** Diablo 4 Thread **



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Its out on Steam now for the same price, although its £35.99 on both Steam and Battlnet. I was half tempted but nothing compelling me to play it immediately so will wait a bit i think.

I had a quick go 2 nights ago. Might play some more tonight. So far it is alright. Need to play more to see if it is worth dropping the money in it. Could just wait and play on gane pass when it arrives there.
3 Aug 2010
The colour palette can make the game feel bland ... very little colour, lot of shades of grey and brown. Other than that graphics feel quite sharp to me. Are you playing on PC ? The console version does a look a bit blurry in comparison.
Yeah PC. Anyway found the whole thing very bland, picked Grim Dawn and having a much better time.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Got to level 8. Got bored and uninstalled. Back to Dead Space :)

Will give it another go if it hits game pass and I have nothing else to play. Too many more interesting games to play this now.
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19 Apr 2013
Level 20 cap. Will that be even possible?
I'm above that already. Not sure if it's because I was in the beta...
Have logged in and it says I'm at the Max level of the trail at 25 and isn't letting me even start with the max level character. So if I hadn't logged off I'd have been ok for a while maybe :D

The 2nd character slow, I had a lev7, that's still good to play. And I still have the skip campaign option. So I've skipped the campaign on the lev7 and it's given me the main waypoints around the entire map. So I can go and look at things at least.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I'm above that already. Not sure if it's because I was in the beta...
Have logged in and it says I'm at the Max level of the trail at 25 and isn't letting me even start with the max level character. So if I hadn't logged off I'd have been ok for a while maybe :D

The 2nd character slow, I had a lev7, that's still good to play. And I still have the skip campaign option. So I've skipped the campaign on the lev7 and it's given me the main waypoints around the entire map. So I can go and look at things at least.

My lack of enjoyment may have also been because I was playing it while tired before going bed.

Inwas mainly interested in the story and that just did not grab me. People make it sound like it is very good. Maybe it is all relative and they are comparing it to other similar games.
19 Apr 2013
My lack of enjoyment may have also been because I was playing it while tired before going bed.

Inwas mainly interested in the story and that just did not grab me. People make it sound like it is very good. Maybe it is all relative and they are comparing it to other similar games.
I enjoy it has a semi-brain off game and it was the campaign I was interested in since the endgame seemed, poor. Was hoping the free week would let me play that and continue to wait for the price to drop more and I finish other games / projects.
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18 Feb 2007
Hit 100 on my Druid last night, still can’t beat Uber Lilith I just get one shotted by her AOE spike attacks.
What build ? Stormclaw probably has the best chance of succeeding, but you can do it with a pulverize build too. Just takes more time to level up glyphs etc.
26 May 2006
Playing it free for a week. Got to level 5 so far.

Doesn't seem like anything too special so far. But good enough. Perhaps it gets better later.

Right now o am thinking let's see if it grabs me enough to want to buy it on steam. If not will get a 1 month game pass for £1 and play it when it eventually hits that.
Level 5 lol. You practically hit level 10 stepping out of town :D
13 Sep 2008
I finished the campaign yesterday (getting my sorc to around lvl 52) and think for £35 it's a brilliant game. Storyline was a little cliche in parts but overall really enjoyable.
Have to admit I feel a little overwhelmed by pacts and paragons and trees with dangly heads. Sort of feel like there's too much to do which is funny as most of the complaints seemed to be not enough to do after completing the campaign.
Anyway... Brilliant for £35. £60... Questionable.
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28 May 2010
I finished the campaign yesterday (getting my sorc to around lvl 52) and think for £35 it's a brilliant game. Storyline was a little cliche in parts but overall really enjoyable.
Have to admit I feel a little overwhelmed by pacts and paragons and trees with dangly heads. Sort of feel like there's too much to do which is funny as most of the complaints seemed to be not enough to do after completing the campaign.
Anyway... Brilliant for £35. £60... Questionable.

I think when you get to around level 60 it becomes repetitive and levelling up really slows down - its just grinding for gear most of which is crap. For example I played for 3 hours last night and did hell tide for an hour, 2 level 15 nightmare dungeons, did 10 whispers, and the seasonal event - I deconstructed everything I got as it was all rubbish which meant efffectively 3 hours wasted other than in that time I went up half a level.

This is most peoples' complaint.

Also as for skills you have your build finished around level 35-40 and after that there's no reason to swap out any skills whatsoever, so your playstyle stagnates and it can become a little boring as there's nothing to experiment with.

It's a great game just too much grind, bad loot tables and poor skill progression.
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12 Jul 2008
Just got back into D4 as a mate picked it up in the Steam sale.
I rolled a seasonal necro to pair with his seasonal (campaign) mage.
He finished the campaign yesterday and I told him to go talk to the Tree of Whispers, so we can do those together.

Problem is, our tree quests don't match.
He had 1 active zone when we checked this afternoon and I had 3 or 4 different zones active.
We grouped up and doing my tree activities didn't result in him getting anything and vice versa.

I'm 99.9% sure that I've done Tree stuff with other people when I last played it.

Am I imagining that?
Or have they changed things?
Or is it a bug?

Only other difference I can think of this time is that he is in the US, I'm UK.
WIth D3, IIRC, I had to set my region to US to play D3 with him, which you don't seem to have to do in D4.

Any ideas, as it's really pulling the co-op out of the game :(
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11 Feb 2011
Just got back into D4 as a mate picked it up in the Steam sale.
I rolled a seasonal necro to pair with his seasonal (campaign) mage.
He finished the campaign yesterday and I told him to go talk to the Tree of Whispers, so we can do those together.

Problem is, our tree quests don't match.
He had 1 active zone when we checked this afternoon and I had 3 or 4 different zones active.
We grouped up and doing my tree activities didn't result in him getting anything and vice versa.

I'm 99.9% sure that I've done Tree stuff with other people when I last played it.

Am I imagining that?
Or have they changed things?
Or is it a bug?

Only other difference I can think of this time is that he is in the US, I'm UK.
WIth D3, IIRC, I had to set my region to US to play D3 with him, which you don't seem to have to do in D4.

Any ideas, as it's really pulling the co-op out of the game :(

Don't really know but you could try changing the region in your battlenet client.
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