now i can clear lvl95 torment dungeons with relative ease but once on the eternal realm I’ll probably have no chance (due to not having the vampiric buffs any more)?
Sorry if this has already been covered but I’m pretty much a newbie for D4 and the google replies tend to focus on what happens to stash/bank items
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3 Jun 2012
Apologies in advance for forthcoming stupid question but hey ho…..
With season 3 apparently merely a few weeks away I’m wondering what happens to my Sorcerer once season 2 ends? I understand that he’ll get moved to the “eternal realm” but not sure what that really means.
Is it just a case that the eternal realm is just like the season 2 minus the 5 vampiric pact buffs my character has meaning that once on the eternal realm he’ll be significantly nerfed against non seasonal content? Eg right now i can clear lvl95 torment dungeons with relative ease but once on the eternal realm I’ll probably have no chance (due to not having the vampiric buffs any more)?
Sorry if this has already been covered but I’m pretty much a newbie for D4
Exactly... I think
13 Sep 2008
Exactly... I think
So basically you make characters on seasonal realm to be a bit OP for a few weeks V’s being an (eternal) weakling on the eternal realm..I see!!!
Guess it’s a good idea to clear as much content as poss before season ends then to at least max out paragon points and alters of Lilith. Ooof!
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1 Mar 2004
Kent, UK.
Seasons can be fun if you enjoy constantly pushing for higher numbers, better loot = better DPS which means you can beat higher dungeons etc. And each season brings new mechanics which freshen up the core game, over the years I've enjoyed each new season with friends but for some reason D4 just can't get it right at the moment. But then neither did D3 in the beginning it was only with the release of a major expansion that it really changed and became more fun to play. IMHO.
5 Nov 2014
I have not played this game in awhile now.

Finding gear for my builds just never seems to happen (done 3 characters now and same issue on them all).

Enjoyed the game and have put in quite a few hours but with never finding gear for builds i just cba starting another character to be sat in the same situation again.

I see others easily destroying mobs while I take ages lol
18 May 2010
I have not played this game in awhile now.

Finding gear for my builds just never seems to happen (done 3 characters now and same issue on them all).

Enjoyed the game and have put in quite a few hours but with never finding gear for builds i just cba starting another character to be sat in the same situation again.

I see others easily destroying mobs while I take ages lol

What I did for my Necro was I found a website with build guides and just followed that.
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18 Oct 2002
That's why I stopped playing, even the upgrades were basically sideways moves. Just had to spend shedloads upgrading worse items due to the stats. Actually uninstalled it today as can't see myself going back. Itemisation is horrible compared to D3
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11 Oct 2003
That's why I stopped playing, even the upgrades were basically sideways moves. Just had to spend shedloads upgrading worse items due to the stats. Actually uninstalled it today as can't see myself going back. Itemisation is horrible compared to D3

Really that bad? I havent got the game yet but doesnt sound good :(
5 Nov 2014
That's why I stopped playing, even the upgrades were basically sideways moves. Just had to spend shedloads upgrading worse items due to the stats. Actually uninstalled it today as can't see myself going back. Itemisation is horrible compared to D3
I want to enjoy the game and I do when I play it but 1 thing I do miss which D3 had was groups.

I don't have others that play on my friends (I have 1 but he players much later in the evening when I am not on) list and jumping on with randoms to do Greater rifts was great in D3 and enjoyed it loads.

Could follow Ivy Vines to get a build together and had great fun but D4 does not have any of this and I play it solo 99% of the time
1 Mar 2004
Kent, UK.
@ED209 You could try the D4 Reddit Discord group, they have various channels including ones for LFG, I've met some amazing players on there who are more than happy to run content with people and help with builds etc.
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