** Diablo 4 Thread **

Anyone else using a controller? I can't be doing the point & click I just don't find it fun so the controller works perfect for me
Still having fun - my sorceror is lvl 20 at last. Skill balance is a bit off, but then that's partly what this beta will be analyzing. I've found fire hydra to be very potent ; in contrast meteor is like taking a handbag to a fight.

Question on item power rating : I watched some videos suggesting that an item's bonus attributes will be taken into account for determining the overall power rating ( and DPS for weapons ) but I'm not convinced that is the case in this beta. For example, a one handed wand with a focus in the off hand can have better combined stats and dps than what the tooltip suggests. Anyone else finding that power rating is off for weapons ?

Lastly, I will get my money's worth from this game - I have no doubt, but don't think I could be bothered doing all the open world exploring every season. That grind would get very wearing, in my opinion.
We tried the world boss, barely got him under half before the event ended :p
We got it down by 3/4 before it ended.

There were about 10-15 people at the start of the event and slowly they seemed to disappear as it went on. Only had about 6 left when it ended. I think we could have done it if we had more people.
Played it a good chunk today, up to lev22 with Barb. Enjoyed it but still wish I could have a few more keybinds :D

I agree with the 'feels simple' vibe from it. While I've tried most of the skills I could, Lunging Striek and Whirlwind, then eventually DeathBlow were staples. Leap for getting around and skipping sections of the map and I had a shout on for damage/resource gain.

It really reminds me of Lost Ark, which I didn't play much but the dodge focused fights and the apparnt amount of things to grind.
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good game so far ? better than diablo 3 ?
No and No but it has lots of potential to turn into a Yes and Yes. Everyone I played with is saying the same the start is very weak and its not pulling us in like D1, D2 or D3. We all found the zoom level too far zoomed in and there is something a tiny little bit off with the gameplay and animations. They are ok but just don't feel 100% right. Transitions to new areas is vastly improved and the characters look great, miles ahead of D3. It seems to be getting better as we play on, I just think the starting area is very weak.
I made it to 20 as a Rogue (for the rewards) then played a few levels as a Barb…. Enjoying it but the game seems to have some serious memory leak problems. Play for a hour then it’s fps freeze city (at least for me)
good game so far ? better than diablo 3 ?
I've played 20 hours so far since launch yesterday, my answers to the two questions would be yes its a good game (got a few issues and things I would like to see changed but even with those its still a good game) and yes its better than D3. Just the graphics, ambience, story alone qualifies it as better than D3 nevermind the other things as well.

My recommendation though, try out the open beta next weekend. Its free, no preorder needed. Servers might be more of an issue next weekend because its open to everyone but if you can manage to do so then I suggest downloading it, give it a try free of cost , next weekend and see what you think. Amongst my friends its overwhelmingly a big thumbs up for the game but everyone has different tastes, different wants for an arpg and are a mix of the open minded neutrals, people with bias toward Diablo/Blizzard and people with a bias against Diablo/Blizzard. As you know of course, no game pleases everyone, hell I even know someone who thinks that Subnautica is trash, which just goes to show that you cant please everyone. Give it a spin next weekend, server issues allowing, worst case scenario you dont like it and can uninstall without spending a penny, best case scenario you like it and you've got an extra game to play this year :D
Just did the dragon world boss. 1 shot galore so have to dodge every single attack. Lots of legendaries though but dont have mats for extracting/imprinting them all

Have not seen any fps/performance issues yet.
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